Yoke for FlightGear

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Yoke for FlightGear
Screenshot of FGYoke in AppStore
Developed by iOS app by Sidi Liang, Android app by CHH2000Day
Latest release iOS: 1.1.2; Android: 0.3.0
Written in Swift, Objective-C, Java
OS iOS, Android
Platform Mobile
Type Virtual control

Yoke for FlightGear (FGYoke) is a virtual yoke app based on TCP for iOS and Android.

iOS version available in Apple Appstore.
Android version download

How to use

Install FGYoke first.

Save the code as from_fgyoke.xml , or download it from here, then copy it to the Protocol folder under the data folder of FlightGear. for Mac OS, it should be /Applications/FlightGear.app/Contents/Resources/data/Protocol

<?xml version="1.0"?>


Go to the setting page, and type in the IP address and the port number of the computer that are going to run FlightGear. In this case, we can use 23333 as port number. Click Save.

Type in --generic=socket,in,20,,23333,tcp,from_fgyoke in settings when launching FlightGear.

Start FlightGear, and click on the switch in the app. If it stays on "On" position, then the connection was successful.

Forum topics

External links