JSBSim Propulsion

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JSBSim provides a framework for aerodynamics. This page will attempt to explain how to create a propulsion system for the JSBSim framework. Propulsion systems contain engine, thrusters and fuel tanks


Propulsion entity is the container for engine, thrusters and fuel tanks. Engines and thrusters are commonly kept in separate files in the Engines/ directory of an aircraft.

Configuration File Format

        <engine file="{string}">
          ... see FGEngine, FGThruster, and class for engine type ...
        ... more engines ...
        <tank type="{FUEL | OXIDIZER}"> 
          ... see FGTank ...
        ... more tanks ...
        <dump-rate unit="{LBS/MIN | KG/MIN}"> {number} </dump-rate>
        <refuel-rate unit="{LBS/MIN | KG/MIN}"> {number} </refuel-rate>

Example Format

        <engine file="eng_io320">
            <location unit="IN">
                <x> -19.7 </x>
                <y> 0 </y>
                <z> 26.6 </z>
            <orient unit="DEG">
                <roll> 0.0 </roll>
                <pitch> 0 </pitch>
                <yaw> 0 </yaw>
            <thruster file="prop_75in2f">
                <location unit="IN">
                    <x> -37.7 </x>
                    <y> 0 </y>
                    <z> 26.6 </z>
                <orient unit="DEG">
                    <roll> 0.0 </roll>
                    <pitch> 0.0 </pitch>
                    <yaw> 0.0 </yaw>
                <sense> 1 </sense>
                <p_factor> 5 </p_factor>
        <tank type="FUEL">    <!-- Tank number 0 -->
            <location unit="IN">
                <x> 56 </x>
                <y> -112 </y>
                <z> 59.4 </z>
            <capacity unit="LBS"> 185 </capacity>
            <contents unit="LBS"> 100 </contents>
        <tank type="FUEL">    <!-- Tank number 1 -->
            <location unit="IN">
                <x> 56 </x>
                <y> 112 </y>
                <z> 59.4 </z>
            <capacity unit="LBS"> 185 </capacity>
            <contents unit="LBS"> 100 </contents>