
Revision as of 15:08, 19 September 2015 by Bugman (talk | contribs) (Deleted the status section - this section no longer makes sense 9 months after FGAddon was activated.)
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FGAddon (also fgaddon) is a repository, hosted at SourceForge.net, for extra, optional aircraft. These are aircraft that are not part of the base package. The aircraft that are included in the base package are still kept in fgdata (Git) repository. For users, this means that they can checkout only wanted aircraft, instead of downloading all the aircraft at once. For developers, this means that the base-package is lighter to sync for new contributors and is easier to maintain when a new release is built.

Cquote1.png the goal here is to almost get rid of a centralised aircraft repo anyway, and have a decentralised development system with the only central point being the aircraft package manager for end users. Then 99% of people never care where the aircraft is stored while it’s developed.


The Git/SVN repositories are intended more for developers, DIYers and people wanting to jump ahead and see the newest features. Most "average" users won't need to worry about which repository the aircraft are coming from.

  Some months ago, here, I asked to people to contact me in private in order to get commit access to the FGAddon repository.
— Clement de l'Hamaide (2014-12-16). Re: [Flightgear-devel] Wrong commits in FGAddon repository.
(powered by Instant-Cquotes)
  This is really important - we have had recurring issues with non-coders using CVS, Git and now Svn without thinking about the results. None of these systems are like Dropbox or and FTP server, and what you do with them has long-term consequences and potentially even implications for support the projects receives. I.e if we abuse the severs we get kicked off.
  I’m glad Clement is ensuring the quality of commits to the SVN repository is high, because unfortunately the Git repository suffered from that very badly. And in all these systems, there is often no ‘undo’ - once things are done, they are done forever, or require days of careful planning to make safe corrections.


  We may wish to filter which

aircraft are packaged and distributed with each new release. That would
require some thought and discussion and work to make an effective filter
system, but it might be the direction we could ultimately go with.

  when someone contact me to get commit access to FGAddon I usually send him some instructions about 'what to do' or 'what to not do' and 'how to do'.
— Clement de l'Hamaide (2014-12-16). Re: [Flightgear-devel] Wrong commits in FGAddon repository.
(powered by Instant-Cquotes)
  One thing we need to do is document this up-front (on the Wiki I guess), since it hasn’t changed from CVS or Git days either. In the beginning you had to convince Curt to get CVS access, then you had to convince any of the Git admins (me, Anders, Torsten, Clement, Curt, etc) - and now it’s basically the same group for SVN.
  Even though the full history of the aircraft were not migrated over to the

new svn fgaddon repository, the original git repository still remains.
After our 3.4 release branch is created, we will take steps to shrink the
fgdata git repository as well. *BUT* do not fear because we will preserve
the current git repository as it is (and any one who has ever cloned the
fgdata git repository has the entire history themselves already.) So
perhaps it will involve a few extra steps to investigate past aircraft
development history (and be slightly less convenient), but the past history
will still be available for anyone who wishes to review it. This may not
be a fully satisfactory answer for everyone, but there will still be a way
to examine the complete history of an aircraft in cases where it is

Hopefully the times where we need to address changes to abandoned aircraft
will be rare and special and we can figure out how to address some of these
odd situations on a case by case basis.

— Curtis Olson (2014-11-15). Re: [Flightgear-devel] Write access policy for Subversion.
(powered by Instant-Cquotes)

Using FGAddon


The following was taken from Aircraft are now hosted on SVN

Step 1: Preparation

Step 2: Get aircraft

Pick an aircraft (in this example the DR400-dauphin):

svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/flightgear/fgaddon/trunk/Aircraft/DR400-dauphin

If you prefer to get all aircraft from the repo, use the following command. Beware that this means a huge download! Hundreds of aircrafts will be downloaded.

svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/flightgear/fgaddon/trunk flightgear-fgaddon


You can regularly pick the last update using this command:

svn up

Aircraft development

SourceForge account

To work on the official aircraft collection, you should first set up a SourceForge account. This will allow you to either directly commit to the FGAddon repository, if you have been granted commit access, or to work in as part of a SourceForge development team.

Commit Access

Before obtaining commit access, you should contact the original authors to determine if the aircraft is actively being developed. If so, the aircraft author will direct you as to how to proceed with development. Otherwise you will need to obtain FGAddon commit access to make the changes.

To obtain commit access, you should first demonstrate your capabilities. You should sign up for the FlightGear development mailing list and ask for help there. You should first provide your changes as patches. If these are not too large, they can be sent as attachments to the mailing list. For large patches, a code ticket can be created and the patch attached there, or the patch uploaded to a public server and a link sent in a development mailing list message.

If you are using a subversion command line client, you can create a patch by typing:

svn diff > my.patch

"my.patch" can be any file name. If you are using a git-svn command line client, type:

git diff > my.patch

Once you have proven your capabilities and you are knowledgeable about GPL licensing issues, you should write a mail to the development mailing list asking if you can be granted commit access, providing your SourceForge username.

  About "how I decide who can or can't contribute" it's as simple as this: when someone contact me, I'm looking at who is this person, is it a long term contributor ? is it an active forum member ?
— Clement de l'Hamaide (2014-12-16). Re: [Flightgear-devel] Wrong commits in FGAddon repository.
(powered by Instant-Cquotes)
  If he is not a long term contributor but an active forum member - "active" mean: a user who is member for long time (more than 3 months) and someone who posted more than 100 posts - I'm checking that this person is aware of how works FlightGear (by reading his posts) and his spirit (it's easy to know if someone is on the same wave or not by reading his posts) is in accordance with the FG spirit (I'm contributing to FlightGear and discussing with long term core dev since more than 4 years now so I can say that I know what is the spirit of FG)
— Clement de l'Hamaide (2014-12-16). Re: [Flightgear-devel] Wrong commits in FGAddon repository.
(powered by Instant-Cquotes)
  Also, I'm not the only one person who can give commit access, I give "admin" access to the FGAddon repo to 4 persons (Curt, Anders, Gijs, Torsten) so you can be sure that the FGAddon repo is not 'only in my hand' but also in the hand of other persons.
— Clement de l'Hamaide (2014-12-16). Re: [Flightgear-devel] Wrong commits in FGAddon repository.
(powered by Instant-Cquotes)

SourceForge development team

If you and a group of friends would like to privately develop one of the FGAddon aircraft as a team, assuming that the you have contacted the original aircraft authors and the aircraft is not actively being developed, then you should create a SourceForge development team. A team leader should be appointed to set this up under their SourceForge account. Assuming you wish to develop the "ornithopter" aircraft, the steps are:

  • Go to "Personal tools" -> "Admin".
  • Click on "User Permissions".
  • Click on "Add a new group" at the bottom.
  • Set the name to "ornithopter", and save.
  • Click on "Add" in the "ornithopter" group and add your team members.

After setting up a private repository in the team leader's account, as described below, then the development team should be set up for the repository.

  • Go to the repository under your SourceForge account.
  • Click on "Admin - <repository name>", then select "Permissions".
  • In the "Write" section, remove "Developer" and add "ornithopter".
  • Click on "Save".

The development team will then have commit access to the private repository.

Development scenarios

Individual developer

Note  Development scenario: You are an individual developer with FGAddon commit access and will use the native Subversion tools.

If you are using the command line Subversion client, you can checkout an individual aircraft with:

svn co svn+ssh://<username>@svn.code.sf.net/p/flightgear/fgaddon/trunk/Aircraft/wrightFlyer1903

Where <username> is your SourceForge user name. Alternatively you can checkout all aircraft with:

svn co svn+ssh://<username>@svn.code.sf.net/p/flightgear/fgaddon/trunk flightgear-fgaddon

Once you have made you changes, commit these to the repository with

svn ci

You will need to write a detailed commit log message. When committing, it is best to make small modular commits so that each commit corresponds to a single purpose.

Individual developer (git-svn)

Note  Development scenario: You are an individual developer with FGAddon commit access and will use the git-svn tools.
  On a related note: for the aircraft maintainers that do like to work with

git it is not that hard to connect a per-aircraft git repository
(either your own or one split of from fgdata.git using the wiki
instructions) with the FGAddon SVN using the git-svn gateway.

— Anders Gidenstam (2014-11-15). Re: [Flightgear-devel] Write access policy for Subversion.
(powered by Instant-Cquotes)

The following description assumes you already have a single-aircraft git repository for your aircraft. It also describes a somewhat more complicated pull/push to SVN than necessary that I use since I want my private development history to be unaffected by whatever strangeness that may happen in fgdata/FGAddon.

Step 1

Setup git-svn to FGAddon in your per-aircraft repository:

% git svn init 

Step 2

Fetch its current state from FGAddon/SVN:

% git svn fetch

Step 3

The downloaded SVN history is in the remote branch remotes/git-svn. To commit changes to SVN you need a local branch that tracks this remote branch. Create a local FGAddon branch that you will use to commit updates. You could use this branch as your new master branch, but I would do this since the branch used to pull/push from/to SVN will be rebased on SVN updates and gets ugly SVN user names etc. in the commits. However, point 4. below would be much shorter if you do all your development on the SVN interface branch.

% git branch fgaddon remotes/git-svn

Step 4

When you have committed new stuff on your master branch that you want to push to FGAddon, you checkout your FGAddon branch:

% git checkout FGAddon

Update it from SVN in case someone else has touched your aircraft in the FGAddon SVN.

% git svn rebase

Cherry-pick your new stuff from master to FGAddon:

% git cherry-pick <commit id>

Commit the local commits on your FGAddon branch to the FGAddon SVN:

% git svn dcommit

Checkout your master branch again for local development:

% git checkout master

Step 5

To get changes from upstream you can either just download them with

% git svn fetch

or download them and rebase your FGAddon branch onto them:

% git checkout FGAddon
% git svn rebase

If you keep your local master separate from FGAddon you would need to cherry-pick upstream updates you want to your master branch. These days I always use git-svn rather than the ordinary SVN tools when working with SVN repositories. It is just so much nicer to me.