FlightGear Newsletter August 2018
We would like to emphasize that the monthly newsletter can not live without the contributions of FlightGear users and developers. Everyone with a wiki account (free to register) is welcome to contribute to the newsletter. If you know about any FlightGear related news or projects such as for example updated scenery or aircraft, please do feel invited to add such news to the newsletter.
Development news
Recent changes
James added support for allowing copying of the raw command line. Furthermore, AI aircraft are now draggable in Phi, the Qt launcher was translated to Chinese and Italian, and the default height of property browser was changed to 500 pixels. These updates will be available in the upcoming 2018.3.1 version.
In the hangar
Autopush aims to develop a generic pushback for JSBSim and YASim aircraft, with the following characteristics.
1. Do the pushback procedure automatically. 2. Scale to different aircraft with minimum changes to their logic. 3. Use no computer resources in flight.
Currently, the
- Tu-144
- IDG-A32X
- IDG-A33X
- IDG-MD-11X
- B777
use autopush. Find out more at the Autopush: Automated pushback topic on the forum .
Updated aircraft
C172P 2018.3 Release
The c172p team has released a new version of their aircraft including:
- Improved 3D models and textures of all levers, toggles, seats, magneto keys, EGT gauge and attitude indicator
- New recess casings to all panel instruments
- Improved labels of panel texture
- Added 3D models to cockpit:
- Alternate static source knob
- Glove pocket to panel (holds GPS device when not in use)
- Lighter hole
- Overhead panel light switches for red flood, gauge post, and white dome/courtesy lights
- Low Voltage LED
- Sunvisors
- PPT cables connected to the yokes
- New ammeter gauge matching the model used in the 172P
- Light maps for red flood, gauge post and white dome light
- ALS procedural lights (glare) for red flood, gauge post, white dome and wing courtesy light
- Light map illumination and procedural glare responds to available light and dims during daylight
- Re-positioned and improved 3D models and textures of all levers
- Added ambient occlusion map to all interior textures
- Added glass effect for gauges
- New sounds, including when clicking on the checklist, adding/removing control lock, mounting/dismounting GPS, opening/closing glove pocket, opening/closing the window latches, extending/retracting the water rudder cable
- Better sound for flaps lever and motor
- Interlocked master switch (BAT and ALT)
- GPS antenna is now up by default
- GPS night mode
- Amphibious gear advisor activated
- New amphibious gear lever
- Expanded help tool tips
- Add subtle glass reflection to panel instruments and radio stack
- Moved tutorials to Hilo Airport (PHTO)
- Improved tutorials and added two new ones: take off and landing for float variants
- Much improved propeller model
- Improved handle animation of doors and baggage door
- Doors should now be closed from the inside using the door strap
- Air resistance will force an open door or baggage door backwards
- Improved KMA20's marker sensitivity toggle animation
- Much improved vertical stabilizer model, including a retopologized beacon model
- Added external antennas for the ELT, transponder, ADF and marker beacons
- Removed wire connecting the wings to the tail as our ADF receiver uses a different type of antenna
- Animated water rudder cable
- New digital clock added
- New five slot Save and Resume feature
- QT launcher variant selection support
- QT launcher Location support including "On approach"
- Most of the cases of multiple objects mapped to a single texture have now been solved by assigning each their own texture
- 3D models of rotary knobs of VOR and NAV radios now turn 360 degrees
- Corrected the label of the OBS knob of the heading indicator
- Implemented a particle effect color and light manager for smoke and spray
- Adjusted P-factor effect
- Strobe lights are stronger now
- Fixed issue which caused the landing light to appear green under certain situations
- Removed shadow effect from radio stack readouts
- Autopilot readouts now match the rest of the radio stack in both colour and intensity
- Added a black panel behind the broken wing structure
People who have contributed to the 2018.3 release:
- gilbertohasnofb
- wlbragg
- legoboyvdlp
- dany93
August has been yet another busy month with additions including:
- Traffic updates to Malaysia Airlines by SP-KOK
- Updates to Turkish Airlines, AirAsia, AirAsiaX (Malaysia), and AirAsia India by BecOzIcan
- New traffic for People's Airlines, BRA Airlines, Travel Service, and Corendon Airlines by SP-KOK
The AI team makes FlightGear more realistic, colorful and lively every month. You can support the important development of Interactive Traffic and contribute at AI Traffic subforum .
Scenery corner
Scenery development news
xDraconian has released a script for Blender 2.79 to produce ESRI Shapefiles from BTG files, available from [1]. Feedback is welcome at FGBlenderTools - FlightGear Development Tools (Blender) topic on the forum
Community news
FlightGear on YouTube
FlightGear on Facebook
Since early December 2010, FlightGear has an official Facebook page. If you have a Facebook account please feel free to join the page.
FlightGear on Google+
Since November 2011 there is a FlightGear page on Google+. If you haven't done so already, please add us to your circle and stay up to date on the latest FlightGear news, cool screenshots and release info.
FlightGear on Instagram
In January 2018 the @flightgear_sim Instagram account was brought back to life. If you've got nice screenshots to be featured, feel free to contact the maintainer at the FlightGear on Instagram topic on the forum .
FlightGear on FlightSim.com
Flightgear has now also a sub-forum on flightsim.com - just like the commercial flightsims. It is an opportunity to showcase what FG can do, get people curious and answer any questions they may have with regard to the software or the project.
Multiplayer events
Upcoming events
FGUK: 18th August Canadian Copter cruise
This is a one make helicopter flight so the choice of ride is simple. This will be for the Gazelle. No other choppers permitted.
Cruse speed will be around the 120kts mark and altitude will be variable.
The Route:
- CYPK Pitt Meadows - Start point.
- CYSE Squamish
- CYPS Pemberton
- AR3 Lillooet - Mid flight break.
- AZ5 Cache Creek
- CBJ4 Echo Valley
- AV3 100 Mile House - End point.
If you don't have the Gazelle ( Why not ! Its one of the best FG choppers !! ), you can get it here:- [2] If you are not used to it, practice, lots, before the flight..
As this is a chopper event, no typing will come from me. All instructions will be via Voice on our TS3 server. Details and download links:- ... er-details
Translators needed
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The FlightGear Wiki still needs help for translating it into various languages. If you are interested in making the FlightGear Wiki multilingual, you can start by looking at Help:Translate. |
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Le wiki de FlightGear a toujours besoin d'aide pour être traduit en différentes langues. Si vous êtes intéressé par le rendre multilingue, commencez par lire Help:Traduire. |
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Das FlightGear Wiki benötigt immer noch Hilfe bei der Übersetzung in verschiedene Sprachen. Wenn Du Interesse daran hast, das FlightGear Wiki mehrsprachig zu machen, dann fang mit dem Help:Übersetzen an. |
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De FlightGear Wiki kan nog steed hulp gebruiken bij het vertalen van artikelen. Als je interesse hebt om de wiki meertalig te maken, raden we je aan om een kijkje te nemen bij Help:Vertalen. |
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La wiki de FlightGear todavía necesita ayuda para traducirla a varios lenguajes. Si estás interesado en hacer la FlightGear wiki multilingüe, entonces comienza en Help:Traducir. |
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La wiki de FlightGear encara necessita ajuda per traduir-la a diverses llengües. Si esteu interessat en fer la wiki de FlightGear multilingüe, llavors comenceu a Help:Traduir. |
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A wiki de FlightGear ainda necessita de ajuda para traduzi-la em vários idiomas. Se estás interessado em tornar a wiki de FlightGear multi-lingual, por favor começa em Help:Traduzir. |
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FlightGear 百科仍然需要志愿者将其翻译为各种语言。如果你有兴趣让FlightGear百科支持更多语言, 你可以查看 Help:Translate. |
FlightGear logos
If you want some graphic elements for your FlightGear-related site (such as a hangar or YouTube channel), please feel free to visit FlightGear logos for a repository of logos. And if you have some art skills, please don't hesitate to contribute with your own design creations.
The FlightGear project always needs screenshots, which show features that were added since the last release. These should be of good quality, especially in content and technical image properties. It is therefore recommended to use the best viable filter settings (anti-aliasing, texture sharpening, etc.). More info at Howto:Make nice screenshots.
Screenshot of the Month
FlightGear's Screenshot of the Month August 2018 is Night 154 by sidi762
If you want to participate in the screenshot contest of September, you can submit your candidate to Submit your screenshot for September's SOTM! topic on the forum . Be sure to see the first post
for participation rules. For purposes of convenience and organization, after all the entries have been submitted, a new forum topic will be started containing all shots in an easy-to-view layout. The voting will then take place there. Once the voting has finished, the best screenshot will be presented in the Newsletter edition of September.
Thanks for reading FlightGear Newsletter August 2018!