CompositeViewer support

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Note  While it's certainly possible to have a look at the changes [1] and understand how things are working, the code isn't really ready for review and push yet - there's still loads of debug diagnostics and a few dead-ends in there. Jules is hoping to be able to address some of these over the next few days.[2]

In other words: No one is claiming CompositeViewer support is anywhere near being ready to be enabled by default - there are lots of issues to sort out, at the moment chiefly how to get scenery to show up in cloned views and interact with scenery caching properly etc. Also, the potential benefits we get with an improved viewing system will be really significant. (For example easy creation at runtime of multiple arbitrary top-level windows showing Tower View / Helicopter View etc on one's own or multiplayer aircraft, new dynamic views such as the view from one aircraft to another, etc etc.)

With free software one has to rely on developer enthusiasm for getting things done, and this doesn't always last forever and doesn't always match up with roadmaps. Furthermore, Jules stated it could be years before we actually make significant progress to VSG, and it would be a real shame to block other projects in the meantime.[3]

In 07/2020, Julian Smith reported some success by changing flightgear's FGRenderer's osgViewer::Viewer to an osgViewer::CompositeViewer with a single osgViewer::View, and patching up all the calling code so it compiles.

It all builds ok, and he now got fgfs mostly working with CompositeViewer and the usual single View.[4]

Julian made the use of CompositeViewer configurable at runtime, which might simplify getting involved in testing/further development - the same binary can now be used for normal use and for investigating CompositeViewer behaviour.

CompositeViewer is not a build-time option any more. It is disabled by default, and enabled on startup with a new --composite-viewer=1 option.[5]

To execute the patched binary with the compositeviewer enabled, use: fgfs --composite-viewer=1 [6]

Unfortunately the property system seemed to be not set up early enough to read in FGRenderer's constructor so we do a few calls of fgGetNode("/sim/composite_viewer", true)->getBoolValue() at runtime. Julian suspects they aren't called very frequently, in which case this branch (minus the diagnostics changes probably) might be ok to push to next at some point, so that it's easier to test/investigate things.[7]

The previous problem with loading scenery was caused by code using the single View's getFrameStamp(), which appears to be never updated and always has _frameNumber=0. We need to use the CompositeViewer's getFrameStamp() instead.

For some reason buildings don't appear, but basic ground scenery now loads so fgfs progresses to loading the fdm etc and one can fly the aircraft as normal.

Note  According to Richard, when testing the database pager extensively (running with 20 DB pager threads), the main problem is the way that random objects (buildings, vegetation) are inserted into the scene graph doesn't seem to be compatible with lots of pager threads.[8]

In August 2020 Julian reported additional progress: He set things up so that one can 'clone' the current view using a key-press. This creates a new top-level view window with its own copy of the current view's camera projection matrix etc. The view is added to the CompositeViewer so it sees the same scene.

For now at least, cloned views' projection matrices don't change so the cloned views are completely independent from movement of the aircraft or changes to the main view. Eventually he would like to make them behave more dynamically, e.g. follow the aircraft if cloned from Helicopter View.

At the moment most of the scenery doesn't show up and the background colours are wrong, but this screen shot shows it working:

The cloned view on left was cloned from Pilot View when the aircraft was at the end of the runway. Since then the aircraft has been moved up the runway and is hovering. The cloned view on the right was cloned from a Tower AGL view of the hovering aircraft.[9]

In 09/2020, Jules reported that he's still unable to get textures to work in cloned views, so he's been playing around with various new viewing features using the CompositeViewer support.

Here's a short and very grainy video showing a 'double view' in a separate window on the left of the main window. The double view keeps two aircraft (a Harrier-GR3 and a SU-37 here) in view at all times, keeping one (the Harrier) at a small constant distance in the foreground [10]:

Feature Status Notes
Scenery/Terrain 70}% completed buildings missing (this seems line line with Richard's findings mentioned at [11][12])
Aircraft Done Done -
Skydome Done Done -
PUI GUI Done Done -

CompositeViewer Support
Started in 07/2020 (early prototype)
Description Support for multiple independent scene views
Contributor(s) Julian Smith[13] [14]
Status experimental (building, mostly working, buildings missing, supports cloning independent views into distinct windows [15] [16])
40}% completed [17]


For the time being, FlightGear only supports one view position at a time. Multiple independent view positions (e.g. one screen for the tower view and a second screen for the plane) would complicate a "locked to cache" flag quite a lot...[18].

Aircraft can define their own views and so on. But only one view can be active at a time. So no matter how many windows and cameras you define in Defaults.xml, they all are relative to the current view in FG (i.e. cockpit, tower...). [19]

Back in 2008, Tim Moore provided a patch (mailing lists search for CameraGroup FlightGear Mailing Lists) to use the osgViewer class to set up windows, manage the main camera, etc. [20]

However, these windows have to use the same camera group as the main window so can only show the view from the same eye position, though typically at a different angle/offset so that one can emulate things like side windows of a cockpit displayed in a different window or monitor.[21]

Mathias Fröhlich used the slave camera feature of osgViewer to provide a "video wall" style of multiple displays that was demonstrated at LinuxTag for years. Later on, Tim generalized this to support general monitor arrangements (like a panoramic arc) and general combinations of screens and graphics cards. [22]

The default OSG model is that slave cameras are different views offset from a common viewpoint. This is easy to understand when considering a camera's view matrix, but not necessarily intuitive when thinking about the projection matrix. Because FG has its own view system we mostly treat the slaves as independent. It seems that most other uses of cameras during rendering -- for example, render to texture cameras for effects -- are best handled by slave cameras with independent views as well.[23]

People requiring multiple independent views on the same scenery, e.g. cockpit and tower view [...] these each need their own camera groups and so require OSG's CompositeViewer.[24]

And that's not really supported by the current architecture, neither by the tile cache nor by osgViewer::Viewer. We would need to move to a CompositeViewer model, which supports several scene graphs, and rely completely on the osg database paging machinery.[25]

That would require a change in current fg architecture to use a CompositeViewer instead of a single Viewer, but we're contemplating that anyway.[26]

The cameras in a camera group don't need to render directly to the screen. They can render to a texture which can be used either in the scene, like in a video screen in the instrument panel, or for distortion correction in a projected or dome environment. [27]

Open Scene Graph supports a CompositeViewer object that supports rendering from several widely separated viewpoints, complete with support for multiple terrain pager threads. We could move to CompositeViewer and support simultaneous views from e.g., the tower, AI models, drones, etc.[28]

Neither of these are supported at the present time, but it would be a good project. We would have to start using a different OSG class, CompositeViewer, to support multiple views from independent view points. Our terrain pager would need a complete overhaul to use the PagedLOD scheme of OSG, and the Flightgear View manager would need to be aware multiple active views.[29]

Open Questions

Status 08/2020

We are dropping compositor on next but we didn’t pull the switch yet, focusing on getting 2020.2 as stable as possible.

It would be very nice if CompositeViewer just works. However, James emphasized that we have a very complex display stack, with lots of permutations, and frankly we’re trying to /simplify/ the display layer, in anticipation of VSG in the future, not add more special cases to it. Since we don’t really have a large pool of 3D renderer developers, we need to be able to use a standard one without too much additional work or customisation.

Getting rid of Rembrandt, and making Compositor the only rendering pipeline, will drastically help with reducing the number of code paths we need to maintain. So we should not in a hurry to add a new optional code path we have to test for, and which might interact weirdly with multi-camera / fgviewer / stereoscopic / etc. [30]

What we need is a bit more analysis of what it might impact, in terms of multi-camera support, performance across different platforms and so on. Especially, knowing how it will impact switching to VSG in the future, if VSG isn’t going to have an equivalent, then we should be be quite reluctant to start using it.[31]

Jules stated, performance is guaranteed unchanged if CompositeViewer is disabled. But he hasn't profiled performance with it enabled, but certainly hasn't noticed any particular differences and wouldn't expect any such difference in the case where one is only using a single view.[32]

Regarding VSG specifically, Jules asked on the vsg-users group and it looks like VSG will certainly support what OSG CompositeView does[33]. See:!topic/vsg-users/a68-CjA8kso

About this specific feature, there’s one concern: from memory (which may be incorrect), the CompositeViewer changes the OSG multi-threading model significantly, because there are multiple contexts. And since most of our long-standing crashing bugs are around OSG multi-threading, usually in combination with some other feature (eg, particles, or reset), James is not in agreement about the ‘risk free’ nature, if it touches threading at all. But, hopes, if it’s off by default, we can find out.

James added, he would also be happier if we could get Fernando to do a code review, to make sure we’re not touching anything which might affect the CompositOR. James also offered to help with reviewing things [34].

Supporting an optional CompositeViewer mode does not need to cause any significant problems. The changes to the code are actually very simple and well-defined, and it'll be easy to keep things very separate as things develop.

Jules and James agreed about the need to avoid adding to complexity in the rendering pipeline, and Jules expects as long as care is taken it will be fairly easy to keep CompositeViewer-specific code logically separate.

Jules hopes that CompositeViewer is fundamentally risk-free, in a way that most significant changes to a project like Flightgear are not, because ultimately OSG CompositeViewer is a very simple generalisation of OSG Viewer - instead of a Viewer also /being/ a View, a CompositeViewer /has/ one or more Views. That's all there is to it.

So we've always got the basic scenario to fall back on where there is just a single view and things are essentially identical to a standard non-CompositeViewer setup.[35]

Potential Issues

So far, it seemed we 'Cant Use' CompositeViewer because of $reasons in the Effects code[36]. Maybe the reason is simply that it needs some work to move away from the single CameraGroup, however.[37]

Also, a number of senior contributors have previously pointed out how our existing tile manager/paging infrastructure may not yet be in shape for a CompositeViewer port, poweroftwo's osgEarth port however is using OSG's PagedLOD exclusively, and osgEarth itself is known to support CompositeViewer[38], too:

So, to troubleshoot this further, it'd make sense to exclude the usual suspects one by one:

At that point, we should be able to nail down where the culprit is, i.e. what needs changing.

Jules shared the patches (topic branch, see above) so that more people can get involved in testing and making progress.[39]

OSG stuff

Note  As a general note, osgViewer::CompositeViewer should have osgViewer::View attached to it NOT osgViewer::Viewer. It's a composite of View's not composite of Viewer. If you look at all the OSG example they illustrate the correct usage.[40]

The OSG's osgViewer is designed to support multiple views on to one or more scenes using the osgViewer::CompositeViewer class. See the osgcompositeviewer example.[41]

The CompositeViewer was written specifically for multiple Views.

Robert wouldn't recommend using slave Camera's for doing multiple views, while possible it's just a mess in terms of management. slave Camera's are tools for helping rendering a single view, but with a view that is composed of several components - either spread across multiple windows, or a view that requires multiple passes such as distortion correction, field of view etc.[42]

The osgViewer has a mechanism for avoid multiple traversals of shared scene graphs if mutlple View's share the same root node of the scene graph. If shared component isn't the topmost node then the OSG has no straight forward way to know whether a subgraph has been traversed or not that frame. One could implement a mechanism to avoid this visiting a node multiple times in one frame but it would be really costly to do, an expense that would only be a benefit for a very small number of users, but would slow performance for everyone else.

The most efficient way to avoid this multiple traversals issue is to implement to have a custom callback that is tailored to the specific usage case that a user has. I don't know enough about the specific callbacks and scene graph set up you have so I can't pinpoint the best route.

If you have a shared subgraph that you don't want traversed multiple times per frame then use an UpdateCallback that has a frameNumber member variable that keep track of the the frameNumber (use NodeVisitor::getFrameStamp()'s FrameNumber) of the last traversal, when a traversal calls the update callback you only traverse the subgraph if the frameNumber is different and then set the frameNumber to the present frame, if the frameNumber is the same then you just return immediately. This custom UpdateCallback you'd place as high as you can in your scene graph to make sure the traversal stops as soon as possible.

Another approach is to move this frameNumber tracking into your existing update callbacks, and simple return right away with the frameNumber is the same. This requires a small tweak to the callbacks but is such a small change it's generally pretty easy to integrate.

Finally you can simple make your callbacks resilient so that the are no ill effects from being called multiple times.[43]

  • For multiple views the way to do it with the OSG is to use the osgViewer::CompositeViewer class, and then each osgViewer::View you set up the approrpiate Camera's CullMask.[44]
  • The draw traversal doesn't touch the scene graph nodes so NodeMasks/TraversalMask have no baring on it. The OSG's cull traversal builds the internal rendering graphs each frame and the draw traversal simply traversals these rendering graphs. So to control the draw traversal you use the masks in the cull traversal.[45]
  • shader handling with multiple views: The OSG provides equivalents to the OpenGL built ins for you so you don't need to provide them yourself, so just ditch the callbacks and just use gl_ModelViewMatrix or osg_ModelViewMatrix. The OSG has provision for doing automatic conversion from gl_ModelViewMatrix to osg_ModelViewMartrix, it's enabled by default for GL3 and GLES2 builds, but if not then you can enable if you want to use it. See the osgsimplegl3 example. These uniforms that the OSG provides for the projection and modelview matrices work seamlesly across multiple views. Just use them and it'll work out of the box. [46]

The two options for off screen rendering are a PixelBuffer context or FrameBufferObject, if you have an existing on screen window in your application then using a FrameBufferObject becomes preferable. The way to do it would be to set up your viewer's off screen Camera with FBO settings and a custom final draw callback to do the read to main memory. The read will be more efficient if you use a pair of PixelBufferObjects - the osgscreencapture example illustrates this in action.

When already using CompositeViewer the most natural thing to do would be to have a dedicated View with it's master Camera as the offscreen camera, this way you can control the Camera's view matrix in straight forward manner in the same way to the rest of the Camera's. Also during debugging having the option of making this Camera an onscreen one would give you means to visually QA things as you go along.[47]

Use Cases

Cquote1.png I have to create two master cameras to controls the two different views in two different scene rendering dynamically.

but flightgear only using viewer class . This is createing one master camera no.of slave cameras. but i need CompositeViewer class. how to use CompositeViewer class in flightgear and how to render through CompositeViewer class.


Cquote1.png What i want to achieve: Multiple views of the same scene . Lets call them View1 and View2(they may be on 2 separate screens). There should be only one instance of flightgear running. I should be able to have "View1 = Cockpit View & View2 = Chase View" or "View1 = Helicopter View & View2 = Cockpit View" or any other such combination of views. I am using FlightGear 2.0.0 I should be able to switch the view in each viewport without affecting the view in the other view port. i.e i should be able to double right click and change the view on each display with the mouse without affecting the view in the other display. README.multiscreen in the FlightGear documentation says its possible to create a master camera and a slave camera that is offset from the master camera. BUT I want 2 master cameras that can switch to any view at any time.[48]
Cquote1.png I have just been trying out the multiple screen feature in FG. I found that the GUI camera (including the menu bar, hud and 2D panel) appears in only

one of the windows. Is there any way I can make the GUI to appear in all the windows? Actually I want to be able to view the hud and 2D panel in all the windows.

Also when I change the view in any one of the windows, the view changes in the other windows as well. Is it possible to make the windows independent of each other. I want to display the cockpit in one window at all times, in the second window I want to be able to shuttle between helicopter / chase or model views.

Also I have observed that in the second screen where I'm displaying lets say the Helicopter view the aircraft remains static while the environment moves. This is because the cockpit view in my Master screen is defined as 'lookfrom'. Can I define 'lookfrom' for one screen and 'lookat' for the

other screen.[49]
— Kavya Meyyappan

Known Limitations

There are a few limitations of the FlightGear multi-camera/view/display system. Tim Moore is the person who developed this feature (nothing existed before his efforts) and maybe he can offer more insight.

1rightarrow.png See FlightGear and OpenGL ES for the main article about this subject.

For example, in the case of:

there would need to be some significant code restructuring to allow these to be displayed on other windows.[50]

There's a limitation in Plib that forces the GUI to be drawn on one window.[51]






  29. =
  48.  (). Multiple views without slaving to master camera.
  49. Kavya Meyyappan (Fri, 19 Mar 2010 03:31:50 -0700). [Flightgear-devel] Help needed with multi-screen.