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Location South of EHGG, Eelde, The Netherlands
Age I'm stuck at 24
Job Looking, QHSE
Interest(s) Second Life, PC stuff, Ponds, Friends
MP callsign(s) PH-JBO
Favourite aircraft Learjet 35-A
Website try and dig me and you'll find


Ex-usenet addict. Ex-MSFS (98) addict, ex-Aviator addict and ex-Elite addict. Never have been in a real cockpit seat with my hands on the yokes.


FG is for geeks. That has been proven to me a few times now. Lucky I'm a bit offa geek else I'd buy me MSFS.

  • prove me wrong

Current projects

Around the world

Small legs since I am in the cockpit and not using FMS. I only add when I didn't crash. Flying with live weather. Started in the Learjet 35-A, now flying the same, but very different.

EHGG (home)=> LFLP=> LIMC=> LFKJ=> LMML=> LXGB (Gibraltar, wow what a landing)=> GMMX=> LPMA (Madaira, two vacations there, RW in FG is harder as in real, and I came from the wrong side)=> LPLA (Azores, wow)=> LPPD=> LPAZ=> LPGR=> LPHR=> LPFL=>

  • North America

CYYT (Canada, Newfoundland)=> CYJT=> CYVO=> KCMX (United States)=> KATY (visiting the boonies...)=> KDIK=> CYEG (back in Canada)=> CYXS (scenery error, windbags on RW)=> PAKT (wow)=> PAJN (wow2)=> PYAK=> PANC (Anchorage, scenery error, great wall of green)=> PACD (crab fishing, strong winds making me land on RW 23 and I had RW left over)=>PADK (cold here)=> PASY=>

  • East Russia, Asia

UHPP (crossing date and 180 meridian and in Russia)=> UHSS=> UHWW (Vladivostok, scenery error windbags on RW)=> RJCC (Japan, detour over Lake Toya and Mount Yotei)=> RJEC (after some sight sightseeing)=>RJTT (Tokyo, Mount Fuji)=> RODN=> RCTP (Taiwan)=> VHXX RW13 (Hong Kong, closed...but not for me)(oh. Look at GE, it's gone!)=> ZHHH=> ZBAA (Beijing)(tried to find the great wall of China N and NE but not no find, in Beijing a building I could fly through)=> ZBHH=> ZLLL=> VNTR (after detour over Mount Everest, most scary landing ever, ascend from N)=>(VYDW>VTSN>VTSC FG froze each time, restarted at RW before freeze)=> WSSS (Singapore, not worth a visit)=> WIAR (Indonesia, Southern Hemisphere)=>

  • Australia

YDBY (No radio beacons for an hour, no worries Ozzie)=> YAYE (NDB's and hard wind. Flew around Ayers Rock)=> YBAS (no flying doctors, landing on RW 35 due to strong wind)=>

  • Asia

WMKK (My longest flight, meeting CNA0023)=> VC12 (after a-lot-of water)=> VCCK (after tour-South looks nice, scenery error on RW, antenna and red/white box)=> FJDG (wow)=> FSSC=> FSIA=> FSPP (in Seneca) => FSFA=> FM43=> FMCM (wow)=>

  • Africa

HTKJ=> HKJK (after tour around Kilimanjaro and Mt.Meru)=> HTDO (fog, second approach worked)=> FLLI=> FVFA (Canyons but no Victoria falls, bummer)=> FKKC=> FGSL (Tour Mt.Cameroon and Isle Macias Nguema, Amazing)=> DISP=> FHAW (4h trip, no cheating)=>

  • South America

SBRF (Brasil! ILS of RW is broken))=> SBAN=> SLSU=> SCKP (crossing Salar de Uyuni)=> SPRF (Yay! Found it!)=> SPQU=> SPHO (after many crashes near SPZO) (There is an amazing valley but no Machu Picchu)=> SPZA (could not find Lines of Nasca)=> many, many FG lock-ups making me to cheat and drop my plane over the great wall of crash)=> SEMH=> SEST=> SEGS (After tour over Galápagos isles)(Oh look, there is mast in the middle of the RW)=> MPTO (start of Panama canal)=> MPCF (Pacific to Atlantic)(RW misplaced)=> SKBQ=>

  • Caribbean

TNCA (Nederland)=> TNCC=> TNCB=> SVLO=> TGPY=> TVSU=> TVSC=> TVSV=> TBPB=> TFFF=> TDCF=> TFFS=> TNCE=> TNCS (after 7 tries)=> TNCM (wow)(koeien hebben staarten)=>

  • North America

MMMD=> MZBZ (Blue hole could not be found)=> MMTM=> MMTC=> KCGZ=> KSFO (FightGear Home, no ATC available, on depart it was taken over by Italians:)=> 61B (after tour over Las Vegas, nice) => KGCN (Hoover Dam not in scenery, Grand Canyon is white?) => KINW (there is a white Arizona/ Barringer Crater)(went back after FG fix, now the crater is green. Looks better) => 71V=> 0V7 (Amazing valley)=> KXTA (giant runway, parking inside the mountain, no UFO's..yet)=> NV11 (after IFR over NTS, some minor bumps visible)=> KAHC=> KLMT=> 3S6 (wow!)(The landing was extremely dangerous, searching and circling between mountains and zero visibility)=> CYRL=> CYMO=> CYZV=> (Tour over Manicouagan) CYWK=> CYCY => (compass hell) CYLT (snowstorm, VFR landing with one NDB to help, oh and this time of year it's always night)=> ( North Pole, absolute nav hell, glad there is a GPS on-board)

  • Europe

ENSB (there is something wrong with parking but I can't see it)

  • Next: Back home?

What have I learned during my trips so far?

  • If there is just one ILS there probably is a reason.
  • A 4 is not a 2 (and other silly mistakes, like E is not D, 3 is not 2 etc etc).
  • Press Swap.
  • 4 hours with a VOR in my back drops me just a few NM off course. Yay :)
  • Metar on MPmap is not the same as weather on the runway. The source is different.
  • South West China is white and very white.
  • Don't ever trust a VORTAC
  • I so hate sidewinds since I fly with a mouse.
  • If hill before RW then turn around.
  • Check mousepointer after rightclick, before yanking the mouse.
  • Retract gear, must..retract..gear..

Learjet 35-A

Working on (with Syd)

  • Redesigning the cockpit (incl.Intruments)
  • Panel placeholder ready. All textures based on a real cockpit
  • Working on buttons, lower panel. Total hell to figure out what each button does since I could not find any literature on this so I stare at vague images and read checklists hoping to find the "missing button".
  • Side panels ready, Placeholder ready, lower panels (with some fake instruments) ready.
  • Writing functional design to identify hotspots.
  • New Mesh
  • Oh wow! Syd uploaded the Mesh and merged it with my files. This looks sooo good. There is soo much to do but we have done some huge leaps. Xsaint is giving full support. Must delete my to-do list and make a complete new one. Where am I, Where do I stand? Where is Syd, where does he stand? How to move on? I'm loving this :)
  • Texture for 3 types of VSI.
  • Texture for AP, annunciators and reversers
  • Texture for primary engine indicators.

Suggested flights

Two great idea's for suggested flights for future newsletters.



  • Not with the intention to program or compile FG, since that's out of my league, but to share aircraft model and files 'n stuff. I tried to figure out what Git is, and the opening page gave me no idea what it is. Now that's odd. Most websites try to make clear what it's intended for and how it works. I suspect it's similar to FTP combined with a synchroniz(s)er. Something like push/ pull with a directory on my HD. However, I can not be sure about this since that website doesn't tell me anything, except that it will try to make my Windows machine act like a Lux CLI or sumting. We'll see if there will be a hostile take-over. Made account. Downloaded mysysgit. Downloaded ms-synctoy. Made me some containers and will now start praying....
  • Feels like a windows 3.1 shell around a file synchronizer. It is as alien as I expected it to be, but it also appears to have the functionality I expected it to have. Nice thing, it's free storage that can be shared with an identifiable group. Since it's so extremely user friendly with predictable workings I won't touch the FG containers and I won't automate anything.

Past Projects

  1. New aircraft description Learjet 35-A
  2. Overhaul of Cessna Citation Bravo panel
  3. Overhaul of Primary flight display
  4. Suggested flight for FlightGear Newsletter August 2011, Azores
  5. Tweaking the Learjet 35-A flying characteristics to reality
  6. Suggested flight for FlightGear Newsletter September 2011, Gibraltar
  7. Tokyo airport I stumbled over as Airport of The Month
  8. Radio beacons explained
  9. Radio navigation explained
  10. Definition for glideslope, glidepath and glidescope
  11. Flight rules - VFR - IFR etc.
  12. Altitude
  13. Made my own livery for the Learjet 35-A. Looks cool
  14. De/Flughöhe
  15. Overhaul of Aircraft speed
  16. Translation requests reworked
  17. Help:Translate reworked
  18. Translated Nl/Hoofdpagina
  19. Updated aircraft Learjet 35-A, updated the wiki description
  20. Translated Template:Did you know
  21. Update and move of Suggested Flights
  22. Ketchikan to Juneau as suggested flight
  23. Ngorngoro as suggested flight
  24. Origin of the Amazon River as suggested flight
  25. Copacabana to San Rafael over Lake Titicaca as suggested flight.
  26. Complete rework of the Learjet 35-A, published as Early production 20111111p (a day too soon... but I could not wait)
  27. Major update on the wiki of Learjet 35-A reflecting the changes I made
  28. Compiled Unique Features
  29. Innsbruck as Airport of the month, made me a nice x-mas tree. TY Gijs.
  30. Published Learjet 35-A version 20111222, Major update of it's wiki page.
  31. Searching Wizard Island as suggested flight.
  32. Published Learjet 35-A version 20120130.
  33. EDDI as Airport of the month January.
  34. Kisimayu to Kilimanjaro as suggested flight.
  35. LFRJ as Airport of the month February. Oh golly, there is an aircraft with those thingies on the wings. Is it new? (noooo, but it's still in the secret hangar, still banging on the metal)

Suggestions, Idea's, comments

User talk:PH-JBO