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The opentrack interface
The opentrack interface
Written in C, C++
OS Cross-platform
Development status Active
License Most all code is under the ICS license

opentrack is a head-tracking program with built-in support for the FlightGear interface, allowing head tracking data to be sent directly as input data to FlightGear. Licensed as open-source software, opentrack has its roots in the FaceTrackNoIR project, and maintains many of the projects ideas.


Compiling for Linux

Linux users may be disappointed to know that no binaries are provided for opentrack. Luckily, compiling opentrack is a fairly mild process.

The following dependencies are for Debian-based systems, however it should give users of other distros a rough idea of what they will need to hunt for in their own package manager. Users of other distributions are encouraged to expand upon this guide.


  • cmake
  • git
  • qttools5-dev
  • qtbase5-private-dev
  • libprocps-dev
  • libopencv-dev
Note  While opentrack will build without OpenCV, it will only compile with a very minimal subset of its functionality, making it of little use to the average user who does not have very specific usage requirements.


Compiling the project is the same as with any cmake project:

git clone
cd opentrack/
cmake .
make install
Note  The resulting build output will be placed in the install/ directory. It will not 'install' itself anywhere outside of the current directory.


Tip  If you use the UFO to place objects, disable the headtracker add-on before starting FlightGear. The Shift+= binding for centering the view will interfere with the UFO's binding for showing the Adjust Model dialog.

FlightGear will not automatically start accepting input from opentrack just because you have it running, because it has not been told to listen for input from opentrack, or what to do with it.

The simplest way to do so is to use the headtracker addon.



Note  Proper calibration of your head-tracking setup is crucial for success, it may require lots of experimenting. Also ensure that no other software is trying to use your webcam, that FlightGear is selected as the "Output", and that your tracking is running before launching FlightGear
FlightGear must be selected as the "Output" in order for the head tracking to work

A generic quickstart video demonstrating the usage of opentrack can be found below.

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