Useful scripts for developers

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Aircrafts scripts

files loaded

There are many files used for an aircraft and it could be difficult when developping or maintaining an aircraft to know how all theese files are loaded, by which file and if they are used.

The script below searches in xml, nas and ac files other loaded files : nas, xml, wav, rgb and png.

Feel free to improve it !

script (linux)

#!/usr/bin/perl -W

# author : hardball
# version : v20160919-01
# description :
#   recherche recursivement dans les script nas et les fichiers xml et ac d'autres
#   fichiers nas, xml, wav et png charges

use Term::ANSIColor ;

#                                                                     CONSTANTES

# name of aircraft's directory
$dirname_aircraft = 'bourrasque' ;

# name of aircraft (the one which is used when launching)
$aircraft = 'bourrasque' ;

# starting path for recursive search
$dirpath_root = '/home/nico/projet_fgfs/hangar/'. $dirname_aircraft .'/' ; # slash ending

$color{'xml'} = 'bright_blue' ;
$color{'ac'}  = 'bright_yellow' ;
$color{'png'} = 'bright_magenta' ;
$color{'rvb'} = 'red' ;
$color{'nas'} = 'yellow' ;
$color{'wav'} = 'white' ;

#                                                   INITIALISATION DES VARIABLES

my @a = () ;

#                                                                      FONCTIONS

# affiche le resultat sous forme arborescente
sub recherche_tree
    my ($path, $depth, $from_path, $from_file, $list_is_last) = @_ ;
    my $indent = '' ;
    my @lil = @{$list_is_last} ; # contient pour chaque fichier parent de l'item
                                 # en cours si c'est le dernier de la liste
    for(my $l = 0 ; $l < @lil ; $l++)
        # item en cours
        if($l == (@lil - 1))
            $indent .= $lil[$l]
                ? ' `-- '
                : ' |-- ' ;
        # parents
            $indent .= $lil[$l]
                ? '     '
                : ' |   ' ;
    $path =~ s/^\/?Aircraft\/$dirname_aircraft\/// ;
    $path =~ s/^.\/// ;
    if($path !~ /\//)
        $path = $from_path . $path ;
    $path_to_try = $dirpath_root . $path ;
    if(-f $path_to_try)
        $from_file = $path ;

        my ($ext) = ($from_file =~ /\.(\w+)$/) ;
        print "${indent}" ;
        print color $color{$ext} ;
        print ${from_file} ;
        print color 'reset' ;
        print "\n" ;

        #print "${indent}${from_file}\n" ;
        if($path_to_try =~ /.xml$/)
            $from_path = $path ;
            $from_path =~ s/[^\/]+$// ;
            my @f = () ;
            open(my $XML, $path_to_try) ; my @XML = <$XML> ; close $XML ;
                    or (/=["'](.+\.(xml|nas|ac|wav))["']/))
                    push(@f, $1) ;
            for(my $i = 0 ; $i < @f ; $i++)
                $path = $f[$i] ;
                my $l = ($i < (@f - 1)) ? 0 : 1 ;
                push(@lil, $l) ;
                recherche_tree($path, $depth, $from_path, $from_file, \@lil) ;
                pop(@lil) ;
        elsif($path_to_try =~ /.nas$/)
            $from_path = $path ;
            $from_path =~ s/[^\/]+$// ;
            my @f = () ;
            open(my $NAS, $path_to_try) ; my @NAS = <$NAS> ; close $NAS ;
                    push(@f, $1) ;
            for(my $i = 0 ; $i < @f ; $i++)
                $path = $f[$i] ;
                my $l = ($i < (@f - 1)) ? 0 : 1 ;
                push(@lil, $l) ;
                recherche_tree($path, $depth, $from_path, $from_file, \@lil) ;
                pop(@lil) ;
        elsif($path_to_try =~ /.ac$/)
            $from_path = $path ;
            $from_path =~ s/[^\/]+$// ;
            my @f = () ;
            my %uniq_f = () ;
            open(my $AC, $path_to_try) ; my @AC = <$AC> ; close $AC ;
                    $uniq_f{$1} = 1 ;
            @f = sort keys %uniq_f ;
            for(my $i = 0 ; $i < @f ; $i++)
                $path = $f[$i] ;
                my $l = ($i < (@f - 1)) ? 0 : 1 ;
                push(@lil, $l) ;
                recherche_tree($path, $depth, $from_path, $from_file, \@lil) ;
                pop(@lil) ;
            pop(@lil) ;
        print STDERR "[W] file not found : SKIPPING - $path -- $from_file\n" ;

#                                                                           MAIN

recherche_tree($aircraft. '-set.xml', 0, '', '', \@a) ;

### EOF

configuration and installation

  1. copy-past the text in a text file named ""
  2. You should modify some constants on the top of the file : $dirname_aircraft, $aircraft, $dirpath_root
  3. chmod the file : chmod ug+x
  4. run the script : ./

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External links

  • [1] - forum topic