Tile Index Scheme

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Scenery in FlightGear is composed of tiles, each associated with a tile index. The tiles are cut so that none of them is excessively large or small compared to other tiles regarding their actual size on the earth surface.

Each tile is defined by the geodetic coordinates of its northwest corner and its extends in degrees of geodetic latitude and longitude. We will refer to the latitude resp. longitude of the northwest corner as lat resp. lon. However, the index calculations should also work with any other position inside the tile.

The authoritative source for the tile index scheme is the definition of the class SGBucket in SimGear (simgear/bucket/newbucket.{hxx, cxx}).

Calculating the Tile Index

The tile index is composed of four parts

  • base longitude index (-180...179)
  • base latitude index (-90...89),
  • longitude offset (0...7), and
  • latitude offset (0...7).

Each degree of latitude is split up into 8 rows of tiles. Therefore the base latitude index and offset are directly derived from lat using the floor and trunc functions:


The tiling in east-west direction is more complex. As the meridians converge towards the pole, the width of tile columns must be adapted based on latitude, as the following table shows (taken from sg_bucket_span in simgear/bucket/newbucket.hxx):

Latitude Range Tile Width (deg)
89 ≤ abs(lat) ≤ 90 360
88 ≤ abs(lat) < 89 8
86 ≤ abs(lat) < 88 4
83 ≤ abs(lat) < 86 2
76 ≤ abs(lat) < 83 1
62 ≤ abs(lat) < 76 0.5
22 ≤ abs(lat) < 62 0.25
0 ≤ abs(lat) < 22 0.125

Note that in latitudes north of N83 or south of S83 tiles span more than a single degree of latitude. The naive code for determining the base longitude index is therefore


However, in case of latitudes north of N89 or south of S89, the whole row of latitude is a single tile. For western longitudes base_x would be calculated as -360, for eastern longitudes it would be 0. The actual base longitude should be -180 for both cases, so the actual code for base longitude index and offset is therefore

 if base_x<-180

The final tile index is found by composing the base offsets and indices into a bit-field:

 index=((lon+180)<<14) + ((lat + 90) << 6) + (y << 3) + x

So here is the final code for calculating the index (using the width from the table above for tile_width)

 if base_x<-180