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Amsterdam Schiphol in WED.
Amsterdam Schiphol in WED.
Developed by Ben Supnik, Cristiano Maggi
Initial release 2007
OS GNU/Linux, Windows, MacOS X
License GNU General Public License

WorldEditor (WED) is a CAD-like graphic editor that lets you create custom airport layouts. It is designed for X-Plane, and works with apt.dat version 850 and higher.

Obtaining WorldEditor


Stable WED binaries for Windows and Mac can be downloaded from A development version is available through:

In order to work with WED without installing X-Plane, one needs to create a special Custom Scenery directory, for example X-Plane/Custom Scenery. When launching WED for the first time, click the "Choose X-Plane folder" directory and select the folder that your Custom Scenery houses in (in our example: X-Plane).


Because there is no (stable) binary available for Linux based operating systems, the user has to compile it from source. Don't be afraid of that, since it brings most of its dependencies along, it is not hard. However, some things need to be provided by the user's system:

  • binutils and binutils-devel
  • git
  • GNU coreutils
  • GNU make
  • libmpfr-devel
  • mesa-libGL-devel and mesa-libGLU-devel
  • qt4-devel

Downloading WED's source (about 170 MiB) is done via git:

git clone xptools.git
cd xptools.git

Afterwards WED's dependencies have to be downloaded (about 260 MiB) and compiled. These steps have to be done only once, before compiling WED the first time:

git submodule update --init
cd libs
make -j2
cd ..

Compiling WED:

conf=release_opt make -j2 WED

As on Mac/Windows WED needs a certain working directory some_name/Custom Scenery. Assuming your self made scenery stuff lives (/is going to be) in ~/FGscenery-workbench, create a directory:

mkdir -p ~/FGscenery-workbench/Custom\ Scenery

Choose FGscenery-workbench as "X-PLANE FOLDER" the first time you start WED:


You may now copy the file build/Linux/release_opt/WED to ~/bin or another location within your $PATH environment variable:

cp build/Linux/release_opt/WED ~/bin

There is a beta binary of WorldEditor 1.2 which is quite usable but you have to be careful and save your work often because it could crash and make you lose your work. Note that this binary works only on 64 bit linux systems.

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