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Many aircraft offer a help menu specific to that aircraft on the Aircraft Help menu (go to Help, then Aircraft Help.
Many aircraft offer a help menu specific to that aircraft on the Aircraft Help menu (go to Help, then Aircraft Help.

== Making the First Flight ==
== 第一次飞行! ==
One of the most frequent questions novice pilots ask about any flight sim, but more so to FlightGear, is "why is my aircraft turning left all the time?" Although it could be due to wind gusts crossing the runway, it is more likely due to the increased realism FlightGear provides. In a certain other flight simulator, some settings are turned down to make the aircraft easier to fly. This reduces effects such as propeller torque and p-factor, which may be the cause of the tendency to turn to the left (to figure out which effect, you may read more in [[Understanding Propeller Torque and P-Factor]] ).
不管任何模拟器特别是对FlightGear,新飞行员最常问的一个问题是”为什么我的飞机老是像左偏?“或许是因为跑道上有侧风,但是主因还是FlightGear提供的增强显示性。一些其他的飞行模拟器做了一些设置,这样飞起来很简单。这些设置主要是减小了一些影响因素,比如螺旋桨力矩和不对称推力,这些因素都是使飞机有向左偏的趋势。(你可以看看这个多了解下 [[Understanding Propeller Torque and P-Factor]] )。

Despite marketing slogans to the contrary, some flight simulators are aimed at a casual game player market, and ship with their "realism" turned down. The realism is always turned up in FlightGear.
在市场销售的模拟器的设置取消了这些因素,因为他们的市场定位仅仅是游戏,gamer,为了各种原因而游戏除了感受现实。尽管与市场上销售的一些模拟器相异,在 FlightGear里这种'''现实特性'''总是默认开启的。

FlightGear offers a great deal of realism, which may be confusing to first time pilots.
FlightGear 里包含了很多现实特性,这些可能使刚入门的飞行员很迷惑。

* "Left Turning Syndrome" for the previously mentioned reasons.
* Compass Turning Error: A compass, when subjected to the forces of flight, tends to turn in the opposite direction for a brief period before settling on the correct heading. This is not a malfunction.
* "左偏综合症" ,以为说那个面提到的原因。
* The Vertical Speed Indicator is also subject to error.
* The Horizontal Situation Indicator is driven by a gyroscope (that is why it's sometimes called a Directional Gyroscope), which is subject to a phenomenon called gyro drift. For a number of reasons, the gyro will drift from its current heading and must be periodically (about every 15 minutes) calibrated to agree with the magnetic compass heading.
* 水平状况的指示器使用陀螺 (这就是为什么有时叫他方向陀螺),同样受回转仪漂移影响。. For a number of reasons, the gyro will drift from its current heading and must be periodically (about every 15 minutes) calibrated to agree with the magnetic compass heading.

Many forces act on an aircraft in flight as well as on the instruments and systems used for control and navigation, and may be counter-intuitive. Pilots must learn to recognize these phenomena and compensate for their effects. FlightGear models instrument errors that exist in the real world.
Many forces act on an aircraft in flight as well as on the instruments and systems used for control and navigation, and may be counter-intuitive. Pilots must learn to recognize these phenomena and compensate for their effects. FlightGear models instrument errors that exist in the real world.
