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Revision as of 12:58, 12 January 2012 by Zakalawe (talk | contribs)
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Task List

Short term plans


General areas I'm working on, or planning to work on

Core properties and subsystems

  • Create a property benchmark (reading / writing / tied properties / listeners)
  • Create a prototype multi-threaded property implementation
    • Track per-thread property state
    • Synchronise property tree structure changes (adding / removing nodes)
    • Define synchronisation points between threads to update property data

GUI / renderer

  • Migrate PLIB GUI into our source tree, and convert to a set of custom OSG drawables
    • Convert event handling code to use OSG event adapters natively
    • Ensure all state changes occur via update callbacks, and hence mark the GUIs as static
    • Replace puValue with an SGProperty? i.e allow widgets to be directly bound to a property node
    • Convert all text display to use osgText drawables
    • Make layout support native to widgets?
  • Convert '2D' panel node to manage its own picking (removing the currently ugly hack for 2.5D panels)
  • Make the pure 2D panel am FGPanelNode attached to the GUI camera
  • Convert 2D panel text to use osgText
  • Clean up renderer scene (especially the GUI camera children) once all its children are nodes which manage their own picking


  • Re-investigate caching data in a binary format to accelerate startup time (avoid reading nav.dat, apt.dat on launch, and scenery airport data repeatedley)

GPS / FMS / Route-planning

  • Extend the GPS code to support more flight-plan functions and en-route information
    • Climb/descent computations, based on some aircraft performance data
    • Compute distances along the route path, including as offsets from any waypoint (this will allow aircraft authors to compute sane top-of-climb / top-of-descent locations, for example)
  • Allow performance data to be specific per-aircraft
    • Initially, basic information such as cruise speed, best climb rates, and so on
    • Weight/balance tables
    • Vspeeds computations
    • Minimum runway length would allow lots of filtering to be smarter, replacing various hard-coded guesses in the NavDisplay and GPS

NAV Display

  • Improve API based on feedback from aircraft authors!
  • Tested support for custom symbols specified via properties


  • command to load a property-tree XML from a web-service (TCP host + port). Initially to be sued to dynamically retrieve a server list from a server
  • HUD configuration improvements