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FGNasalSys vs FGPythonSys - common baseclass

These are APIs that are sufficiently generic in nature to be moved to a common baseclass that can be shared by FGPythonSys/FGNasalSys:

  • fgvalidatePath()
  • loadResoureFile (fgdata access)
  • printlog(), i.e. wrapping SG_LOG() [1]
  • loadModule()
  • loadPropertyScripts()
  • addcommand()/removecomand()
  • runfgcommand() (with locking, e.g. using SGMutex)

class FGScriptingSystem : public SGSubsystem, public SGPropertyChangeListener {
    virtual ~FGScriptingSystem();

   const char* readfile(const char* file, int* lenOut);

    // Subsystem functions.
    virtual void init();
    virtual void reinit();
    virtual void bind();
    virtual void unbind();
    virtual void update(double dt);
    // Load and execute a script.
    bool loadModule(SGPath file, const char *module) = 0;
    virtual void loadPropertyScripts() = 0;
    virtual void loadPropertyScripts(SGPropertyNode *n) = 0;


I think this is a great idea, though through implementation I am seeing a number of major Nasal vs. Python differences that would require a lot of work on the Nasal side, to abstract that interface.
For example for IO streams, the Nasal logprint() vs. print() functions are very different to the design I am thinking for Python, where I will direct absolutely everything into SG_LOG, using SG_INFO for all STDOUT output, and SG_ALERT for all STDERR output. I am also considering IO stream objects for each of the simgear log priorities to be placed into the 'fg_sys' module (to replace 'sys' module functions), which can be directly written to in a Python script, for example with:
  • fg_sys.stdout.write() (The default STDOUT stream)
  • fg_sys.stderr.write() (The default STDERR stream)
  • fg_sys.stdin.write() (The default STDIN stream, which is totally useless for FlightGear)
  • fg_sys.stdbulk.write()
  • fg_sys.stddebug.write()
  • fg_sys.stdinfo.write()
  • fg_sys.stdwarn.write()
  • fg_sys.stdalert.write()
So it can be seen that the fundamental design is quite different to Nasal's implementation. The Python design is more object oriented. The IO redirection of sys.stdout and sys.stderr, and the IO stream object creation, is however set up via a subsystem ioRedirection() function, to allow for different logging classes to be used in the future. The Nasal IO functions are located in the Nasal library, so it will require a lot of painful work to beat Nasal into shape to use proper IO redirection into SG_LOG. Anyway, the actual implementation of this IO redirection is at a lower level than the subsystem interface.
Another issue is that Nasal needs a lot of work, almost open heart surgery, to be beaten into shape to act as a normal subsystem. This issue is unfortunately pretty much a blocker for a scripting subsystem base class at the moment. I hope though that the test suite and other infrastructure I am working on will help decouple Nasal from the rest of FG and allow this to eventually happen.
Bugman (talk) 04:28, 12 February 2016 (EST)