Aérospatiale Super Frelon

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Super Frelon SA-321
Type Helicopter, Amphibious helicopter, Heavy-lift aircraft, Military aircraft, Military transport aircraft
Configuration Tricycle landing gear aircraft, Fixed gear aircraft
Propulsion Three-engine aircraft, Turboprop aircraft
Manufacturer Sud Aviation, Aérospatiale
  • Emmanuel Baranger (3D)
  • Reagan Thomas
  • Maik Justus (FDM)
--aircraft= superfrelon
Status Alpha
 FDM Stars-2.png
 Systems Stars-0.png
 Cockpit Stars-1.png
 Model Stars-4.png
 Website The website for the Super Frelon SA-321 developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Super Frelon SA-321.
Download Download the Super Frelon SA-321 aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

The Aérospatiale SA 321 Super Frelon is a heavy transport helicopter produced by Aérospatiale of France. The helicopter is still in use in China where the locally produced version is known as the Z-8. "Frelon" is French for a large European hornet.

Both civilian and military versions of the Super Frelon were built, with the military variants being the most numerous by far, entering service with the French military as well as being exported to Israel, South Africa, Libya, China and Iraq.

Three military variants were produced: military transport, anti-submarine and anti-ship.

The transport version is able to carry 38 equipped troops, or alternatively 15 stretchers for casualty evacuation tasks.

The Naval anti-submarine and anti-ship variants are usually equipped with a navigation and search radar (ORB-42), and a 50 metre rescue cable. They are most often fitted with a 20 mm cannon, counter-measures, night vision, a laser designator and a Personal Locator System. It can also be refueled in flight.

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d Left doors
D Left windows