Cessna C172

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Cessna 172P

Type Civilian aircraft
Author(s) David Megginson
Status production
--aircraft c172p, c172p-2dpanel, c172p-panel-only, c172r
Current user rating: 96% (6 votes)

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A C172 has been the default aircraft in FG since 2000, when it replaced the Navion. It has had a long development and includes a wide variety of simulation features for FG 1.0. See Understanding Propeller Torque and P-Factor

C172 has a simulation of the Bendix/King KAP140 Autopilot.



The following four variants exist in the FlightGear CVS data repository:

  • c172p
  • c172p-2dpanel
  • c172p-panel-only
  • c172r
The 3D cockpit of the C172P.

Aircraft help

Engine Start

  • Mixture: Rich (Red all the way in)
  • Throttle: Open 1/8 (Black almost all the way out)
  • Parking Brake: Applied (Shift-B)
  • Prop Area: Clear
  • Magnetos: Both (}}} three times)
  • Ignition: Start (s)


  • no flaps
  • full throttle
  • rotate at 55 KIAS


  • no flaps
  • full throttle
  • 80 KIAS


  • throttle 65%
  • mixture rich of peak


  • full flaps
  • 65 KIAS

V Speeds

Vso: 33 kts Vx: 56 kts Vy: 76 kts Va: 99 kts Vne: 158 kts

Common Aircraft Keys

Key Action
Enter Move Rudder Right
0/Insert Move Rudder Right
[] Flaps up/down
{} decrease/increase magneto on selected engine
~ select all engines
s start selected engines
h toggle heads up display
m/M mixture richer/leaner
n/N propeller finer/coarser

Development status/Issues/Todo


  • textures/ mapping needs some correction

3D cockpit:

  • cockpit is textured but textures need more polish
  • no pilot or co pilot present
  • the light switch labels are hard to read.


  • It is routine to observe 135 Kias at 2850 RPM in level flight at 1000 MSL, using only 13 gph. This is not the sort of performance seen in real-life Skyhawks.
    • What is the expected performance according to your estimation?

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Civilian aircraft: C150LC172PC172RC182C310550 Citation IIBravoX
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