Canvas MFD framework

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Cquote1.png I also need a better way to switch pages on the lower EICAS. Right now I delete/re-create the Canvas with this code. It doesn't work well though; at times no page is loaded at all. Of course I cannot delete a Canvas when I have it displayed in a dialog, so this method is probably doomed... [1]
— Gijs

Cquote1.png I'm also doing some work on my C-130J cockpit and therefore have got nearly the same problems^^ There are currently five screens with a lot of pages which can be freely placed on any of the screens. I'm not yet sure on how to setup this system in detail. If displays/windows/etc. show exactly the same thing they should also use the same canvas. One approach would be to use a canvas for each page and add one ore more placements to it depending on where it should be displayed.

Another approach would be to use a canvas for each screen and either reload each page on switching or after loading once hide the according group. A completely different approach (which probably also will require some core changes) is to allow moving groups between different canvasses and also just to a storage location to move pages around as needed.

— TheTom

Cquote1.png It would probably be a good idea to look at existing airliners in FG, such as the 744, 777 and then come up with a simple Nasal-space framework to manage image sources and screens, so that a screen selector would ideally only manage placements, while supporting different MFDs for each pilot - analogous to how A661 has the concept of an image generator (IG) and a cockpit display system (CDS).

For most modern jets it would make sense to introduce some intermediate layer that wraps the main canvas system, so that different displays (PFD, ND, EICAS, M/CDU etc) can be conveniently managed.

Basically, we only need to add a handful of Nasal wrapper classes that provide the building blocks for any kind of EFIS, i.e. generic components such as:

cockpit developers would then ideally use existing components or add new ones as required, for different types of EFIS (777, 747, A320, A380).

PFD/ND and EICAS/ECAM or MCDUs would be built on top of these.[3]
— Hooray
  1. Gijs (Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:04 am). The making of the Queen.
  2. TheTom (Mon Oct 14, 2013 5:02 am). The making of the Queen.
  3. Hooray (Mon Oct 14, 2013 5:02 am). The making of the Queen.


  • Screen
  • Image Source
  • Switch/Selector
  • Placement Manager
# wrapper for a cockpit placement
var Screen = {

# wrapper for any Nasal class managing a canvas
var ImageSource = {

var SourceSelector = {