Technical Reports

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The intention of this page to provide a place where people can publish their FlightGear-related technical reports. Such reports may include essays on technical issues within FlightGear, and reports on scientific experiments performed on/with FlightGear. Please note that technical reports are formal papers. They follow a proper structure and are not intended to be opened for editing.

For a more in-depth definition of technical reports, please follow this link.



A New Architecture for FlightGear Flight Simulator

AJ MacLeod, Ampere K. Hardraade, Michael Koehne, Steve Knoblock

Keyword(s): MVC architecture; FDM Server; FDM Instance; Client

Abstract: To continue improving existing features and add new ones, FlightGear must make better use of computing power. Preparing for the widespread adoption of multicore CPU architectures is an important step in FlightGear's development. Today, CPU clock rate has reached its peak. The old idea, that features can be added without regard to their effect on performance because computers will become ever faster, has ceased to hold. In addition, as more features are added, developers are inceasingly bumping up against existing limitations in the current FlightGear architecture. Now would be a good time to begin the process of restructuring FlightGear to address the above issues. This proposal decribes a new architecture for FlightGear, one which would greatly improve FlightGear's efficiency and flexibility by making extensive use of parallel processing. It is also hope that this new architecture will improve the quality of multiuser sessions, as well as providing a true support for the simulations of time-critical systems.

9 Pages

Full document: Media:New_FG_architecture.pdf (pdf)