Building TerraGear in Ubuntu 910 (32- or 64-bit)

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Template:Languages This tutorial describes installing a recent subversion of terragear on Ubuntu910, terragear-cs. Do NOT try to install Terragear CVS or an older version of terragear with this tutorial. Note: This tutorial also works for OSX 10.5.8 (intel) and VBox 3.1.2r56127 but does not describe how to install VBox/Ubuntu on your mac.

Basic Install

1. Start with a clean (new) installation of Ubuntu 910 (this sample is with 64-bit, should work also with 32-bit). Do not Update the system after installation with package manager. Skip update (important!).

2. Install the basic packages for git access and development:

       * sudo apt-get install git-core curl automake g++ gcc

3. Make a new directory where you download and install the proper packages. You need also to prepare a directory "newmat11" to extract the archive you get from following link. gpc will extract in a directory itself.

4. Download the files inside the new created directory: newmat 11,gpc 2.32:

       * git clone
       * git clone

5. Before proceed to compile the main packages, we must understand that terragear-cs depends from simgear-cs, and this last one has many dependencies to satisfy.

       * Install libplib-dev (1.8.5-4), libboost1.38-dev, glutg3-dev, libglut3-dev, libjpeg62-dev and xorg-dev via package manager

6. As previous step to compile simgear-cs, don't forget install the next packages:

       * sudo apt-get install libopenal-dev libalut-dev openscenegraph zlib1g-dev libopenscenegraph-dev

7. Goto to the directory simgear-cs to start the compilation. Remember that when we download source code with a cvs software as git or svn we need to

 generate the configure file:
       * ./
   The configure file is now created.
       * ./configure --with-jpeg-factory
       * make
       * sudo make install

8. To follow, we must satisfy 2 more dependencies: gpc and newmat. Unpackage those files and inside each directory:

   a) GPC:
       - Copy and paste the next lines and create a new empty file with the name "Makefile"
       - Replace "spaces" with tabs in your file and watch out for proper returns/end of line to get a working Makefile:
       # Unix/Linux makefile for GPC 2.32
       # Riley Rainey  (
       CFLAGS = -O -g
       libgenpolyclip.a: gpc.o
               rm -f $@
               ar cr $@ $<
               ranlib $@
               rm -f libgenpolyclip.a *.o core *~
       install: libgenpolyclip.a
               -mkdir -p /usr/local/lib
               -mkdir -p /usr/local/include
               install libgenpolyclip.a /usr/local/lib/libgenpolyclip.a
               install gpc.h /usr/local/include/gpc.h

       - Modify the file gpc.h, searching for "GPC_EPSILON (DBL_EPSILON)" and replace with "GPC_EPSILON (0.000001)"
       - And -obviously- make and sudo make install.... Done!!!
   b) NEWMAT:
       * make -f nm_gnu.mak
       * sudo cp libnewmat.a /usr/local/lib
       * sudo mkdir /usr/local/include/newmat
       * sudo cp *.h /usr/local/include/newmat

9. Finally and before proceed with the compilation of terragear-cs, we must satisfy some additional libraries:

       * sudo apt-get install libwxgtk2.8-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
       * Your system ask you to reboot. So reboot.
       * Option: If you want to use gdal/OGR-support in terragear-cs:
         sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev
         Go to terragear-cs folder: /src/Prep/OGRDecode and remove "-logdi" in Makefile (Line 102)
         Go to terragear-cs folder: /src/Utils/ and remove "-logdi" in Makefile (Line 118)
   After that, inside of the directory terragear-cs:
       * ./
       * ./configure
       * Option: With gdal/OGR support run "./configure --with-gdal=/usr/bin/gdal-config"
       * Not a option at the moment: Point to directory terragear-cs/src/Prep/Terra and open ""
       * change line "include <iostream>" to "include <cstdio>" (Line 3)
       * make
       * sudo make install

10. Then - maybe you are ready to use terragear.

Optional steps

13. If we wish use the photo command and insert images inside our scenery, we need the command:

       * sudo gedit /usr/local/bin/
   Copy and paste the follow code:
               die "Usage: $0 file xdiv ydiv res\n" if ( $#ARGV != 3 );
               $file = shift @ARGV;
               $xdiv = shift @ARGV;
               $ydiv = shift @ARGV;
               $res = shift @ARGV;
               die "Must start with a .png file\n" if ( $file !~ m/\.png$/ );
               # extract image dimensions
               $info = `file $file`;
               $info =~ s/,//g;
               ($junk, $type, $junk, $junk, $width, $junk, $height, $junk)
                   = split(/\s+/, $info, 8);
               print "$width - $height\n";
               $basename = $file;
               $basename =~ s/\.png$//;
               # convert source image to pnm
               `pngtopnm $basename.png > $basename.pnm`;
               $dx = $width / $xdiv;
               $dy = $height / $ydiv;
               for ( $j = 0; $j < $ydiv; $j++ ) {
                   for ( $i = 0; $i < $xdiv; $i++ ) {
                       print "Paso $i $j\n";
                       $x = $dx * $i;
                       $y = $height - $dy * ($j + 1);
                       $outputpnm = sprintf("$basename%X%X.pnm", $i, $j);
                       $outputsgi = sprintf("$basename%X%X.sgi", $i, $j);
                       $outputrgb = sprintf("$basename%X%X.rgb", $i, $j);
                	printf "Diviendo archivos...\n";
                       printf "pnmcut $x $y $dx $dy $basename.pnm | pnmscale -xysize $res $res > $outputpnm\n";
                       `pnmcut $x $y $dx $dy $basename.pnm | pnmscale -xsize $res -ysize $res > $outputpnm`;
                       printf "Convirtiendo archivos...\n";
                       `convert $outputpnm $outputsgi`;
                       printf "Renombrando archivos...\n";
                       rename($outputsgi, $outputrgb);
   Save the file.
   Install those additional packages which allows image manipulation:
       * sudo apt-get install imagemagick netpbm

14. Install QGIS for scenery edit.

       * sudo gedit /etc/apt/source.list
   Add to the bottom:
               deb hardy main
   Don't forget:
       * sudo apt-get update
       * sudo apt-get install qgis qgis-plugin-grass