Welcome to the FlightGear Newsletter!
Please help us write the next edition!
Enjoy reading the latest edition!

We would like to emphasize that the monthly newsletter can not live without the contributions of FlightGear users and developers. Everyone with a wiki account (free to register) can edit the newsletter and every contribution is welcome. So if you know about any FlightGear related projects such as for example updated scenery or aircraft, please do feel invited to add such news to the newsletter.

Development news

Nasal for newbies

New software tools and projects

FlightGear addons and mods

In the hangar

New aircraft

Updated aircraft

Airbus A340-600

More work has continued on developing an Airbus A340-600 for FlightGear. The aircraft has been given a new lease of life with a new JSBsim FDM which replicates better the size and control of such a large bird, although there is much more work to be done on refining the movements, and making it handle better. The model itself is looking very attractive with a newly modelled fuselage from British user Simon (MOJO), and some nice new reflection coding, lights and external models. The aircraft was the first in FlightGear to incorporate aircraft operation equipment, and Cabin announcements; back in 2009.. and now these have been improved with new recordings by the author (Liam, if you're wondering who's voice that is), and work is continuing to make the aircraft one of the most enjoyable heavy metal birds to fly in FlightGear simulator. Thanks to all the users who have helped this slow moving project progress. If you are wondering where you can download it.. check out the Aircraft section in the FlightGear forums, where there is a special topic dedicated to it.



Scenery corner


Aircraft of the month

Airport of the month

Screenshot of the month

Suggested flights

Aircraft reviews

Wiki updates

New articles




New aircraft articles




Most popular newsletters


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Community news

FlightGear on youtube

New tutorials and screencasts

Forum news


Virtual airlines

FlightGear events

Useful links

And finally ...


One of the regular thoughts expressed on the FlightGear forums is "I'd like to contribute but I don't know how to program, and I don't have the time". Unfortunately, there is a common mis-conception that contributing requires programming and lots of free time. In fact, there are a huge range of ways to contribute to the project without needing to write code or spending days working on something.

For ideas on starting to contribute to FlightGear, you may want to check out: Volunteer.

Call for volunteers

  • The OpenRadar project is looking for a new maintainer.
  • The FGFSPM (FlightGear Package Manager) is looking for a new maintainer.

Did you know