Airwave Xtreme 150

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Airwave Xtreme 150
Airwave Xtreme 150 Innsbruck.png
Type Hang glider
Configuration Delta-wing aircraft
  • Michael Selig
  • Captain Slug
  • D-NXKT
--aircraft= airwaveXtreme150
Status Early production
 FDM Stars-4.png
 Systems Stars-2.png
 Cockpit Stars-2.png
 Model Stars-4.png
 Website The website for the Airwave Xtreme 150 developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Airwave Xtreme 150.
Download Download the Airwave Xtreme 150 aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

Recommended flying sites

A very beautiful site is the real life hang gliding launch "Seegrube" which is located near LOWI (--lon=11.379070 --lat=47.306263 --heading=155 --on-ground). Choose 15kt wind from 180deg for all altitudes and soar up to the summits.

A more challenging flight is "Fort Funston" near KSFO. It's a famous hang gliding site located at the coast with an altitude difference of only (250ft). Unfortunately directly at "Fort Funston" the FlightGear terrain is too smeared to produce sufficient ridge lift but a little bit further south (--lon=-122.4942234 --lat=37.6980674 --heading=270 --on-ground) ridge lift works perfectly. Choose wind with 20kt from 270deg. Be careful with the angle of attack on ground. Turn left after launch and fly very close to the cliff. Play with the performance settings to explore their influence on sink rate and wind-penetration.

External links

A nice flight with the Airwave Xtreme