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Climb from "Corna" to "Liscidini"

Clock Around Santa Giustina Lake

3/4 Clock Around "Santa Giustina Lake"

  INTRO - Where it all have STARTED
  The beginning is always a delicate matter.
  It often does take several restarts and new approaches.
  This has been true for this writing...
  It has been true for the creation of the LILO-LOWI-Adrenaline "parcours" ...
  and it is a painful truth for all the pilots debuting and struggling with their plane.
  We all have been at that very start point, many times, all of us, trying to land back
  in a manner that leave us satisfied, failing, and trying again, repeatedly.
  CFIT(1) on final approach, bumpy landings, complicating with Tortoise oscillations(2) ,
  Excursions(3), seem to be the constant.
  My first thoughts was :
  - "...oh, it is just a simulator... with a bit of training we get there..."
  But, despite my best patience and will, it was not "getting there".
  I turned my sleuth for help to the more advanced users and several users come to my
  rescue with a lot of advice, suggestion and even own demonstrations.
  I still am grateful for the the time and care shown to help me. Thank you.
  Despite their good and best advice,  of course, surely because of me,  that was not
  enhancing my approach and landing skills as much as i was expecting.
  I did not give up. Despite the stupid feeling to be fighting some kind of invisible
  and apparently invincible enemy, i have continued to try modified experiments  with
  different flying configurations.
  This have raised new questions and oriented new searches and one of theses brought
  an unexpected explanation and solution.
  Actually, it had put the whole problem in a new brand new light !
  The explanation comes out from comments and sketches done by a, now, retired flight
  For copyright reasons i can not past it here as is, but i can do a sketch of my own
  and add the explanation with my own words.
  1. In order to leave the medium Air and join the medium land, a plan must "stop" to
     fly, thus fall, stall.
     If a plane was  
  ...My very first Title idea was "DISENGAGE AUTO-PILOT".