GUI Messages

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FlightGear is using a simple property-based messaging system which can render GUI messages using propoerty listenenrs and the PUI GUI system.

Whatever is written to /sim/messages/* at runtime is shown on-screen for a few seconds, then moved away. When the next message is written to that node, that is moved on-screen.

This system is primarily used by the following features:

  • Tutorials
  • Failure management (limits.nas)
  • Copilot announcements
  • ATC

None of those are hard-coded, those are all going through the property tree and gui.nas, so you can "disable" things there. The higher-level features are limits.nas (or the failure manager) and the tutorial system.

The corresponding code can be found in gui.nas and screen.nas

In addition, there's the tooltip system which is meanwhile using the Canvas 2D rendering API