Lockheed Constellation

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This includes the following models: Lockheed 1049H Super Constellation

Lockheed 1049H Super Constellation
Lockheed 1049H Super Constellation.png
Type 4-engine (radial) airliner and air transport
Author(s) Unknown author, Gary R. Neely et al.
--aircraft= Lockheed1049h
Status Production
 FDM Stars-4.png
 Systems Stars-5.png
 Cockpit Stars-4.png
 Model Stars-4.png
Download Download the Lockheed 1049H Super Constellation aircraft package for the current stable release (2020.3).

The Lockheed Constellation, affectionately known as the “Connie”, was a four-engine propeller-driven airliner built by Lockheed between 1943 and 1958 at its Burbank, California, USA, facility. A total of 856 aircraft were produced in four models, all distinguished by a distinctive triple-tail design and graceful, dolphin-shaped fuselage. It was used as both a civilian airliner and U.S. military air transport plane, seeing service in the Berlin Airlift and as the presidential aircraft for U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation was a member of the Lockheed Constellation aircraft line, and was Lockheed's response to the successful Douglas DC-6 airliner, first flying in 1950. The L-1049H variant flew on November 20, 1956. Called "Super H" and "Husky", the L-1049H was a convertible passenger/freight aircraft, mating a C-121C-based fuselage with L-1049G components. The cargo hold had a volume of 565 ft³ (16 m³) when including the lower hold. The aircraft could carry up to 120 people with seats, luggage lockers and toilets all available along with the option of decorating the walls of the aircraft. When not in use, the luggage lockers and seats could be stowed in the lower hold.

The aircraft entered service with QANTAS a month later. Some L-1049G and H aircraft in later production were fitted with the TC-18EA series engines used on the L-1649 Starliner. A final variant was planned in 1957, known as the L-1049J. Powered by four R-3350-988-TC-18EA-6 engines, the L-1049J was based on the L-1049H with the wings of the R7V-2 Constellation and an extra fuselage-mounted fuel tank.


FlightGear 2.x: Loads and runs
FlightGear 3.0: Loads and runs

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