B-25 Mitchell

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B-25 Mitchell
A B-25 in the air near KATL.
A B-25 in the air near KATL.
Inside the cockpit
Inside the cockpit
Type Bomber aircraft, Military aircraft, Historical aircraft
Propulsion Piston aircraft, Twin-engine aircraft
Manufacturer North American Aviation
  • Baranger Emmanuel (3D, FDM)
  • JC SV (Cockpit, FDM)
  • Gary Neely (FDM)
--aircraft= b25
Status Production
 FDM Stars-4.png
 Systems Stars-4.png
 Cockpit Stars-4.png
 Model Stars-4.png
 Hangar Helijah hangar
 Website The website for the B-25 Mitchell developments.
 Repository The development repository of the B-25 Mitchell.
Download Download the B-25 Mitchell aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

The North American B-25 Mitchel; was a twin engine warbird aircraft from the 1940s. Some have been kept flying even into the 2000s, and can sometimes be seen at airshows.

June 2010 Review

The B-25 Mitchell served in almost every theater in World War II. From Europe to the Pacific, the Mitchell was there. One of the most famous missions accomplished by B-25s was the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo, when a group of 16 B-25s attacked the Japanese mainland, raising morale in the United States, and changing the priorities of the Imperial Japanese Navy, and possibly changing the direction of the war.

The FlightGear model looks good on the outside. The author has done a lot of work on the textures, and this is improved even more by some excellent liveries made by Gooneybird that have been added to the B-25 base package by the author. The landing gear, engines and canopies are all carefully modeled, too.

The cockpit is a little bit threadbare, with no chairs, two pilot figures, and only the standard six instruments, which, admittedly, is more than enough to fly with. The only other issue I could come up with was the lack of weapons, but that is only an aesthetic problem. The B-25 handles nicely both on the ground and in the air. I can't talk about accuracy, however, as I have never flown in a B-25, so I don't know how it 'feels' in the air.

The Mitchell sounds great, too!

Review from FlightGear Newsletter June 2010

Gallery (Flight Gear Version 3.0, B-25_20130810.zip)

External links