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OpenGL ES  

Some FG users are very interested in seeing how FlightGear runs on low end hardware - because they may have a collection of it :)

Probably to do it initially, gles1 would have to be used - I think gles2 has no fixed function - and simgear/flightgear would have to be patched to use only OSG calls (if possible)

I know OSG can have gles{1,2} support without windowing compiled in


  See Howto:Optimizing FlightGear for mobile devices for the main article about this subject.

being able to run fgfs on such, comparatively low-powered, system is actually a good thing for fgfs as a whole - it can help us understand bottlenecks that are hardly visible on typical gaming rigs, but that may still show up over time (think leaking listeners/memory) - this sort of thing can also be considered the prerequisite for people wanting to target/build/run fgfs on other embedded hardware, such as thin clients with integrated GPUs or even mobile phones (think Android)

In other words, if the right people were to team up to specifically such hardware, this could also mean significant performance improvements for people on powerful gaming rigs.


For starters, we can try the FlightGear Headless option to build a fgfs version without any graphics at all.

The next step will be identifying and excluding problematic sources (those containing legacy/raw OpenGL code, e.g. using glBegin() or glEnable() respectively):

void RenderArea2D::RenderQuad( const SGVec2f *p) {
        glNormal3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        glVertex2fv( p[0].data() );
        glVertex2fv( p[1].data() );
        glVertex2fv( p[2].data() );
        glVertex2fv( p[3].data() );

Example: disabling PUI

  See Developing using CMake for the main article about this subject.

Knowing that PUI contains legacy OpenGL code and knowing it's scheduled to be removed anyway because it isn't compatible with modern OpenGL, we will disable it completely without reviewing/porting individual PUI files. This means opening $FG_SRC/CMakeLists.txt to add a new option to disable PUI.

option(SYSTEM_CPPUNIT    "Set to ON to build Flightgear with the system's CppUnit library")
option(DISABLE_PUI    "Set to ON to build Flightgear without PUI support")

We will be adding #ifdef macros to the sources in question, and update CMakeLists.txt accordingly.

Ideally, in conjunction with a feature-specific build option to disable the corresponding feature (think PUI or the HUD).

Thus, after editing CMakeLists.txt, we need to open fg_init.cxx to prevent initalization of PUI.

    // Create and register the XML GUI.
#if 0
    globals->add_subsystem("gui", new NewGUI, SGSubsystemMgr::INIT);

So, after editing fg_init.cxx to prevent the PUI GUI from getting initialized by FlightGear, we will need to find remaining hard-coded references to it, to fix those up and deal with PUI not being available. This means grepping $FG_SRC for any references to "pui" to locate remaining get_subsystem() calls. (FIXME: new subsystem lookups use templates), this will include code in unrelated modules, e.g. fgcommands (think menu bindings) accessing the GUI via something like get_subsystem("gui");

    NewGUI * gui = (NewGUI *)globals->get_subsystem("gui");
    if (!gui) {
      return false;

Thus, it makes sense to intercept registration of these fgcommands at the bottom of the file by wrapping these inside ifdef macros:

 * Table of built-in commands.
 * New commands do not have to be added here; any module in the application
 * can add a new command using globals->get_commands()->addCommand(...).
static struct {
  const char * name;
  SGCommandMgr::command_t command;
} built_ins [] = {
    { "exit", do_exit },
    { "reset", do_reset },
    { "reposition", do_reposition },
    { "switch-aircraft", do_switch_aircraft },
    { "panel-load", do_panel_load },
    { "preferences-load", do_preferences_load },
    { "toggle-fullscreen", do_toggle_fullscreen },
    { "screen-capture", do_screen_capture },
    { "hires-screen-capture", do_hires_screen_capture },
    { "tile-cache-reload", do_tile_cache_reload },
#if 0
    { "dialog-new", do_dialog_new },
    { "dialog-show", do_dialog_show },
    { "dialog-close", do_dialog_close },
    { "dialog-update", do_dialog_update },
    { "dialog-apply", do_dialog_apply },
    { "open-browser", do_open_browser },
    { "gui-redraw", do_gui_redraw },
    { "add-model", do_add_model },
    { "presets-commit", do_presets_commit },
    { "press-cockpit-button", do_press_cockpit_button },
    { "release-cockpit-button", do_release_cockpit_button },
    { "dump-scenegraph", do_dump_scene_graph },
    { "dump-terrainbranch", do_dump_terrain_branch },
    { "print-visible-scene", do_print_visible_scene_info },
    { "reload-shaders", do_reload_shaders },
    { "reload-materials", do_materials_reload },
    { "open-launcher", do_open_launcher },
    { 0, 0 }			// zero-terminated

This will ensure that fgcommands that are PUI related won't be available in a non-PUI build.

We should add separate build options to explicitly disable these features individually, e.g.:


Successfully disabling a feature means primarily:

  • adding a corresponding new build option to the top-level CMakeLists.txt (e.g. DISABLE_PUI)
  • opening fg_init.cxx and navigating to the lines where the feature/subsystem is initialized
  • wrapping the corresponding code in between #ifdef...#endif blocks
  • locating any remaining references to the subsystem in question and repeating the last step there

Affected Features / Sources

Feature Directory Notes Status
PUI $FG_SRC/GUI can be replaced via Phi   Pending
2D Panels $FG_SRC/Cockpit legacy 2D panels (could use Canvas)   Pending
Canvas Path (Shiva) $SG_SRC/canvas needs some thinking, probably native OpenVG on RPi [1] [2] or an OpenGL based implementation like nanovg [3]   Pending
Effects $FG_ROOT/Effects not important for the time being, will include Shader and probably involve a custom Compositor pipeline   Pending


OpenGL ES  

Vertex Buffer Objects

Canvas.Path (OpenVG)

Forum topics

See also

