Howto:Add procedures to the route manager

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a free way to get mor e SID STAR for the routeplanner in fg[1]


Make some yourself. Charts are easy to find and a quick search will find you the syntax. This is what FlightGear is all about; doing it yourself and sharing it to others. A quick search would also find existing packages...[2]


Something like

<scenery directory>/Airports/I/C/A/ICAO.procedures.xml

Where ICAO is your airport code.[3]

for example if you want to import a sid/star file for VTSP, you name the file VTSP.procedures.xml and put it in <scenery directory>/V/T/S/ . In there you will likely find VTSP.twr.xml but not an existing *. procedures.xml file. Substitute VTSP for your airport code.[4]

Bash script

ZirconiumX wrote a bash script for putting the XML files into the FG required locations.[5]

for file in $(ls *.xml)
   # First, rename all the files to the correct convention
   mv "$file" "${file%.xml}.procedures.xml"

   # Then move it to the correct place
   icao1=$(echo $icao | cut -c 1)
   icao2=$(echo $icao | cut -c 2)
   icao3=$(echo $icao | cut -c 3)
   mkdir -p $icao1/$icao2/$icao3
   mv "${icao}.procedures.xml" "$icao1/$icao2/$icao3/${icao}.procedures.xml"


  1. Sarith  (Jun 24th, 2017).  routeplanner stir sid .
  2. Parnikkapore  (Jun 24th, 2017).  Re: routeplanner stir sid .
  3. Parnikkapore  (Jun 28th, 2017).  Re: routeplanner stir sid .
  4. Parnikkapore  (Jun 29th, 2017).  Re: routeplanner stir sid .
  5. ZirconiumX  (Mar 26th, 2016).  Re: Non-Navigraph SID/STAR xml files .