JSBSim Thrusters

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JSBSim uses thruster models to convert engine power into aerodynamic forces. The following table shows which engine-thruster combinations work.

Direct Nozzle Propeller Rotor


Thrust is computed directly by the engine, the direct thruster file is a stub. Currently only the FGTurbine engine uses this thruster.

Configuration File Format

This is the complete configuration file. Copy and paste into your 'direct.xml' file.

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<direct name="Direct">


  • The direct thruster creates a property called propulsion/engine[#]/reverser-angle-rad
  • "Reverser angle" as used here is a way to manipulate the thrust vector, along the thrust axis ONLY, during run time. This should not be confused with a thrust vectoring nozzle. The angle is defined in radians, and is used thus: Final_thrust = cosine( reverser_angle ) * unmodified_thrust. Therefore a reverser angle of 0 results in no change, and a reverser angle of 3.14 (pi) results in a completely reversed thrust vector. An angle of 1.57 (pi/2) results in no thrust at all


FGNozzle is for the FGRocket engine.

Configuration File Format

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<nozzle name="{string}">
  <area unit="{FT2 | M2 | IN2}"> {number}  </area>

Parameter definitions

area Nozzle area at the exit plane.


  • All parameters MUST be specified.


FGPropeller models a propeller given the tabular data for Ct and Cp, indexed by the advance ratio "J".

Configuration File Format

<!-- Sense goes in the parent tag -->
<sense> {1 | -1} </sense> 
<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<propeller name="{string}">
  <ixx> {number} </ixx>
  <diameter unit="IN"> {number} </diameter>
  <numblades> {number} </numblades>
  <gearratio> {number} </gearratio>
  <minpitch> {number} </minpitch>
  <maxpitch> {number} </maxpitch>
  <minrpm> {number} </minrpm>
  <maxrpm> {number} </maxrpm>
  <constspeed> {number} </constspeed>
  <reversepitch> {number} </reversepitch>
  <p_factor> {number} </p_factor>
  <ct_factor> {number} </ct_factor>
  <cp_factor> {number} </cp_factor>

  <table name="C_THRUST" type="internal">

  <table name="C_POWER" type="internal">

  <table name="CT_MACH" type="internal">

  <table name="CP_MACH" type="internal">


Parameter definitions

ixx Propeller rotational inertia. (Note: This appears to be in metric units, kg * meters^2, for a thin rod of mass m (kg) and diameter D (meters) spinning about its center, formula is m*D^2/12. See the Moments of inertia reference page and list of conversion factors for different units for moment of inertia.)
diameter Propeller disk diameter.
numblades Number of blades.
gearratio Ratio of (engine rpm) / (prop rpm).
minpitch Minimum blade pitch angle.
maxpitch Maximum blade pitch angle.
minrpm Minimum rpm target for constant speed propeller.
maxrpm Maximum rpm target for constant speed propeller.
constspeed 1 = constant speed mode, 0 = manual pitch mode.
reversepitch Blade pitch angle for reverse.
sense Direction of rotation (1=clockwise as viewed from cockpit, -1=anti-clockwise as viewed from cockpit). Sense is specified in the parent tag of the propeller.
p_factor P factor.
ct_factor A multiplier for the coefficients of thrust (multiplies the dependent variable in the C_THRUST table by this factor).
cp_factor A multiplier for the coefficients of power (multiplies the dependent variable in the C_POWER table by this factor).

C_THRUST and C_POWER tables

The C_THRUST and C_POWER tables are required.

The independent variable for both tables is Advance Ratio (J). The dependent variable is the coefficient of thrust (Ct) for the C_THRUST and the coefficient of power (Cp) for C_POWER.

Propellors for F3D Models explains the theory and has formulas and many graphs showing the relationship between J, Ct, and Cp.

Relevant formulas relating the variables in the tables:

  • Thrust: T = Ct/(rho * n^2 * D^4)
  • Power: P = Cp/(rho * n^3 * D^5)
  • Advance Ratio: J = v/(n*D)
  • Efficiency: eta = Ct/Cp or, equivalently eta = v/(n*D)

In the formulas

  • Ct = coefficient of thrust
  • Cp = coefficient of power
  • v = velocity of aircraft (m/s)
  • D = diameter of propeller disk (m)
  • n = rotations per second (1/s) (note RPS, not RPM)
  • rho = density of air (kg/m^3)
  • P = power (W)
  • T = thrust (N)

For a typical propeller, both Cp and Ct are downward sloping curves that reach 0 near J=1. Typically Ct is slightly greater than than Cp for small J, crosses (is equal to) Cp at some point (typically, when J is between 0.6 and 0.8), and then remains smaller than Cp for larger J. Cp and Ct can be negative (typically for J > 1, approximately); this indicates the drag induced by the prop when the airspeed is relatively fast compared with prop RPM.

Ct/Cp gives the efficiency (eta), and propeller shape and general design give each propeller a distinctive efficiency curve. For fixed-pitch propellers, the propeller is generally designed to reach peak efficiency either at climb velocity & RPM, cruise velocity and RPM, or some compromise between the two. Variable pitch propellers and constant speed propellers bring different factors into play.

Sample C_THRUST and C_POWER tables

These example tables are from FlightGear's C172P aircraft:

 <propeller name="Fixed-Pitch 75-inch Two-Blade Propeller">
   <ixx> 1.67 </ixx>
   <diameter unit="IN"> 75.0 </diameter>
   <numblades> 2 </numblades>
   <minpitch> 22 </minpitch>
   <maxpitch> 22 </maxpitch>
<tableData> 0.0 0.068 0.1 0.068 0.2 0.067 0.3 0.066 0.4 0.064 0.5 0.062 0.6 0.059 0.7 0.054 0.8 0.043 0.9 0.031 1.0 0.019 1.1 0.008 1.2 -0.001 1.3 -0.008 1.4 -0.019 1.5 -0.029 1.6 -0.040 1.7 -0.050 1.8 -0.057 1.9 -0.061 2.0 -0.064 2.1 -0.066 2.2 -0.067 2.3 -0.068 5.0 -0.068 </tableData>
<tableData> 0.0 0.0580 0.1 0.0620 0.2 0.0600 0.3 0.0580 0.4 0.0520 0.5 0.0457 0.6 0.0436 0.7 0.0420 0.8 0.0372 0.9 0.0299 1.0 0.0202 1.1 0.0111 1.2 0.0075 1.3 0.0111 1.4 0.0202 1.5 0.0280 1.6 0.0346 1.7 0.0389 1.8 0.0421 1.9 0.0436 2.0 0.0445 2.1 0.0445 2.2 0.0442 2.3 0.0431 2.4 0.0424 5.0 0.0413 </tableData>


The CT_MACH and CP_MACH tables are optional. They apply a factor to Ct and Cp based on the helical tip Mach.


Sense is the direction of rotation. 1=clockwise (typically as seen from rear of aircraft or the cockpit of a typical front-propeller aircraft, but this may vary depending on how you have set up the coordinate system for your aircraft) and -1 is counter-clockwise.

The sense tag goes in the parent tag of the thruster, in the <propulsion><thruster> section which is typically in the main JSBSim XML file. Example:

       <engine file="Clerget9B">
           <location unit="IN">
               <x> 12 </x>
               <y> 0 </y>
               <z> 0 </z>
           <orient unit="DEG">
               <roll> 0 </roll>
               <pitch> 0 </pitch>
               <yaw> 0 </yaw>
           <thruster file="CamelProp">
               <location unit="IN">
                   <x> 0 </x>
                   <y> 0 </y>
                   <z> 0 </z>
               <orient unit="DEG">
                   <roll> 0 </roll>
                   <pitch> 0 </pitch>
                   <yaw> 0 </yaw>
       <tank type="FUEL">
           <location unit="IN">
               <x> 60 </x>
               <y> 0 </y>
               <z> -5.62 </z>
           <capacity unit="LBS">133.6</capacity>
           <contents unit="LBS">133.6</contents>


  • Several references were helpful, here:
    • Barnes W. McCormick, "Aerodynamics, Aeronautics, and Flight Mechanics", Wiley & Sons, 1979 ISBN 0-471-03032-5
    • Edwin Hartman, David Biermann, "The Aerodynamic Characteristics of Full Scale Propellers Having 2, 3, and 4 Blades of Clark Y and R.A.F. 6 Airfoil Sections", NACA Report TN-640, 1938 (?)
    • Various NACA Technical Notes and Reports


FGRotor moodels a helicopter rotor.

Configuration File Format

<!-- Sense goes in the parent tag -->
<sense> {1 | 0 | -1} </sense>
<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<rotor name="{string}">
  <diameter unit="{LENGTH}"> {number} </diameter>
  <numblades> {number} </numblades>
  <gearratio> {number} </gearratio>
  <nominalrpm> {number} </nominalrpm>
  <minrpm> {number} </minrpm>
  <maxrpm> {number} </maxrpm> 
  <chord unit="{LENGTH}"> {number} </chord>
  <liftcurveslope Xunit="1/RAD"> {number} </liftcurveslope>
  <twist unit="{ANGLE}"> {number} </twist>
  <hingeoffset unit="{LENGTH}"> {number} </hingeoffset>
  <flappingmoment unit="{MOMENT}"> {number} </flappingmoment>
  <massmoment Xunit="SLUG*FT"> {number} </massmoment>
  <polarmoment unit="{MOMENT}"> {number} </polarmoment>
  <inflowlag> {number} </inflowlag>
  <tiplossfactor> {number} </tiplossfactor>
  <maxbrakepower unit="{POWER}"> {number} </maxbrakepower>

  <controlmap> {MAIN|TAIL|TANDEM} </controlmap>
  <ExternalRPM> {number} </ExternalRPM>

  <groundeffectexp> {number} </groundeffectexp>
  <groundeffectshift unit="{LENGTH}"> {number} </groundeffectshift>

  <freewheelthresh> {number} </freewheelthresh>
  • LENGTH means any of the supported units, same for ANGLE and MOMENT.X unit-attributes are a hint for currently unsupported units, so values must be provided accordingly.

Parameter definitions

diameter Rotor disk diameter (2x R).
numblades Number of blades (b).
gearratio Ratio of (engine rpm) / (rotor rpm), usually > 1.
nominalrpm RPM at which the rotor usally operates.
minrpm Lowest RPM used in the model, optional and defaults to 1.
maxrpm Largest RPM used in the model, optional and defaults to 2 x nominalrpm.
chord Blade chord, (c).
liftcurveslope Slope of curve of section lift against section angle of attack, per rad (a).
twist Blade twist from root to tip, (theta_1).
hingeoffset Rotor flapping-hinge offset (e).
flappingmoment Flapping moment of inertia (I_b).
massmoment Blade mass moment. Mass of a single blade times the blade's cg-distance from the hub, optional.
polarmoment Moment of inertia for the whole rotor disk, optional.
inflowlag Rotor inflow time constant, sec. Smaller values yield to quicker responses (typical values for main rotor: 0.1 - 0.2 s).
tiplossfactor Tip-loss factor. The Blade fraction that produces lift. Value usually ranges between 0.95 - 1.0, optional (B).
maxbrakepower Rotor brake, 20-30 hp should work for a mid size helicopter.
controlmap Defines the control inputs used (see notes).
ExternalRPM Links the rotor to another rotor, or an user controllable property.

Experimental properties

groundeffectexp Exponent for ground effect approximation. Values usually range from 0.04 for large rotors to 0.1 for smaller ones. As a rule of thumb the effect vanishes at a height 2-3 times the rotor diameter. formula used: exp ( - groundeffectexp * (height+groundeffectshift) ) Omitting or setting to 0.0 disables the effect calculation.
groundeffectshift Further adjustment of ground effect, approx. hub height or slightly above.
freewheelthresh Ratio of thruster power to engine power. The FWU will release when above the threshold. The value shouldn't be too close to 1.0, 1.5 seems ok. 0 disables this feature, which is also the default.



  • The behavior of the rotor is controlled/influenced by following inputs.
    • The power provided by the engine. This is handled by the regular engine controls.
    • The collective control input. This is read from the fdm property propulsion/engine[x]/collective-ctrl-rad. See below for tail rotor
    • The lateral cyclic input. Read from propulsion/engine[x]/lateral-ctrl-rad.
    • The longitudinal cyclic input. Read from propulsion/engine[x]/longitudinal-ctrl-rad.
    • The tail collective (aka antitorque, aka pedal) control input. Read from propulsion/engine[x]/antitorque-ctrl-rad or propulsion/engine[x]/tail-collective-ctrl-rad.

Tail/tandem rotor

   Providing <ExternalRPM> 0 </ExternalRPM> the tail rotor's RPM
   is linked to to the main (=first, =0) rotor, and specifying
   <controlmap> TAIL </controlmap> tells this rotor to read the
   collective input from propulsion/engine[1]/antitorque-ctrl-rad
   (The TAIL-map ignores lateral and longitudinal input). The rotor needs to be 
   attached to a dummy engine, e.g. an 1HP electrical engine.
   A tandem rotor is setup analogous.


   The 'sense' parameter from the thruster is interpreted as follows, sense=1 means
   counter clockwise rotation of the main rotor, as viewed from above. This is as a far
   as I know more popular than clockwise rotation, which is defined by setting sense to
   -1. Concerning coaxial designs - by setting 'sense' to zero, a Kamov-style rotor is
   modeled (i.e. the rotor produces no torque).

Engine issues

   In order to keep the rotor speed constant, use of a RPM-Governor system is 
   encouraged (see examples).

Development hints

   Setting <ExternalRPM> -1 </ExternalRPM> the rotor's RPM is controlled  by
   the propulsion/engine[x]/x-rpm-dict property. This feature can be useful
   when developing a FDM.


SH79 Shaugnessy, J. D., Deaux, Thomas N., and Yenni, Kenneth R., "Development and Validation of a Piloted Simulation of a Helicopter and External Sling Load", NASA TP-1285, 1979.
BA41 Bailey,F.J.,Jr., "A Simplified Theoretical Method of Determining the Characteristics of a Lifting Rotor in Forward Flight", NACA Rep.716, 1941
AM50 Amer, Kenneth B.,"Theory of Helicopter Damping in Pitch or Roll and a Comparison With Flight Measurements", NACA TN-2136, 1950.
TA77 Talbot, Peter D., Corliss, Lloyd D., "A Mathematical Force and Moment Model of a UH-1H Helicopter for Flight Dynamics Simulations", NASA TM-73,254, 1977.
GE49 Gessow, Alfred, Amer, Kenneth B. "An Introduction to the Physical Aspects of Helicopter Stability", NACA TN-1982, 1949.