Telnet usage

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Flightgear comes with a internal telnet server that can be used to read end set values within the Property Tree structure. The telnet server can be activated with the --telnet=port command line option, where port is the number of the listening port that will be opened.

A connection to the server can be done using a telnet client or opening a simple socket from any program. Multiple connection are possible at the same time.

Starting Flightgear with Telnet Server

For example, to start FG and open the port 5401 as available telnet server use this command:

fgfs --telnet=5401

Connect with Telnet Client

Once connected to the server using a telnet client, you will be given a prompt such as if you where connected to a unix telnet server, example:

francesco@francesco-desktop:~$ telnet 5401
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Where is the ip address of the running Flightgear server and 5401 is the port set when Flightgear started.

Now that you are inside a telnet session, you can start issuing commands (see below) to Flightgear. Generally commands are used to get, change and navigate the values of the property tree, similar to navigating with directories and files.


Since we are simulating navigation through a file system, you will be given a prompt which consists of two parts:

  1. current tree position
  2. (the characters >(space))

so you will typically see something like the following:



The following command are available:

  • cd - change directory
  • data - switch to data mode
  • dump - dump to xml
  • get - show a property value
  • help - show available commands
  • ls - list directories and paramaters
  • prompt - switch to interactive mode
  • pwd - display current path
  • quit - terminate connection
  • run - run a built in command
  • set - set value of property
  • ? - shortcut to help


Change the current working directory; it needs a parameter which is the destination directory. Example session.

/> cd gear
/gear[0]> cd launchbar
/gear[0]/launchbar[0]> cd ..
/gear[0]> cd ..
/> cd gear/launchbar
/gear[0]/launchbar[0]> cd /


Switch to data mode. This removes the prompt/>. This is mostly useful when communicating from code, eg a socket.

To switch back on see prompt below.


dumps the current state in xml. This requires at least a directory argument.

/> dump postion/
-ERR "node 'postion/' not found"

/> dump /position 
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <longitude-deg type="double">-122.3577761</longitude-deg>
  <latitude-deg type="double">37.61378776</latitude-deg>
  <altitude-ft type="double">28.25613943</altitude-ft>
  <ground-elev-m type="double">-0.131186098</ground-elev-m>
  <ground-elev-ft type="double">-0.4304005839</ground-elev-ft>


Shows the value of a given parameter, for example, to get the magnetos status inside the controls/engines/engine directory:

/> cd controls/engines/engine
/controls[0]/engines[0]/engine[0]>  get magnetos
magnetos = '3' (int)

or from the root simply:

/> get controls/engines/engine/magnetos
controls/engines/engine/magnetos = '3' (int)


Show all the available commands, same as just ?


List all the directories and properties within and under the current directory, for example:

/> cd orientation
/orientation[0]> ls
heading-deg =	'70.62909768'	(double)
alpha-deg =	'-176.8560635'	(double)
pitch-rate-degps =	'3.347789774e-07'	(double)

or with a directory argument

/> ls /orientation
heading-deg =	'104.6032849'	(double)
alpha-deg =	'-176.864208'	(double)
pitch-rate-degps =	'-0.003761442232'	(double)


Switch on interactive mode prompt/>. One by default. See data above to switch off.


Display the current directory ie print working directory


Terminate the client connection to server.


Run a built in command, the command name is required as an argument.


Sets the value of a given property, for example, to set the aileron position inside the /controls/flight directory:

/> cd controls/flight
/controls[0]/flight[0]> set aileron 0.2
aileron = '0.2' (double)

or simply:

/> set /controls/flight/aileron -0.1
/controls/flight/aileron = '-0.1' (double)