Lynx WG13

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Lynx-WG13 Helicopter
Type Helicopter, Military helicopter, Aerobatic aircraft
Propulsion Twin-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Westland Helicopters, AgustaWestland
Author(s) Gerard Robin
--aircraft= Lynx
Status Alpha
 Hangar GRTux hangar
 Website The website for the Lynx-WG13 Helicopter developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Lynx-WG13 Helicopter.
Download Download the Lynx-WG13 Helicopter aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
License GPLv2+

Aircraft help

Key Function
} Eletric power ON and start engines and rotor gear ON
{ Shutdown engines and electric power OFF
d Toggle passengers door (left door)
N Toggle rotor brake
B Toggle parking-brake