User talk:Nine

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Your edits in 2014

Hardware Recommendations edits in 01/2014

Hi, I am aware of the thread on the devel list, and I am not disagreeing with the general consensus, especially the notions made by James and Curt. However, if you are going ahead to change the hardware recommendations, I'd like to invite you to rework our troubleshooting guides accordingly, or at least get involved on the forums to help those who regularly have problems with ATI/AMD hardware. Note that I am not at all opposed to ATI/AMD, it's just that helping users with such hardware is taking up considerable amounts of time, and I'd like people to reconsider any recommendations, or at least help with the troubleshooting process. Also note that this is not at all specific to ATI/AMD, this applies just as well to most of the MATROX hardware. While I am also a Linux/NVIDIA user, I once did go through the whole process of using ATI products, and things were not exactly straightforward, despite having quite some Linux/OpenGL/FG experience. So I am not sure if we should really condone certain hardware, unless we are also making sure to update our troubleshooting guidelines accordingly. Just my 2c obviously - but it's all based on being involved in the support forums, which is the de-facto channel for end-user support, so people on the devel list will typically not be aware of the amount of work done there, unless they also happen to be involved in the forum. That being said, thanks for contributing to the wiki! --Hooray (talk) 23:27, 29 January 2014 (UTC)