Eurocopter EC135

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Eurocopter EC135
Type Helicopter
Propulsion Twin-engine aircraft
Manufacturer Eurocopter
  • Heiko Schulz (whole 3d, fdm, textures, config)
  • Maik Justus (basic fdm, advice)
  • Melchior Franz (basic nasal)
  • Oliver Thurau (particles)
  • sanni (pilot animation)
  • f-sig (instrument enhancements)
  • Sebastian Dietrich (electrical, fuel system, GTX330, FLI, FADEC)
--aircraft= ec135p2
Status Production
 FDM Stars-4.png
 Systems Stars-3.png
 Cockpit Stars-5.png
 Model Stars-5.png
 Website The website for the Eurocopter EC135 developments.
 Repository The development repository of the Eurocopter EC135.
Download Download the Eurocopter EC135 aircraft package for the current stable release (2024.1).
Liveries Browse the FlightGear livery database for the Eurocopter EC135.
License GPLv2+

This is an model of the Eurocopter EC135 P2, a light twin-engine, multi-mission helicopter.

The EC 135 descends from the MBB Bo 108. The Bo 108 was a demonstration prototype for fly-by-wire and has it's descent from the famous Bo 105. When the Eurocopter company was founded, the Bo 108 came with. Eurocopter decided that there was a marketplace for such a helicopter and the development went on. From the French partners it got the fenestron, from MBB the hingeless rotor. The fenestron makes it very hard for dangerous situations in the range of the tail rotor and reduces the noise level about 50% to other helicopters. That's why the EC 135 is a highly recommended helicopter for EMS and the police, especially in Europe but also in the USA, Japan and other states.

EC135 P2 in FGAddon

This model for FlightGear simulates the EC135 P2, an older version which has been replaced later by the EC135 P2+. Since late autumn 2014 the current produced version of the EC135 by Airbus Helicopters is the much more powerful Airbus H135 P3/T3 Helionix with 4-axis autopilot- already in developement by HHS.

(02/27/2013) EC135 P2 photorealistic Cockpit with analog flight instruments. Overhead panel and many other details done as well as some important center pedestal avionics. Unfortunately the GNS430 and GTX430 are not working yet. Now it needs to connect the switches to the electrical system. FDM is finally tuned to POH and matches climbrates AEO and OEI and airspeed in about 90% all of conditions. :-)

Developement repositories

Developement takes place at Github. When milestones or other important steps had been taken FGAddon will be updated.

Development status/Features:

  • new 3d-model more accurate and detailed, single-livery-texture-file
  • latest shader (bumpspec-reflection and glasshader)
  • realistic startup
  • new, much more accurate fdm matching 90% of Pilot Operations Handbook values AEO, OEI and Airspeed
  • matching tech reports in flight handling
  • more different configurations possible- lowskid, midskid and highskid, different sandfilter, different radomes etc...
  • analog dual and single IFR panel available and selectable with photorealistic textures
  • influence of configurations on weight and CoG based on Pilot Operations Handbook
  • many different liveries by Sanni, D-ECHO, HHS and Martien van der Plas!
  • and of course completely Rembrandt compatible!
  • Sounds remastered


  • Autostart, more accurate simulation of the systems (hydraulic, ....)
  • emergency float simulation
  • Sound needs a bit work on the "exhaust sound" and the aural warning system must be done (soundfiles mostly complete)
  • making CAD and VEMD and the most important systems working (Canvas)
  • different selectable interiors influencing weight HEMS modelled, VIP and Utility(Police)
  • Digital Dual and Single IFR Panel
  • conversion to EC 635 (needs some changes on exterior and interior model)
  • conversion to Airbus H135 Helionix (longer rotorblades, no endplates, smaller tailbumper, new IBF, more powerful engines = more lift, more power! )
  • seperate AI model to keep mp-users happy
  • and more to come....


  • not yet compatible with Compositor- needs changing the effect on the panel
  • no autostart yet (}-key isn't working)
  • no emergency float simulation yet

Livery List

  • German Bundespolizei
  • Air Zermatt
  • ÖAMTC (without any markings)
  • ADAC D-HDEC ( The real one after this model is made)
  • DRF D-HYYY (First ever EC135 rescue helicopter in service)
  • Polizei Brandenburg
  • Polizei Bayern
  • Marine Fluggeschwader 5
  • Luftwaffe, Heeresfliegerschule (8265
  • Korps Landelijke Politiediensten (PH-PXA)
  • DRF (German Flightrescue)- Thanks to DRF for supporting Sanni making this livery!
  • French Gendarmerie
  • Lifeflight
  • BMI (Federal Ministry for Interior) - Rescue helicopter
  • Polisen (Swedish Police)
  • Luftambulans
  • Police Hamburg
  • Police Innsbruck (Austrian Police)
  • Primer Colors (that's how the EC135 looks without any paint)
  • SHS (Austrian Rescue Helicopter based in Kufstein, Zell am See, Kaltenbach...)
  • Suffolk Police
  • VLL
  • Wales Air Ambulance (G-WASC)
  • White Default


FlightGear 2020+ (in developement)

FlightGear 2018+

FlightGear 2012-2014

External link