Project Rembrandt: Difference between revisions

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|Name given to this animation
|Name of the light volume
|In object space, position of the light
|In object space, direction to the center of the spot
|Ambient color of the light
|Diffuse color of the light
|Specular color of the light
|Three element vector. <c> element is the constant factor, <l> element is the linear factor and <q> element is the quadratic factor.<br />
Attenuation of color at distance d is <tt>1 / ( <c> + <l> * d + <q> * d * d )</tt>
|Attenuation is multiplied by <tt>pow( dot( lightDir, <direction> ), <exponent> )</tt>, lightDir being vector from light position to point, in camera space.
|point is lit by this source if <tt>dot( lightDir, <direction> ) > <cutoff></tt> , lightDir being vector from light position to point, in camera space.
