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  |These days, many core development efforts have a lifetime of at least 5 years given the low number of active core developers, as well as the degree of required architectural large-scale changes  - for instance, to name just a few ongoing efforts:<br/>
<li> increasingly adopting OSG (since early 2006, still in progress)</li>
<li> support reset/re-init, for switching aircraft at run-time, without requiring  existing/restarting fgfs (equally, people want to be able to save/load flights to continue a flight at a later time)</li>
<li> increasing focus on proficiency/flight instruction scenarios (e.g. by being able to replay/continue an approach reliably)</li>
<li> allowing aircraft/scenery to be downloaded/installed and managed from inside the simulator</li>
<li> better use of multi-core systems</li>
<li> supporting distributed setups with multiple windows/viewers and multiple graphics cards </li>
<li> adopting HLA/RTI, especially for distributed setups, but also for better leveraging multi-core systems and an improved multiplayer experience</li>
<li> making more and more subsystems configurable and entirely optional, e.g. for better troubleshooting/regression testing</li>
<li> For the past few years, the Canvas subsystems has been used to re-implement MFD functionality without requiring core development</li>
<li> modernizing the GUI</li>
<li> procedurally populated scenery ("autogen") is becoming increasingly relevant, i.e. we're seeing a lot of activity in anything involving OSM and procedural scenery creation</li>
<li> equally, people want to keep on improving the scenery engine and the TerraGear compilation suite to support more and more visibility, while also providing good performance</li>
  |{{cite web |url=http://forum.flightgear.org/viewtopic.php?p=229647#p229647
    |title=<nowiki>Re: 5-10 Year </nowiki>
    |date=<nowiki>Tue Jan 13</nowiki>

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