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== 启动器 ==
== 启动器 ==
* 添加了在首次启动时出现的欢迎屏幕,为首次使用的用户提供一些有用的信息。
* 添加了在首次启动时出现的欢迎屏幕,为首次使用的用户提供一些有用的信息。
* 现在可以收藏你喜爱的机模并进行条件筛选,从而更容易在数百种可用飞机中找到自己喜欢的飞机。
* 机模插件现在可被标记为个人收藏,并可进行筛选,使得在数百个机模插件中寻找您喜爱的机模变得更容易。
* 启动器增加了对航空母舰的支持,包括选择航空母舰和设置起始位置。
* 启动器增加了对航空母舰的支持,现可在启动器中选择航空母舰以及设置起始位置。
* 当你想开始飞行的时候,现在只需要按下<code> Ctrl-F </code>快捷键!
* 当你想开始飞行的时候,现在只需要按下<code> Ctrl-F </code>快捷键!
* 增强了对停机坪和水上机场的支持,增加了对当前的飞机型号的检测。
* 增强了对停机坪和水上机场的支持,增加了对当前的飞机型号的检测。
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== 画面 ==
== 画面 ==
* To provide a developer preview, the [[Compositor]] renderer is included as part of this release.  It provides a fully XML-configurable multi-pass rendering pipeline that is compatible with ALS and includes clustered shading.
* 此发行版随附[[Compositor]]渲染器以便开发人员预览使用。Compositor渲染器提供了全面支持XML配置的多通道渲染合成方式,并且支持ALS与集群着色。*增加了对DDS贴图缓存的支持,缩短了贴图文件的加载时间。
* Support for DDS Texture Cache, improving loading times for texture files.
* 恒星能见度现可根据恒星大小和大气条件进行配置。
* Star visibility is configurable based on magnitude of star and atmospheric conditions.
* 现可通过设置<code>/rendering/triangle-direction-lights=false</code>,可以使用不定向点精灵(non-directional point sprites)以便在不支持三角形点精灵(triangles of point sprites)的图形驱动器上正确运行。
* Use of non-directional point sprites as a fallback for drivers that do not support triangles of point sprites is now supported by setting <code>/rendering/triangle-directional-lights=false</code>.
* 添加了全新的Tower AGL视角。该视角与塔台视角类似,不同之处在于它使地面保持在飞机的正下方,并在飞机移动时平稳地缩放和平移。这使得该视角适合用于观察降落。
* A new Tower AGL view has been added.  This is similar to Tower View, except that it keeps both the aircraft and the ground immediately below the aircraft in view, zooming and panning smoothly as the aircraft moves. Good for viewing landings.
* 改善了机场草地贴图
* Improved airport grass textures
* 更新了加利福尼亚,亚洲,冰岛,扬马延(Jan Mayen)岛的区域材质定义(regional material definitions)。
* Updated regional material definitions for California, Asia, Iceland, Jan Mayen island.
* 增加了新的活火山 - Katla, Eyjafjallajokull, Surtsey.
* Active volcanoes - Katla, Eyjafjallajokull, Surtsey.
* 新增基于实例的随机建筑与OpenStreetMap建筑,提高了性能并显著提高了画面质量。
* Instanced-based random and OpenStreetMap buildings, improving performance and graphical quality significantly.
* 改进了机翼弯折着色器。
* Improvements to the Wingflex Shader.
* 现可从“View”菜单中启用/禁用飞行员模型。
* Users may enable/disable the pilot model from the View Options dialog.

== JSBSim ==
== JSBSim ==
* Added the ability to set up the starter and acceleration times of a turbine (parameters <code><n1spinup></code>, <code><n2spinup></code>, <code><n1startrate></code>, <code><n2startrate></code>).
[以下部分翻译使用机器翻译,故部分内容或许将不准确或不自然。欢迎更多志愿者加入到翻译的行列中!]  <br />
* The <code><integrator></code> filter can now be reset to 0.0 by setting its <code><trigger></code> property to a negative value.
[Some part of the following translation is made by a machine translator, so it may be inaccurate or awkward. Any contributions to the translation are welcomed! ]
* 新增了设置涡轮机启动和加速时间的功能(参数<code><n1spinup></code><code><n2spinup></code><code><n1startrate></code><code><n2startrate></code>)。
* 现在,可以通过将<code><integrator></code>过滤器的<code><trigger></code>属性设置为负值,将其重置为0.0。
* The integration scheme of the <code><integrator></code> filter can now be chosen among <code>rect</code> (Euler), <code>trap</code> (Trapezoidal), <code>ab2</code> (2nd order Adams-BashForth) and <code>ab3</code> (3rd order Adams-Bashforth)
* The integration scheme of the <code><integrator></code> filter can now be chosen among <code>rect</code> (Euler), <code>trap</code> (Trapezoidal), <code>ab2</code> (2nd order Adams-BashForth) and <code>ab3</code> (3rd order Adams-Bashforth)
* The following functions can now be used in <code><function></code>: <code>floor</code>, <code>ceil</code> and <code>fmod</code>. Their functionalities are the same than the corresponding C/C++ functions.
* 现在可以在<code><function></code>中使用以下功能:<code>floor</code><code>ceil</code><code>fmod</code>。它们的功能与相应的C / C ++函数相同。
* <code><function></code> now checks the number of its arguments.
* <code> <function> </code>现在检查其参数数量。
* New system component linear_actuator
* 新的系统组件linear_actuator
* Export the fuel density to the property tree
* 将燃料密度导出到属性树
* Added cyclic clipping for FCS components
* 为FCS组件添加了循环裁剪
* Added the ability to control the turbine engines spin down factor
* 增加了控制涡轮发动机转速下降因子的功能
* [Backward compatibility breakage] Gyros are now measuring rotation rates instead of rotational accelerations. Gyros that measure rotational accelerations do not exist in the real world.
* [向后兼容性损坏]陀螺仪现在正在测量转速而不是旋转加速度。测量旋转加速度的陀螺仪在现实世界中不存在。
* Output properties of flight control elements are no longer tied. This saves a lot of spurious warning messages and allows direct references of the same properties among several flight controls.
* 飞行控制元件的输出属性不再绑定。这样可以节省许多虚假的警告消息,并允许在多个飞行控制中直接引用相同的属性。
* Water vapor in the atmosphere is now managed through its mass fraction rather than its partial pressure. The former being the physical quantity that is conserved when pressure and temperature vary.
* 现在通过质量分数而不是分压来管理大气中的水蒸气。前者是压力和温度变化时保留的物理量。
* Check that there are at least 3 contacts before trying to trim on ground.
* 在尝试修整地面之前,请检查至少3个触点。
* Added optional transmission of the simulation time for FG UDP interface
* 为FG UDP接口增加了仿真时间的可选传输
* The existence of the property that is used for table independent vars is now checked during execution rather than when the XML definition is parsed. This relaxes the order in which filters, table and more generally flight controls need to be declared in the XML definition files.
* 现在在执行过程中而不是在解析XML定义时检查用于表无关var的属性的存在。这放宽了需要在XML定义文件中声明过滤器,表格以及更一般的飞行控件的顺序。
* Electric engines RPM is now exported in UDP sockets.
* 电动引擎RPM现在已在UDP套接字中导出。
* The parameter <code><ignitionn2></code> now affects N2 rather than N1.
* 参数<code><ignitionn2></code>现在影响N2而不是N1。
* A warning is now given when max < min in a <code><clipto></code> rather than throwing an exception
* 现在在<code><clipto></code>中的max<min时给出警告,而不是引发异常
* Added the ability to log properties in a CSV file with the new fgfs executable argument <code>--jsbsim-output-directive-file</code>
* 添加了使用新的fgfs可执行参数<code>-jsbsim-output-directive-file</code>在CSV文件中记录属性的功能

== YASim ==
== YASim ==
* Ground friction (stiction) changes
* 改变了静摩擦力
* Support for transonic flow effects.
* 新增支持跨音速效果.
* Control initial gear state directly by setting <code>/fdm/yasim/respect-external-gear-state=true</code>, rather then YASim settings this depending on whether the aircraft is in the air or on the ground.
* 现可通过设置<code>/fdm/yasim/respect-external-gear-state=true</code>来控制初始起落架状态。
* Electric engines are now supported.
* 新增对电动引擎的支持。

== 气象和环境 ==
== 气象和环境 ==
* Increased turbulence will be encountered near active volcanoes.
* 在活火山附近湍流强度将会增加。
* Configurable METAR URL.
* 现可对METAR URL进行配置。
* METAR strings are decoded and displayed in a human-readable form in the weather dialog.
* 新增对METAR字符串的解码并以可读的形式显示在天气对话框中。

== 航空母舰 ==
== 航空母舰 ==
* Two new carrier-specific starting options are supported in the launcher: <code>carrier-takeoff</code> and <code>carrier-approach</code>.
* 启动器现支持两种全新的标准状态: <code>carrier-takeoff</code> <code>carrier-approach</code>.
* A new <code>--carrier-position</code> command-line argument has been added.  This can be used to select the aircraft start position on an aircraft carrier.  Either a catapult (e.g. <code>cat-1</code>), a parking position (e.g. <code>park-1</code>), on final approach on the FLOLS (<code>flols</code>) or abeam the carrier (<code>abeam</code>).
* 加入了全新的命令行参数 <code>--carrier-position</code>。这可用于选择航空母舰上的飞机起始位置。 可选择的选项包括航母弹射器(e.g. <code>cat-1</code>)、停机位(e.g. <code>park-1</code>)、FLOLS进近位(<code>flols</code>)或abeam位置(<code>abeam</code>)
* MPCarrier can now be detected by the GUI even if not available on startup.  To enable this feature set <code>/sim/mp-carriers/auto-attach=true</code>.
* 现在即使在启动时不可用,GUI也可以检测到MPCarrier。 要启用此功能,请设置<code>/sim/mp-carriers/auto-attach=true</code>

== AI ==
== AI ==
* New fgcommands <code>add-aiobject</code> and <code>remove-aiobject</code> for adding/removing objects to the AI subsystem.
* 增加了新的fgcommands:<code>add-aiobject</code><code>remove-aiobject</code>,可用于向AI子系统添加或移除物体。
* New AI aircraft, including 747 Freighter, CRJ900, SR-71, Saab 340.
* 增加了新的AI飞机, 包括波音747货机、CRJ900、SR-71、Saab 340.
* Numerous updates to AI traffic schedules and airline liveries.
* 对许多AI交通时刻表与航空公司涂装进行了更新。
* Space Shuttle TAEM and approach at KEDW scenario.
* 新增在KEDW的Space Shuttle TAEM与进近场景。
* Accurate Britten-Norman Islander performance data, from an Islander pilot.
* 新增了来自当地飞行员的准确Britten-Norman Islander性能数据。

== 联机飞行 ==
== 联机飞行 ==
* Connection to VATSIM via swift is now available via the GUI.
* 现可通过GUI使用swift以连接到VATSIM。
* FGCom now supports both COM1 and COM2, as well as volume settings.
* FGComm现在支持COM1和COM2以及音量设置。
* The views defined by the user's aircraft (Pilot view, Helicopter view, Tower view etc) can now be used with multiplayer aircraft.  Viewing a particular multiplayer aircraft is done by clicking in the Pilot List dialogue's "view' column (see the "Multiplayer/Pilot List" menu).
* 由机模定义的视角(飞行员视角(Pilot view),直升机视角(Helicopter view),塔台视角(Tower view)等)现在可以在联机飞行中的其他飞机上使用。通过单击“飞行员列表(Pilot List)”对话框的“视图(view)”列,可以查看特定的联机飞机(可在“Multiplayer/Pilot List”菜单下找到)。
* <code>--disable-hold-short</code> option which allows the user to force a start on the runway when multiplayer is enabled.  This option should be used with caution - it can give other pilots and ATC a nasty fright to find an aircraft materialize on the runway!
* 新增<code>-disable-hold-short </code>选项,当进入联机飞行时,允许用户在跑道上出生。 请谨慎使用此选项——突然在跑道上出现会对其他飞行员与ATC造成极大的困扰。
* Support for recording multiplayer data
* 回放器现可记录联机中其他飞机的数据。

== Nasal 脚本语言 ==
== Nasal 脚本语言 ==
* Configurable load order for core Nasal modules.
* 现可配置核心Nasal模块的加载顺序。
* Improvements and bug fixes to Emesary, the messaging interface.
* 增加了对通信接口Emesary的改进和错误修复。
* Improvements to the core libraries.
* 增加了对核心代码库的改进。
* Garbage collection improvements to reduce frame stuttering
* 改进了垃圾回收机制以降低画面卡顿。
* Re-loadable nasal modules
* 增加了对可重新载入的nasal模块的支持。
* Canvas EFIS framework
* 更新了Canvas EFIS框架。
* New methods in Canvas Image to set colors of pixels in the image.
* 在Canvas Image中新增了三种设置像素颜色的方法。

== 飞机模型 ==  
== 飞机模型 ==  
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* Major updates to over 70 aircraft.  Including 737-100, 737-300, 777, A-26-Invader, AR-234, ASG29, ASK13, ASK21, Aero-Commander, Aichi-D3A, B-17, B-24-Liberator, B-25, Bombardier-415, CH750STOL, CRJ700-family, Cessna-208-Caravan, Cessna Citation II, Cessna-L19, Cirrus-SR22, Concorde, DO-228, DO-335, Diamond-Da40, Diamond-Da42, Dragonfly, Embraer-ERJ-145, F-15, Fairchild-Metroliner, Falcon-50, Fokker-S-11, Fw200, H4-Hercules, Harrier-GR3, Horten-Ho-IX, Hughes-XF11, J3Cub, JA37, JAS39-Gripen, Jaguar, LS4, Lancair-235, Lionceau, Lockheed-NF104A, Lockheed-P38, ME-262, Mirage-2000, MirageIV, Northrop-xb35, PC-12, Piaggio-P166, Piper-PA-28, Potez-630, R44, Ryan-Navion, SIAI-Marchetti-SF.260, Socata-ST10, SpaceShuttle, Starship, Tecnam-P2006T, UH-1, Yak-18T, Zlin-50lx, an24b, bluebird, c182s, dhc1, f-14b, f16.
* Major updates to over 70 aircraft.  Including 737-100, 737-300, 777, A-26-Invader, AR-234, ASG29, ASK13, ASK21, Aero-Commander, Aichi-D3A, B-17, B-24-Liberator, B-25, Bombardier-415, CH750STOL, CRJ700-family, Cessna-208-Caravan, Cessna Citation II, Cessna-L19, Cirrus-SR22, Concorde, DO-228, DO-335, Diamond-Da40, Diamond-Da42, Dragonfly, Embraer-ERJ-145, F-15, Fairchild-Metroliner, Falcon-50, Fokker-S-11, Fw200, H4-Hercules, Harrier-GR3, Horten-Ho-IX, Hughes-XF11, J3Cub, JA37, JAS39-Gripen, Jaguar, LS4, Lancair-235, Lionceau, Lockheed-NF104A, Lockheed-P38, ME-262, Mirage-2000, MirageIV, Northrop-xb35, PC-12, Piaggio-P166, Piper-PA-28, Potez-630, R44, Ryan-Navion, SIAI-Marchetti-SF.260, Socata-ST10, SpaceShuttle, Starship, Tecnam-P2006T, UH-1, Yak-18T, Zlin-50lx, an24b, bluebird, c182s, dhc1, f-14b, f16.

== 杂项 ==
== 其他 ==
* Updated Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish and Slovak translations.
* 对中文、荷兰文、法文、德文、意大利文、波兰文和斯洛伐克文翻译进行了更新。
* Map dialog displays heliports and allows configurable cursor key panning
* 地图对话框现可显示直升机坪并可配置光标平移。
* Faster Terrasync:  Download a tarball of airport information on first start and only check for updates every 24 hours rather than every simulator run.
* 对Terrasync的速度进行了优化:现在Terrasync将在第一次启动时下载一个包含机场信息的tarball压缩包并不再每次启动时进行检查更新,而是每24小时检查一次更新。
* GPS fly-by mode
* 支持了GPS fly-by模式。
* Sentry.io integration to provide centralized crash reporting.
* 集成了 Sentry.io 以提供集中的崩溃报告。
* Change screenshot filename to have date and time
* 屏幕截图的文件名现已修改为日期与时间。
* New thread safe particle manager -- should reduce random crashes around particles.
* 新增了线程安全的粒子管理器,预计可减少因粒子导致的崩溃。



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