Instructor Station
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A good instructor station is another items that is missing from the open-source world. — Curtis Olson ( Mon, 05 Oct 2009 11:36:03 -0700). October $250 Flight Gear Developers.
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Frasca also has an instructor station,for training purposes in order to simulate engine failure and other, how does FG simulate this?
Use Cases
In case there's anybody who doesn't already know, here are some of the things that look doable to me:
1) Instrument procedure familiarization. Suppose you (the pilot) are flying into an unfamiliar field for the first time. It is a big help to run through the instrument approach on the simulator.
For that matter, flying into JFK for the first time, you could get seriously lost on the taxiways. Real pilots are willing to practice taxiing. Gamers not so much. 2) Instrument emergency training. There are some things that instructors don't like to practice in the real aircraft, such as
These things are much more safely done in the simulator. Also, a subtly failed instrument is incomparably more dangerous than one that is merely covered with a suction cup. There are lots of pilots out there who have never seen this, and have no idea how bad it is. 3) VFR emergency training.
4) Complex aircraft transition training. Gear handle, prop handle, cowl flaps, speed brakes, et cetera. I'd much rather have the low-time pilot abuse such things in the simulator than in the real airplane. 5) Systems failures.
6) Multi-engine transition training. 7) Multi-engine emergency training
— John Denker (2009-01-18). [Flightgear-devel] real pilot training using FlightGear ... or not.
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Having the training session as a separate network app instead of being integrated into FG is going to put off a lot of less technically minded people. It requires that the user first install Python + pyao + pyogg + pyvorvis. Then they have to install the training packages and try to start FG together with the simulator. I'd much rather code it in Nasal have it part of the FG package itself or as an addon that can be unzipped into the FG tree and run as is. — Paul Surgeon (Thu, 05 Jan 2006 10:46:41 -0800). Lessons in FlightGear.
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Being able to stream Canvas images/video to an external browser/viewer (via a worker thread) would also allow us to support a variety of other interesting use-cases, such as UAV stuff, OpenCV post-processing etc. The only thing that's missing to pull this off is a new placement type that exposes a canvas as either an osg::Image buffer that is serialized to a browser-format like PNG, or to some video stream. At that point, a browser could -in theory- even render live FG camera views streamed via UDP to implement a browser-based instructor console that can view individual Canvas MFDs/instruments, but even scenery views.
a few months ago we had someone working on exposing FlightGear's view manager to Canvas, which would basically render views to a CanvasImage element (raster image) and update the whole thing dynamically - something like that would only be feasible to support via mongoose/browser by serving some kind of streamed live image, and given the existing screen shot serving code (jpg-httpd) we seem to be halfway there, which would also mean that an instructor console implemented on top of JavaScript/mongoose could show FlightGear scenery streamed via http push.
— Hooray (Mon Sep 22). Re: FGWebPanel aka FGPanel 2.0 or: FGPanel goes html.
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Failure Management
this can be hooked up to different front-ends, including a telnet/web-based front-end (e.g. instructor console), or even just an integrated Canvas/GUI dialog.