

Climb from "Corna" to "Liscidini"

Clock Around Santa Giustina Lake

3/4 Clock Around "Santa Giustina Lake"

  INTRO - Where it all have STARTED
  The beginning is always a delicate matter.
  It often does take several restarts and new approaches.
  This has been true for this writing...
  It has been true for the creation of the LILO-LOWI-Adrenaline "parcours" ...
  and it is a painful truth for all the pilots debuting and struggling with their plane.
  We all have been at that very start point, is it not ?
  Trying to land in a satisfying manner, failing, and trying again, repeatedly.
  CFIT(Controlled Flight Into Terrain) on final approach, bumpy landing, complicating 
  with Tortoise oscillations(1), Runway Excursions, are quite constant.
  Excursion at Paro (Buthan) Missed Taxiway

  Wrong Mind - Wrong Landing
  - "...oh, it is just a simulator... With a bit of training, we should get there..."
  My best will and patience was there but something else was missing.
  To be honest, results was way to be satisfying.
  Actually, It was not "getting there" at all !
  Flightgear community is really amazing, several users come spontaneously to help me.
  Suggestions, advises and demonstrations have come to be handy. It has allowed me to
  review my techniques and improve my skills.
  I am grateful for all the care and time theses users spent on me.
  But without putting any word in contrariwise, I was still needing to understand the
  I was needing to understand how it does really and exactly work in order to not be
  forced to rely on buttons (ILS) and approximations in order to do a good landing.
  Never give up!
  I did not give up.
  I have continued to try to experiment different flying configuration and decisions.
  Each time I was modifying a bit of this and less of that.
  The results was staying well below the good.
  It was like fighting something invisible and apparently invincible.
  But, not giving up and, at each time, modifying a bit more questions and tries led
  to evolve to new point of view, to new way to look at the same problem.
  You know, sometime, some explanation but different words ...
  And there, an amazingly simple explanation brought by a retired flying instructor,
  brought the answer i was expecting.
  What the most have amazed me is the simplicity of his sketches and the clarity of his words that put everything in a brand new light !
     I do not think it is a "new knowledge" and I am confident that any airspace student
  will learn it in a, let's say more numerical way.
  But i have been delighted by the simplicity and the clarity of this explanation and
  I am going to share it with you.
  For copyright reasons i can not past it here as is, but...  I can do a sketch of my
  own and add the explanation with my own words.

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  Landing - Explanation - 1
  1. little motorboat - no steering => wished track and obtained track are the same.
  2. little motorboat - steering to babord - blue : wished track
                                             red  : obtained track
                        Due the elasticity of the medium "water" you are a bit 
                        drifted away from wished track.
                        Just as long as drifting energy generated by the steering 
                        do not become greater then the toward energy.
  3. Plane            - steering to babord - blue : wished track
                                             red  : obtained track
                        Like for (2.) you are drifted away, but since the medium
                        Air have another elasticity, the drift is different.

  Same Logic in the side view for the plane...
  Landing - Explanation help - 2
  The accumulated energy of the plane in the direction of the descent is not going to 
  stop when meeting with the ground ! 
  This energy need to be used/transformed and is going to generate all the bad effects
  we struggle to dom as debutante.
  About this, Rob wrote :
  This energy that in the air is your friend and keep you alive, on the ground become
  you enemy.
  You can not just leave it there. You have accumulated it - you have to exhaust it !
  Landing - Explanation Help - 3
  Only then you become able to land ...and by landing i do mean, able to brake, steer 
  and control your plane on land !

  A new approach
  This was totally addressing the questions i had !  Plus, it was clearly explaining 
  the why of my landing failures, and even bringing answers to new coming questions.
  Just one question was not addressed :
  - ok, I exhaust the "flying energy". So i am going to stall ...from which height  ?
  With the same clarity, the Rob explanation say this :
  - ideally from ZERO feet over the RWY.
  Landing - Explanation Help - 4
  - but, maximum from as height as what shock absorber can absorb.
  Landing - Explanation Help - 5
  Landing - Explanation Help - 6

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  ...My very first Title idea was "DISENGAGE AUTO-PILOT".
  For copyright reasons i can not past it here as is, but...  I can do a sketch of my

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