Airbus A330

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Airbus A330
An Airbus A330 cruises in the dusk
An Airbus A330 cruises in the dusk
The Virtual Cockpit
The Virtual Cockpit
Type Airliner
Configuration Low wing aircraft, Monoplane aircraft, Retractable gear aircraft, Tricycle landing gear aircraft
Propulsion Twinjet (Jet aircraft, Twin-engine aircraft)
Manufacturer Airbus
  • Josh Davidson
  • legoboyvdlp
  • Thorsten Herrmann (TH-555)
  • J Maverick 16
Status Advanced production
 FDM Stars-4.png
 Systems Stars-5.png
 Cockpit Stars-5.png
 Model Stars-5.png
Supports Checklists Canvas Mid-air refueling
 Repository The development repository of the Airbus A330.
Download Download the aircraft package.
Forum 'Airbus A330' topic on the FlightGear forum.

The Airbus A330 is a series of twinjet narrow body commercial passenger jets manufactured by Airbus Industrié (Airbus SE).

This is an accurate, and complex recreation of the Airbus A330.

Development is currently on hold awaiting restructuring.

Airbus_A330 Overview

GE - General Electric CF6

PW - Pratt & Whitney PW4000 (-100)

RR - Rolls Royce Trent 700


  • A330-203 (GE)
  • A330-223 (PW)
  • A330-243 (RR)
  • A330-223F (PW)
  • A330-243F (RR)
  • A330-303 (GE)
  • A330-323 (PW)
  • A330-343 (RR)
  • Voyager KC2/KC3 (A330-243 RR)
  • KC-30A (A330 MRTT) (A330-203 GE)

Please note that this simulation of A330 neither is similar nor another name of any other a330s (like IDG - A33X) before for FG. The downloaders are requested to remove the '-master' after downloading for enjoying a delicate experience.

Solely, the KC2, KC3 and KC30A (A330 MRTT) are damage comapatiable by OPRF standards and are the most advanced aerial refueling tankers currently available in FG.

Development Team

  • FDM: Josh Davidson (Octal450)
  • Systems: Josh Davidson (Octal450), Jonanthan Redpath (legoboyvdlp)
  • Cockpit: Thorsten Herrmann (TH-555), Josh Davidson (Octal450), Jonanthan Redpath (legoboyvdlp)
  • Instruments: Josh Davidson (Octal450), Jonanthan Redpath (legoboyvdlp)

Livery Packs


But there are plenty in flightgear's discord server if you want and some are also scattered in some renowned repositories over GitHub.


You can click here to join and then go to #livery_dev for more.

Aircraft help

Key Function
1 Show Captain's View
2 Show First Officer's View
3 Show Overhead View
4 Show Forward Pedestal View
5 Show Aft Pedestal View
6 Show FCU Panel View
F1 Disengage/Decrease Reverse Thrust
F2 Engage/Increase Reverse Thrust
DEL Toggle Thrust Reversers
E Set Idle Thrust
F Set TOGA Thrust
CTRL+B Cycle Spoilers
Shift+B Toggle Parking Brake
CTRL+D Disconnect Autothrottle
Shift+D Disconnect Autopilot
Shift+F Set CL Thrust