Best Off Skyranger

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Type Ultralight aircraft, Sport aircraft, Civil utility aircraft
Configuration High wing aircraft
Propulsion Propeller aircraft, Single-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Best Off Aviation
Author(s) Emmanuel Baranger
--aircraft= skyranger
Status Early production
 FDM Stars-4.png
 Systems Stars-2.png
 Cockpit Stars-2.png
 Model Stars-4.png
 Hangar Helijah hangar
 Website The website for the Skyranger developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Skyranger.
Download Download the Skyranger aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+
Wikipedia Best Off Skyranger This is a link to a Wikipedia article

Sky Ranger is a two seats piston engine ultralight (LSA in USA), available from the company Best Off. It was designed by French Engineer Philippe Prévot in the 90's and was originally sold by the company Synairgie.

It is built of strait aluminum tubes bolted together and has nearly no welded or bent parts. The structure is covered by Dacron Fabric Socks for the wings and laced Dacron Fabric for the other parts. It can be powered with small 2 strokes engines (like the 50 hp Rotax 503) up to 100HP 4 strokes like the ROTAX 912 ULS. It has won 6 World Ultralight Championship but still is an the very easy to built / very easy to fly ultralight.


External Links

The following links are from the Web Archive's Internet Wayback Machine, as the original websites are no longer available: