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Developed by Markus Pargmann
Initial release 0.1
Latest release 0.1
Written in Python 3
OS All with python3 support (only tested on linux)
Development status Active
License GNU General Public License

MPRecorder is a tool to record and replay multiplayer activities, including chat and all aircraft properties that are transferred in multiplayer. In difference to the integrated flightgear replay support, you can record and replay multiple aircrafts. Also the standard recording quality is most times much higher (10 updates per second). You can use any view you want for video recording, because all replays are in multiplayer, so you can use normal aircrafts while replaying a flight.

MPRecorder example video

This is an example video of a landing in St. Barths using MPRecorder to record other views. I am usually not making videos so this is far away from being perfect, but I think you can get an impression.

EmbedVideo was given an illegal value for the alignment parameter "Flightgear MPRecorder example video at St. Barths". Valid values are "left", "center", "right", or "inline".


  • Record/Replay multiple flights at the same time
  • Record multiplayer activity within 100nm
  • Each pilot recording stored in <USER_HOME>/.fgfsrec
  • Replays in multiplayer (You can use UFO to record or watch the flight)
  • Replay multiple recordings at the same time
  • low/high quality replays


Simple command to record at an airport:

./ -c rec record --lat 18.040707 --lon -63.110125


Simple command to replay a single recorded flight:

./ -c alfo replay ~/.fgfsrec/2012_06_24_10_05_alfo

Replay starting at second 42:

./ -c alfo replay --at 42 ~/.fgfsrec/2012_06_24_10_05_alfo

Replay a complete multiplayer event (All recordings in one directory) while preserving the start times of each recorded flight:

./ -c alfo replay ~/.fgfsrec/

Replay of multiple recordings starting at the same time:

./ -c alfo replay ~/.fgfsrec/2012_06_24_10_05_alfo ~/.fgfsrec/2012_06_24_10_00_alfo

Replay of multiple recordings, the second replay starts after 10 seconds:

./ -c alfo replay ~/.fgfsrec/2012_06_24_10_05_alfo ~/.fgfsrec/2012_06_24_10_00_alfo:10


% ./ --help
usage: [-h] [-s SERVER] -c CALLSIGN {record,replay} ...

positional arguments:
  {record,replay}       To record flights
    record              Record the activities at a given position
    replay              Replay one or more files in multiplayer

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SERVER, --server SERVER
                        SERVER the recorder should use
  -c CALLSIGN, --callsign CALLSIGN
                        Callsign for the recorder. In replay mode this is used
                        as prefix for the id of the replay
% ./ record --help
usage: record [-h] --lon LON --lat LAT

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --lon LON
  --lat LAT
% ./ replay --help
usage: replay [-h] [-a STARTTIME] [-d]
                          PATH[:STARTTIME] [PATH[:STARTTIME] ...]

positional arguments:
  PATH[:STARTTIME]      Path to a file or directory with replays combined with
                        an optional relative start time in seconds for all
                        recordings found at that path.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Start the replay at second x
  -d, --hq              High quality replay. This can lead to lagging when
                        replaying big multiplayer events.