Google Summer of Code

GSoC is an effort by Google, Inc. to promote Open Source Software and education by bringing students together with experienced developers as their mentors for the summer (northern hemisphere). Google pays the student a stipend, the student learns by participating in real software development, the project gets code and maybe a new developer who'll stay around and benefit the project into the future. automaten spiele

It is generally agreed in the FlightGear development community that the project is an excellent candidate for acceptance as a GSoC mentoring organization and could see long term benefits if accepted. To be accepted, we must first develop a plan, get commitments from specific mentors and prepare an application. Since we missed the 2010 application deadline pretty badly, we are starting now to prepare for GSoC 2011.

NOTE: Please try and use the "GSoC:" namespace/prefix

  • 2011 - this page is a copy of the "participating organisation template" that needs to be and is being filled in
  • GSoC: Candidate_Projects - this need to be a list of project/tasks that require student help
  • GSoC: Mentors - a list of mentors (in fact this may end up being a who's who)
  • GSoC: Student_Applications - A template for student applications