Talk:Canvas snippets

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Documenting supported options/parameters

Cquote1.png you made a good point that we should probably document supported parameters/attributes or "modes" whenever possible. I think it would make sense to extend the underlying template accordingly and provide a list of documented options.
— Hooray (Fri Apr 10). Improving Canvas docs (cont'd PM).
(powered by Instant-Cquotes)

Space Shuttle Snippets


Okay, I have a nice loaded earth texture picture. I have the position of my shuttle:

  • first thing I want is to draw it in real time on the picture, see it move.
  • Next thing is - I want to display the ground track. What do I do - store past positions into an array regularly? Is it done automatically?
  • Beyond that, I want to display the groundtrack prediction based on current state. So, I can create an array of future points. Or properties. Or pass the function which, when given a time, will spit out coordinates. Don't care - whatever is best.
  • Finally, I'd like to have the ability to display the selected landing site on the map. But that's probably the same as the shuttle problem - I have a set of coords and I want a symbol drawn there.

Probably all are solved problems - but how?


Loading a raster image

var (width,height) = (400,200);

# create a new window, dimensions are 400 x 200, using the dialog decoration (i.e. titlebar)
var window =[width, height],"dialog");

# adding a canvas to the new window and setting up background colors/transparency
var myCanvas = window.createCanvas().set("background","bg_color"));

# creating the top-level/root group which will contain all other elements/group
var root = myCanvas.createGroup();

# path is now a URL (could also be stored in $FG_ROOT and be fixed path instead)
var url = "";

# this would need to be changed when using a different image
var map_width = 310;
var map_height = 155;

var x_offset = (width-map_width)/2;
var y_offset = (height-map_height)/2;

# assuming Mercator projection for now (untested pseudo code)
var position2Pixels = func(lat, lon) {
var xpos = (lon+180)*(map_width/360);
var latRad = lat*math.PI/180;
var mercN = math.log(math.tan((math.PI/4)+(latRad/2)));
var ypos= (map_height/2)-(map_width*mercN/(2*math.PI));

return [xpos+x_offset, ypos+y_offset];

# create an image child for the texture
var child=root.createChild("image")
    .setFile( url )
    .setTranslation( x_offset, y_offset ) # centered, in relation to dialog coordinates
    .setSize(image_width, image_height); # image dimensions

Adding a dynamically positioned symbol

Note  This snippet is generic enough to be usable for both use-cases: showing a moving aircraft/shuttle symbol, but also adding a static landing site. However, you'd obviously not update static symbols each frame using a timer.
# this could also be any other SVG file
var svg_path = "Nasal/canvas/map/Images/boeingAirplane.svg";

# create an empty Canvas group for holding the space shuttle symbol
var shuttle_symbol = root.createChild("group", "shuttle-symbol");

# parse the SVG file
# this converts the SVG file into OpenVG instructions
# supported by Canvas

canvas.parsesvg(svg_symbols, svg_path);
# resize the SVG image 
shuttle_symbol.setScale(0.20); # 20% 

var update_shuttle = func() {
var lat = getprop('/position/latitude-deg');
var lon = getprop('/position/longitude-deg');

var (x,y) = position2Pixels(lat:lat,lon:lon);

# can use maketimer() to call this regularly

Adding a dynamically computed line/curve

var groundtrack = root.createChild("path");

Orbital Map

Canvas and Nasal used for visualizing space shuttle trajectories

this is probably rather crude, but it (sort of) works - I'm getting the current position of the shuttle as well as the selected landing site displayed.

var sym_shuttle = {};
var sym_landing_site = {};

var create_map = func {

var window =[800,400],"dialog");
var mapCanvas = window.createCanvas().set("background","bg_color"));
var root = mapCanvas.createGroup();

var path = "Aircraft/SpaceShuttle/Dialogs/MapOfEarth.png";
var child=root.createChild("image")
                                   .setFile( path )
sym_shuttle = mapCanvas.createGroup();
canvas.parsesvg(sym_shuttle, "/Nasal/canvas/map/Images/boeingAirplane.svg");

sym_landing_site = mapCanvas.createGroup();
canvas.parsesvg(sym_landing_site, "/gui/dialogs/images/ndb_symbol.svg");



var map_update = func {

var lat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg");
var lon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg");

var x = 400.0 + lon /180. * 400.0 -10.0;
var y = 200.0 - lat /90. * 200.0 -10.0;

var heading = getprop("/orientation/heading-deg");


x = 400.0 + landing_site.lon()/180 * 400.0 -10.0;
y = 200.0 - * 200.0 -10.0;


settimer(map_update, 1.0);
