SketchUp to AC3D exporter

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With the SketchUp to AC3D exporter, developed by James Turner, you're able to export SketchUp models to the .ac fileformat. The script works on both the free version aswell on the pro version.


The script is still in development at the moment. The current progress as of 1 September 2008 is:


  • Geometry export
  • Texture export

Known Issues:

  • Texture scaling on the model may appear wrong, further testing required
  • Texture conversion and export assumes 'native' file paths internally, so may fail if you use a SketchUp file created on a different OS.

To do:

  • Conversion of lat- and longitude locations.


You can download the script at (Right mouseclick > Save as). Place the .rb file into your SketchUp/plugins folder. Now restart SketchUp and the script should be visible through the Plugins > Export to AC3D menu.

For texture format conversion, install ImageMagick:

  • Windows - [1]
  • Mac - for the moment, see [2], but I'll switch to using a simpler solution in the near future