Talk:Canvas snippets

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Documenting supported options/parameters

Cquote1.png you made a good point that we should probably document supported parameters/attributes or "modes" whenever possible. I think it would make sense to extend the underlying template accordingly and provide a list of documented options.
— Hooray (Fri Apr 10). Improving Canvas docs (cont'd PM).
(powered by Instant-Cquotes)

Space Shuttle Snippets


Okay, I have a nice loaded earth texture picture. I have the position of my shuttle:

  • first thing I want is to draw it in real time on the picture, see it move.
  • Next thing is - I want to display the ground track. What do I do - store past positions into an array regularly? Is it done automatically?
  • Beyond that, I want to display the groundtrack prediction based on current state. So, I can create an array of future points. Or properties. Or pass the function which, when given a time, will spit out coordinates. Don't care - whatever is best.
  • Finally, I'd like to have the ability to display the selected landing site on the map. But that's probably the same as the shuttle problem - I have a set of coords and I want a symbol drawn there.

Probably all are solved problems - but how?


Loading a raster image

var (width,height) = (800,400);

# create a new window, dimensions are 400 x 400, using the dialog decoration (i.e. titlebar)
var window =[width, height],"dialog");

# adding a canvas to the new window and setting up background colors/transparency
var myCanvas = window.createCanvas().set("background","bg_color"));

# creating the top-level/root group which will contain all other elements/group
var root = myCanvas.createGroup();

# path is now a URL (could also be stored in $FG_ROOT and be fixed path instead)
var url = "";

# this would need to be changed when using a different image
var map_width = 310;
var map_height = 155;

var x_offset = (width-map_width)/2;
var y_offset = (height-map_height)/2;

# assuming Mercator projection for now (untested pseudo code)
var position2Pixels = func(lat, lon) {
var xpos = (lon+180)*(map_width/360);
var latRad = lat*math.PI/180;
var mercN = math.log(math.tan((math.PI/4)+(latRad/2)));
var ypos= (map_height/2)-(map_width*mercN/(2*math.PI));

return [xpos+x_offset, ypos+y_offset];

# create an image child for the texture
var child=root.createChild("image")
    .setFile( url )
    .setTranslation( x_offset, y_offset ) # centered, in relation to dialog coordinates
    .setSize(image_width, image_height); # image dimensions

Adding a dynamically positioned symbol

Note  This snippet is generic enough to be usable for both use-cases: showing a moving aircraft/shuttle symbol, but also adding a static landing site. However, you'd obviously not update static symbols each frame using a timer.
# this could also be any other SVG file
var svg_path = "Nasal/canvas/map/Images/boeingAirplane.svg";

# create an empty Canvas group for holding the space shuttle symbol
var shuttle_symbol = root.createChild("group", "shuttle-symbol");

# parse the SVG file
# this converts the SVG file into OpenVG instructions
# supported by Canvas

canvas.parsesvg(svg_symbols, svg_path);
# resize the SVG image 
shuttle_symbol.setScale(0.20); # 20% 

var update_shuttle = func() {
var lat = getprop('/position/latitude-deg');
var lon = getprop('/position/longitude-deg');

var (x,y) = position2Pixels(lat:lat,lon:lon);

# can use maketimer() to call this regularly

Adding a dynamically computed line/curve

var groundtrack = root.createChild("path");

Orbital Map

Canvas and Nasal used for visualizing space shuttle trajectories

this is probably rather crude, but it (sort of) works - I'm getting the current position of the shuttle as well as the selected landing site displayed.

Cquote1.png In case you people are still interested - this may be useful (world map with historic and predicted groundtrack, showing landing site and spacecraft position) and could be adapted to your mission control. Code is posted below, you need to supply inclination and orbital period - just use standard orbital dynamics formulae from Wikipedia. No warranties.
var sym_shuttle = {};
var sym_landing_site = {};

var (width,height) = (800,400);

var graph = {};
var samples = [];
var history = [];
var track_prediction = [];

var update_loop_flag = 0;

var lat_to_m = 110952.0; # latitude degrees to meters
var m_to_lat = 9.01290648208234e-06; # meters to latitude degrees
var lon_to_m = 0.0; # needs to be calculated dynamically
var m_to_lon = 0.0; # we do this on startup

var delete_from_vector = func(vec, index) {

var n = index+1;

var vec_end = subvec(vec, n);

setsize(vec, n-1);
return vec~vec_end;   

var calc_geo = func(lat) {

lon_to_m  = math.cos(lat*math.pi/180.0) * lat_to_m;
m_to_lon = 1.0/lon_to_m;

var lat_to_y = func (lat) {

return height/2 - lat /90. * height/2;


var lon_to_x = func (lon) {

return width/2 + lon /180. * width/2;


var create_map = func {

var window =[width,height],"dialog").set("title", "Trajectory Map");

# we need to explicitly re-define this to get a handle to stop the update loop
# upon closing the window

window.del = func()
  #print("Cleaning up...\n");
  update_loop_flag = 0;
  call(canvas.Window.del, [], me);

var mapCanvas = window.createCanvas().set("background","bg_color"));

var root = mapCanvas.createGroup();

var path = "Aircraft/SpaceShuttle/Dialogs/MapOfEarth.png";
var child=root.createChild("image")
                                   .setFile( path )
sym_shuttle = mapCanvas.createGroup();
canvas.parsesvg(sym_shuttle, "/Nasal/canvas/map/Images/boeingAirplane.svg");

sym_landing_site = mapCanvas.createGroup();
canvas.parsesvg(sym_landing_site, "/gui/dialogs/images/ndb_symbol.svg");

graph = root.createChild("group");

update_loop_flag = 1;


var map_update = func {

if (update_loop_flag == 0 ) {return;}

var lat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg");
var lon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg");

var x =  lon_to_x(lon);
var y =  lat_to_y(lat);

var heading = getprop("/orientation/heading-deg") * 3.1415/180.0;


x = lon_to_x(landing_site.lon()) - 10.0;
y = lat_to_y( - 10.0;



settimer(map_update, 1.0);


var plot_tracks = func  {

var plot = graph.createChild("path", "data")


      for (var i = 1; i< (size(history)-1); i=i+1)
         var set = history[i+1];
         if (history[i+1][0] > history[i][0])
            plot.lineTo(set[0], set[1]);
            plot.moveTo(set[0], set[1]);

var pred_plot = graph.createChild("path", "data")


      for (var i = 1; i< (size(track_prediction)-1); i=i+1)
         var set = track_prediction[i+1];
         if (track_prediction[i+1][0] > track_prediction[i][0])
            pred_plot.lineTo(set[0], set[1]);
            pred_plot.moveTo(set[0], set[1]);


var history_init = func {

var lat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg");
var lon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg");
var x =  lon_to_x(lon);
var y =  lat_to_y(lat);

for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i = i+1)
   var set = [x,y];


var history_update = func {

history = delete_from_vector(history,0);

var lat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg");
var lon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg");
var x =  lon_to_x(lon);
var y =  lat_to_y(lat);

append(history, [x,y]);

settimer(history_update, 10.0);

var prediction_update = func {


var earth_motion_degs = 0.00416666666;
var lat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg");
var lon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg");


var orbiter_motion_north_fps = getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/velocities/v-north-fps");

var orbital_speed_fps = getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/velocities/eci-velocity-mag-fps");
var orbital_period = getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/systems/orbital/orbital-period-s");

var rising_flag = 0.0;

if (orbiter_motion_north_fps > 0.0) {rising_flag = 1;}
else {rising_flag = -1.0};

var inclination = getprop("/fdm/jsbsim/systems/orbital/inclination-deg");
var inclination_rad = inclination * math.pi/180.0;

var sinphi = (lat/ inclination);

sinphi = math.min(sinphi, 1.0);
sinphi = math.max(sinphi,-1.0);

var phi = math.asin(sinphi);

if (rising_flag == -1) {phi = math.pi - phi;}

var lon_rising = lon - phi * 180.0/math.pi;
if (lon_rising < 0.0) {lon_rising = lon_rising + 360.0;}

var dt =  120.0;
var offset = 0.0;

var increment = 2.0 * math.pi * dt/orbital_period;

for (var i = 0; i<40; i = i+1)
   var arg = phi + i * increment;

   var pred_lat = math.asin(math.sin(arg) * math.sin(inclination_rad));
   var pred_lon = math.atan2(math.cos(inclination_rad) * math.sin(arg), math.cos(arg));
   pred_lat = pred_lat * 180.0/math.pi;
   pred_lon = pred_lon * 180.0/math.pi;

   pred_lon = pred_lon + lon_rising - earth_motion_degs * i * dt;

   if (i==0)   
      offset = lon - pred_lon;
   pred_lon = pred_lon + offset;

   if (pred_lon > 180) {pred_lon = pred_lon - 360;}
   if (pred_lon < -180) {pred_lon = pred_lon + 360.0;}
   var x =  lon_to_x(pred_lon);
   var y =  lat_to_y(pred_lat);
   append(track_prediction, [x,y]);



extending the snippet template

  • required minimal FG version
  • external dependencies (files)
  • note/caution if snippet has been updated and not yet tested
  • variables read/written
  • related docs

checkbox snippet missing

need to add snippet showing use of checkboxes

Drag & Drop snippet

var (width,height) = (640,480);
var title = 'Canvas Drag & Drop demo';

# create a new window, dimensions are WIDTH x HEIGHT, using the dialog decoration (i.e. titlebar)
var window =[width,height],"dialog")

# adding a canvas to the new window and setting up background colors/transparency
var myCanvas = window.createCanvas().set("background","bg_color"));

# Using specific css colors would also be possible:
# myCanvas.set("background", "#ffaac0");

# creating the top-level/root group which will contain all other elements/group
var root = myCanvas.createGroup();


var setupEventHandler = func(element) {

element.addEventListener("mouseover", func(event) {

var path = element.get('src');
gui.popupTip("Filename is:"~path);

}); # mouseover event handler

element.addEventListener("drag", func(event) {
element.setTranslation(event.clientX, event.clientY);
}); # drag event


var images = ['Splash1.png','Splash2.png','Splash3.png'];

var padding = 30;
var xOffset = padding;
var (width, height) = (150,150);

foreach(var img; images) {

# create an image child for the texture
var newImage = root.createChild("image")
    .setFile("Textures/"~ img)
    .setTranslation(xOffset, 10)
    .setSize(width, height);

setupEventHandler(element: newImage);

xOffset += width + padding;