JSBSim Thrusters: Difference between revisions

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Sense is the direction of rotation. 1=clockwise (typically as seen from rear of aircraft or the cockpit of a typical front-propeller aircraft, but this may vary depending on how you have set up the coordinate system for your aircraft) and -1 is counter-clockwise.
Sense is the direction of rotation. 1=clockwise (typically as seen from rear of aircraft or the cockpit of a typical front-propeller aircraft, but this may vary depending on how you have set up the coordinate system for your aircraft) and -1 is counter-clockwise.

The sense tag goes in the parent tag of the thruster, in the <propulsion><thruster> section which is typically in the main JSBSim XML file.  Example:
The sense tag goes in the parent tag of the thruster, ie, in the <propulsion><thruster> section which is typically in the main JSBSim XML file.  Example:



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