What to type |
What will be shown
{{aero-stub}} |
{{Affected by Canvas|Alternate page}} |
IMPORTANT: Some, and possibly most, of the features/ideas discussed here are likely to be affected, and possibly even deprecated, by the ongoing work on providing a property tree-based 2D drawing API accessible from Nasal using the new Canvas system available since FlightGear 2.80 (08/2012). Please see: Alternate page for further information
You are advised not to start working on anything directly related to this without first discussing/coordinating your ideas with other FlightGear contributors using the FlightGear developers mailing list or the Canvas Unterforum . Anything related to Canvas Core Development should be discussed first of all with TheTom and Zakalawe. Nasal-space frameworks are being maintained by Philosopher and Hooray currently. talk page.
{{Affected by HLA}} |
Achtung Developer information:
Some, and possibly most, of the details below are likely to be affected, or even deprecated, by the ongoing work on implementing and improving HLA support in FlightGear. For recent updates, please refer to HLA Timeline.
Please see: High-Level Architecture for further information
To avoid conflicting efforts, you are advised not to start working on anything directly related to this without first coordinating your ideas with FlightGear core developers using the FlightGear developers mailing list. talk page..
{{airport-stub}} |
{{BeingTranslated}} |
{{bot|User}} |
This user account is a bot operated by User.
This is a legitimate alternative account, used to make repetitive automated or semi-automated edits that would be extremely tedious to do manually.
{{caution|Nachricht}} |
{{changelog translation|version|url}} |
Dies ist eine Übersetzung des offiziellen version Changelog.
Lesen Sie das offizielle (Englisch) Changelog [url unter diesem Link].
{{cleanup|reason=Reason}} |
{{Delete |reason = Reason |day = 13 |month = 03 |year = 2025 }} |
This article has been nominated for deletion since 13 March 2025. To discuss it, please visit the talk page.
Do not remove this tag until the discussion is closed.
Reason for the nomination: Reason
{{delete-sp}} |
This page has been nominated for speedy deletion
{{depreciated|Nachricht}} |
{{DeQuote}} |
Bemerkung In its current form, this section/article is largely based on quotes collected from various related discussions/channels (devel list, forum etc) using the Instant-Cquotes script. Wiki users and other contributors are encouraged to help rewrite/edit contents accordingly to help get rid of unnecessary quoting (i.e. while the wiki is not intended to be a collection of quotes, quotes are sometimes the best/easiest way to bootstrap new articles, while also providing a good way to link back to related discussions in the archives).
While rewriting usually only entails changing first person speech to 3rd person. However, please try to retain references/links to the original discussion whenever possible.
{{disputed}} |
This article's factual accuracy is disputed.
Please help improve the article by referencing to sources. There may be additional information on the talk page.
{{draft|type|Subtitle/comments}} |
type ist ein Entwurf.
{{Git branch available}} |
Bemerkung The code/changes discussed in the following section are also available via a dedicated git topic branch
Bemerkung Contributors wanting to check out the topics/canvas-map-dialog branch, need to follow these 3 steps:
- git remote add canvas-hackers git@gitorious.org:fg/canvas-hackers-fgdata
- git fetch canvas-hackers
- git checkout --track -b topics/canvas-map-dialog canvas-hackers/topics/canvas-map-dialog
This will give you a local branch named topics/canvas-map-dialog, so that you can easily pull/push changes.
When pulling, it makes sense to pull with --rebase
Please never push directly to the master/next branches, and please don't push force (-f) either.
{{historical}} |
Dieser article ist veraltet, aber für historische Referenz aufbewahrt.
Sehen Sie auch die Diskussionsseite.
{{Image requested}} |
It is requested that an image or photograph be included in this article to improve its quality.
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{{incomplete}} |
Dieser Artikel ist nicht vollständig. Bitte helfen Sie dabei, den Artikel zu verbessern oder das Problem auf der Diskussionsseite zu diskutieren.
{{leaking Nasal disclaimer |oldapi=foo() |newapi=bar() }}
Achtung Improper use of the foo() API may cause resource leaks.
This typically is caused by the low-level nature of such code, requiring manual tracking of listeners and timers and manual reset and re-init handling.
It is instead recommended that you use the bar() API. Alternatively a wrapping helper class can be used to handle low-level APIs, which is the recommended way to support multiple FlightGear versions.
{{Mentored Volunteer Effort |developers=Someone |skills=Skill, another skill, yet another skill |issue=1157 |mentors=Someone, Someone else }}
This project is currently under active development. And we're looking for volunteers interested in contributing.
So if you'd like to help in one way or another, please get in touch or just help improve the article in the meantime!
Useful Skills:
Skill, another skill, yet another skill
Contributors: Someone
Mentors: Someone, Someone else
It's possible that this article hasn't been updated in a while, so to catch up with the latest developments, you are advised not to start working on anything directly related to this without first coordinating your ideas with fellow FlightGear contributors using the FlightGear developers mailing list or the FlightGear forums. See also the talk page.
{{merge|The other article|Discussion page section|date=March 2025}} |
It has been suggested that this article or section be merged with The other article. Discuss this merge. This has been proposed since March 2025.
{{mergedisputed|The other article|Discussion page section|date=March 2025}} |
It has been suggested that this article or section be merged with The other article, but this suggestion is disputed. This merge has been proposed since March 2025.
{{mergefrom|The other article|Discussion page section|date=March 2025}} |
It has been suggested that The other article be merged into this article or section. Discuss this merge. This has been proposed since March 2025.
{{mergeto|The other article|Discussion page section|date=March 2025}} |
It has been suggested that this article or section be merged into The other article. Discuss this merge. This has been proposed since March 2025.
{{meta category}} |
This meta category should only contain other categories. Pages and files should be put in either the parent category or in subcategories.
{{non-GPL}} |
Das Produkt, das hier beschrieben wird, steht NICHT unter der GNU GPL Lizenz. Das bedeutet, dass es untersagt ist, das Produkt (und Teile davon) in anderen Projekten zu verwenden.
{{non-stable}} |
This article describes content/features that may not yet be available in the latest stable version of FlightGear (2024.1). You may need to install some extra components, use the latest development (Git) version or even rebuild FlightGear from source, possibly from a custom topic branch using special build settings: . This feature is scheduled for FlightGear (unknown). 
If you'd like to learn more about getting your own ideas into FlightGear, check out Implementing new features for FlightGear.
{{note|Nachricht}} |
{{obsolete|new page}} |
Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt enthält veraltete Informationen.
Siehen Sie stattdessen new page.
{{out of date}} |
This article or section contains out-of-date information
Please help improve this article by updating it. There may be additional information on the talk page.
{{prereq|articles=Articles|areas=Areas|skills=Skills}} |
Article with prerequisites
This article may be easier to understand if you have previously read and understood the following articles: Articles knowledge in the following areas: Areas and have the following skills: Skills
{{Remove this line and insert a license instead|year=2025|month=03|day=13}} |
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Unless the copyright status is provided, the file could be deleted seven days after the upload (13 March 2025
{{review}} |
Dieser Abschnitt enthält eine Rezension. Bitte bedenke, dass (die meisten) Aussagen hier auf die Meinung einer einzigen Person basieren.
{{rule of thumb|Rule|Motivation}}
{{rule of thumb |topic=Topic |rule=Rule |motivation=Motivation |rule2=Rule 2 |motivation2=Motivation 2 |rule3=Rule 3 |motivation3=Motivation 3 }} |
Topic Faustregeln
- Motivation
- Motivation 2
- Motivation 3
{{splitapart|Discussion page section|date=March 2025}} |
It has been suggested that this section be split off into a new article. Discuss this split. This has been proposed since March 2025.
{{stub}} |
{{tip|Nachricht}} |
{{UpdateToGit}} |
This article was written before the switch from CVS to Git. Therefore, it contains out of date information on obtaining development versions.
More information can be found in FlightGear and Git
{{Update|Nachricht}} |
{{UpdateTranslation}} |
{{warning|Nachricht}} |
{{WIP|Note}} |
Angefangene Arbeiten Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt wird in die kommenden Stunden oder Tagen bearbeitet werden. Bemerkung: note Sehen Sie die Geschichte für die neuesten Entwicklungen.