Pt-br/Perguntas frequentes
Obrigado por baixar o FlightGear! Este FAQ lista algumas das perguntas mais freqüentes. Por favor, crie um tópico no nosso fórum (em Inglês) sê não encontrar a resposta do seu problema(s).
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Quantos anos tem esse documento?
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Que outros documentos importantes que eu deveria ler?
- Guia de Introdução
- Novo no FlightGear
- Veja também o diretorio FlightGear/docs-mini/ na distribuição fonte para vários outros documentos úteis.
- Veja também o outro FAQ
Onde posso obter FlightGear?
A página oficial de download é O código-fonte é a nossa principal forma de distribuição, mas binários pré-compilados estão disponíveis para Windows e IRIX da SGI.
Alternativamente, FlightGear é empacotado para Linux SuSE, Debian e Mandrake, e pode ser instalado diretamente por essas distribuições através de qualquer gerenciador de pacotes.
Como instalar o FlightGear no Ubuntu?
FlightGear 2.0.0 pode ser instalado diretamente a partir do Gerenciador de Pacotes Synaptic para Ubuntu 11.04 em diante. Gerenciador de Pacotes Synaptic aberto, procure FlightGear e, siga as instruções. FlightGear 2.4.0 está disponível como um. Pacote GetDeb para Ubuntu 11.04 em diante. Instale GetDeb em sua máquina e instalar o FlightGear no Ubuntu a partir do site do PlayDeb
Qual é a senha para o servidor FTP?
O servidor FTP usa o padrão de procedimentos de login anónimos. Entrar com o nome de usuário "anonymous" e use seu endereço de e-mail como senha. A maioria dos clientes FTP e navegadores web vai fazer isso automaticamente para você.
Por que o servidor FTP pede para fazer login?
Isto geralmente significa que o servidor se encontra a sua capacidade. Você deverá receber uma mensagem dizendo que tal, mas o seu cliente de FTP pode estar escondendo isso de você. Suas opções são para continuar tentando até que um slot abre ou tente conectar a um de nossos servidores de FTP listados no
Onde posso encontrar o código fonte mais recente de desenvolvimento?
O último código de desenvolvimento está disponível para todos através de nosso repositório Git.
O Site de downloads de aeronaves oficiais são atualizados apenas no momento de uma nova versão do FlightGear. Isto é feito porque as aeronaves que estão atualmente em desenvolvimento são normalmente desenvolvidas em versões em desenvolvimento do FlightGear. Essas versões de desenvolvimento tem muitas características que não são suportadas pela versão (mais) estável. Se nós atualizamos os downloads de aeronaves com mais frequência; maioria das aeronaves não irá funcionar em uma versão estável do FlightGear.
O que é SimGear, e por que eu preciso disso?
SimGear é uma biblioteca de suporte de código. SimGear só é necessário se você planeja compilar FlightGear - não é necessário para executar binários pré-compilados. Para mais informações, consulte Nota: Ao compilar FlightGear é muito importante ter a versão correspondente do SimGear.
Onde eu posso voar e onde posso obter o cenário?
Enquanto o pacote base só vem com o cenários para a área da Baía de San Francisco, atualmente você pode voar em qualquer lugar no mundo. Veja a "Additional Scenery" do para mais informações ou ir diretamente ao nosso download gráfico em
Terrasync também é uma opção. Ele baixa o último cenário durante o vôo. Em 2.4.0 uma interface gráfica para ativar/desativa o TerraSync pode ser encontrada em Environment->Scenery Download.
Visite também o nosso "Lugares para voar" seção do site ( caso presise de alguma ajuda para navegar alguns locais fantásticos. (Ver também Installing Scenery)
Onde posso obter diferentes modelos 3D para o meu avião?
Official FlightGear aircraft can be found at . Other aircraft in development can be found on Git, and some other aircraft can be found on 3rd party FlightGear hangars.
How current is the data in FlightGear compared to the real world?
We use the same navaid and airport dataset that X-Plane uses. The current dataset can be found in the $FG ROOT/Navaids/ and $FG ROOT/Airports/ directories. If you have updates or corrections to the dataset, see for instructions on contacting the database maintainer.
Where is the moving map?
A popular moving map display is available under a separate project called Atlas. Also, MPmap is an online map for multiplayer.
If you like an alternative to Atlas with updated graphics and mapping provided by the OpenStreetMap project, then check out Flightgear Mapping fgmapping or JMapView.
Why don't you charge money for this?
FlightGear can be downloaded for free from many locations including the FlightGear website, but can also be bought on a CD. Although we offer that service (see the website), we encourage other groups to redistribute it for their users, especially within an operating system distribution which makes installation even faster and easier for new users.
Occasionally you may see FlightGear for sale on auction sites or commercial websites under some other name. This can be done quite legitimately as long as the terms of the license are upheld and might be worth the cost if some value-added features such as additional scenery, aircraft or after-sale support are included. Unfortunately, most cases seen to date appear to be just someone trying to make money selling something that is free and providing no real added value.
How can I get started with FlightGear
The latest release of FlightGear can be downloaded at the download central, but most aircraft need to be separately downloaded here and installed manually. Be aware of system requirements! Also, check out New to FlightGear.
Why won't FlightGear compile?
Well, that depends. First make sure you are using the appropriate versions of FlightGear, SimGear, plib, zlib. If any of the packages are out of sync with the others, compilation may fail. See also Building FlightGear
The FlightGear Downloads page should tell you what versions you need if you are trying to compile the latest stable release. If you are using a development snapshot, make sure all three packages are up-to-date.
Also ensure that you have some implementation of OpenGL with glut support with the appropriate header files. Linux users with nVidia cards should make sure you have the latest drivers from nVidia. Other Linux users make sure you have Mesa3D ( and your X server installed correctly.
If your problems persist, ask in the FlightGear Forums , on the IRC or subscribe to our FlightGear-Users mailing list and let us know what problem you're having.
How do I install new scenery?
The scenery archive files (ie. w100n30.tar.gz) should be untarred into the Scenery/Terrain directory in your $FG_ROOT.
How do I setup my joystick(s)?
FlightGear should come with a helpful program called `fgjs` that can help configure your joystick. Run `fgjs` and then copy the dot file it created into your home directory or add its contents to your existing rc file.
Also, see the $FG_ROOT/Docs/README.Joystick file located in the FlightGear base package and the joystick page on the wiki.
What format should my personal .fgfsrc file be in?
Your .fgfsrc file should simply be a list of command line options with one option per line. The file is not an XML file.
If you would rather use an XML configuration file, you can add something like the following in your .fgfsrc
Almost every option corresponds to a property, so you can choose to use whichever method best suits your needs.
If you get errors in the console (black window), please check Howto: Understand console output and see if your error is listed (with a solution).
Unable to execute file: bin/Win32/fgrun.exe during installation
Your system is missing the MSVC runtime libraries required by FlightGear. Download and install the following vcredist_x86.exe:
- MSVC9 for FG2.4.0 (and earlier):
- MSVC10 for FG2.6.0 (and later):
Why do I get an error loading
With the default installation, is installed into /usr/local/lib. You need to ensure that that path is listed in /etc/, then run `ldconfig`as root.
Why do I get "ssgInit called without a valid OpenGL context"?
In short, your GL libraries are broken. So far only Red Hat 7.x users have experienced this (see The only solutions are possibly complicated ones: you can either change distributions (most of us prefer Debian) or upgrade/downgrade your Mesa libs.
Why do some other GL applications work though? Well, Steve Baker (Mr. PLIB) has explained this on the plib-users list (
What happened to the panel, keyboard, etc?
The problem is almost certainly that your base package is out of sync with FlightGear. Many configurable parts of FlightGear are defined in XML files contained in the base package.
Why doesn't audio work properly under Irix?
FlightGear (as of June 2001) uses the Portable Libraries (PLIB) for playing audio. The audio queue implementation of PLIB is far from optimal (in fact it's just wrong). This seems to work on other platforms quite well, but Irix expects things to be programmed properly.
There has been discussion about using OpenAL ( for the next release of both PLIB and FlightGear. Tests show that the OpenAL audio implementation does the job right, meaning that these audio problems should be gone by then. In the mean time it is best to disable audio on Irix completely (by adding --disable-sound either on the command line or to your $HOME/.fgfsrc file).
Why is FlightGear so slow?
FlightGear supports hardware acceleration, but it seems not to be activated. Make sure you have OpenGL libraries installed and configured properly and make sure you have the latest drivers for your video card.
Linux users: If you are an nVidia user, follow their directions on getting your card working. For most other users, make sure Mesa is installed property and ensure that you have the appropriate kernel device drivers for your card. Most people (and distributions) use modules for their video card device drivers; run `lsmod` as root to see what modules are loaded. You should also make sure that you are loading the appropriate modules in your XF86Config and that your video device section is correct. Now try running an OpenGL application (other than FlightGear) to see how it performs. You can try the gears demo from Mesa or something like Quake3.
Why is my SGI machine so slow?
First of all, one of the most common mistakes on SGI hardware is to forget to specify --fog-fastest. On most SGI machines the EXP2 shading model isn't hardware supported resulting in frame rates below 1 frame per second (fps).
FlightGear makes extensive use of the OpenGL z-buffer feature,which on most older SGI hardware is only supported in software. This means that the CPU has to do all the z-buffer calculations in addition to the other tasks FlightGear involves (flight dynamics, scenery tracking, pushing commands into the graphics queue, etc). The following features are software rendered on low-end SGI machines (like Indy and Indigo):
- stencil and accumulation buffer
- depth queuing and depth buffering
- fogging, lighting, clipping and transforms
- texturing
This means that running FlightGear with the following options may not even get the desired result:
./runfgfs --fog-disable --shading-flat --disable-skyblend --disable-textures --disable-clouds --disable-sound --disable-panel --enable-hud --disable-anti-alias-hud
I could even imagine that adding --enable-wireframe doesn't work on these machines (I would be happy to be proven wrong though).
On a machine like O2 the following options give an acceptable result:
./runfgfs --fog-fastest --disable-sound
Since I don't have access to other SGI hardware I can't tell which options would be appropriate for your situation.
How do I see the Frame Rate?
On the in-sim menu select View > Display Options, then check the box that says "Show frame rate".
How do I toggle panel settings?
There are two ways. One way is to hide the panel without the HUD showing. To hide the panel, use Shift+P; To make the HUD disappear, use H. The second way is to use the alternative HUD by Shift+I (Use I to switch back).
Stuck upside down after "crash"?
In his infinite wisdom the FlightGear Grand Master decided that planes were too valuable to allow them to be destroyed by novice pilots who seemed to crash a lot. The fact that nobody has bothered to model crashes may have something to do with it too. :-)
The result of this as you have noticed is that with a little practice an ingenuity you can trim the ship to fly inverted along the ground. The quick answer is to reset the sim, via the File > Reset menu. This will place your aircraft back at its starting location.
For the stubborn people out there: The trick to learn is to roll back to normal (non inverted) do this by nursing the elevator to get to about 500 feet or so and use the ailerons to snap roll 180*. This is all good avionics except for the plane not destroying itself. Remember the controls work in reverse when you are inverted and keep that airspeed up!!!
Why does FlightGear die on startup saying "time zone reading failed"?
This is probably caused by a line-ending problem in the timezone files. Win32 users can resolve the problem by downloading a DOS to UNIX conversion utility available at Run as `d2u *.tab` from within the timezone directory to fix your timezone files.
Why won't the latest versions of some aircraft work in my (older) version of FlightGear?
Often new aircraft development keeps pace with the latest FlightGear code development. New or newly modified aircraft may rely on files (such as new instrument files) or features, only available with newer versions of FlightGear. If you are stuck with an older version of FlightGear, you can try downloading an earlier version of the aircraft at one of the archives:
Why are my screenshots black?
Make sure you have multithreading disabled in $FG_ROOT/preferences.xml. Enabling it currently breaks the screenshot function.
Why won't my engine(s) start?
Aircraft vary in their starting procedure. Some may have an auto-start sequence menu entry or instructions in the aircraft help menu (Press "?") and/or at the aircraft's wiki.
Starting engine in single-engine aircraft
In general to start the engine on a piston-engine type aircraft, you need:
- Fuel - You can run out of fuel, of course, but for certain aircraft, FlightGear may load it with no fuel, making it impossible to start the engines. Check this in the menu Equipment > Fuel and Payload.
- Correct mixture (generally "rich", ie red knob all the way in)
- Magnetos on (R, L, or both--generally select "both")
- Throttle (some engines start better with a little gas)
- Hold starter for sufficient time.