How to manipulate Canvas elements

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The purpose of this document is to introduce the plot2D tool and provide basic information about its use.
Plot2D is nothing more than a collection of helpers that aims to facilitate the task of coding. It makes intensive use of the Canvas API, a mandatory reference for those who intend to refine the result beyond what is offered by plot2D.
It is assumed here that you already have a minimal knowledge about Canvas.
For now Plot2D resides in the SpokenGCA addon, but the idea is that in the future it could be included in the $FG-ROOT/Nasal/canvas directory.
If you have not the SpokenGCA addon installed, you may download plot2D.nas from here, put it into your $FG-HOME/Nasal/ folder and then execute:

  var root = getprop("/sim/fg-root");
  io.load_nasal( root ~ '/Nasal/plot2D.nas', "canvas" );

Once executed, you can try the examples given below.

"Create" helpers


Parameters: (group, from, to, color)

Plots a line as <group>'s child.

  • from as [x,y] in pixels.
  • to as [x,y] in pixels.
  • color optional as [r,g,b] or "#rrggbb", Black by default.
example Screenshot
var window =[200,200],"dialog")
    .set("title","Plot2D demo"  );
var myCanvas = window.createCanvas()
    .set("background", "#eeeeee");
var root = myCanvas.createGroup();
var myGroup = root.createChild("group");


Parameters: (group, from, length, color)

Plots an horizontal line as <group>'s child.

  • from as [x,y] in pixels.
  • length in pixels.
  • color optional as [r,g,b] or "#rrggbb". Black by default.


Parameters: (group, from, length, color)

Plots a vertical line as <group>'s child.

  • from as [x,y] in pixels.
  • length in pixels.
  • color optional as [r,g,b] or "#rrggbb". Black by default.


Parameters: (group, from, length, color)

Plots a vertical line as <group>'s child.

  • from as [x,y] in pixels.
  • to as [x,y] in pixels.
  • dash optional dash&space lengths in pixels, 8 pixels by default.
  • color optional as [r,g,b] or "#rrggbb". Black by default.
example Screenshot
var window =[200,200],"dialog").set("title","Plot2D demo"  );
var myCanvas = window.createCanvas().set("background", "#eeeeee");
var root = myCanvas.createGroup();
var myGroup = root.createChild("group");
var (red,blue) = ['#ee0000', [0,0,1] ];
Plot2D.dashedLine example.png


Parameters: (group, size ,origin=nil, color="#0", fill=nil, rounded=nil)

Plots a rectangle as <group>'s child.

  • size as [width,height] in pixels.
  • origin optional as [x,y] in pixels, [0,0] by default.
  • color optional border color as [r,g,b] or "#rrggbb" or nil (for no border). Black by default.
  • fill optional fill color as [r,g,b] or "#rrggbb", No filled by default.
  • rounded optional corner radius in pixels, Not rounded by default.


Parameters: (group, size, dx, dy, origin=nil, color="#0", border=1)

Plots a grid as <group>'s child.

  • size as [width,height] in pixels.
  • dx tiles width in pixels.
  • dy tiles height in pixels.
  • color optional grid color as [r,g,b] or "#rrggbb". Black by default.
  • origin optional as [x,y] in pixels, [0,0] by default.
  • border optional as boolean, True by default.
example Screenshot
var window =[200,200],"dialog").set("title","Plot2D demo"  );
var myCanvas = window.createCanvas().set("background", "#eeeeee");
var root = myCanvas.createGroup();
var myGroup = root.createChild("group");
var (red,blue,grey) = ['#ee0000', [0,0,1], [.8,.8,.8] ];
  ## Note: to eventually handle an element, you must assign a variable:
var myRect = canvas.plot2D.rectangle(myGroup,[40,160],[15,20],red,grey,10);
Plot2D.rectangle and grid.png


parameters: (group, text, origin=nil, size=nil, color="#0", align="left-baseline")

Plots a text as <group>'s child.

  • text the text itself as string.
  • origin optional as [x,y] in pixels, [0,0] by default.
  • size optional font size and aspect as [<size-px>,<height/width>]. [11,1] by default.
  • color optional font color as [r,g,b] or "#rrggbb". Black by default.
  • align optional origin reference. "left-baseline" by default.


parameters: (group, xSet, ySet, color="#0", symmetrical=' ')

Plots a polyLine as <group>'s child.

  • xSet as [x0,...,xn] in pixels.
  • ySet as [y0,...,yn] in pixels.
  • color optional grid color as [r,g,b] or "#rrggbb". Black by default.
  • symmetrical optional string, may be 'x', 'y', 'xy' or 'yx'. Non symmetrical by default.
example Screenshot
Note  This assumes that you already have a top-level root group set up, and his group child named myGroup.
var (red,blue,green,orange) = ['#ee0000', [0,0,1], [0,0.8,0], '#ea9a32' ];
   ## 3 vertices with default values:
   ## 3 vertices with symmetrical = 'x':
   ## 3 vertices with symmetrical = 'y':
   ## 3 vertices with symmetrical = 'xy':
   ## 3 vertices with symmetrical = 'yx':
plot2D.polyline example


parameters: (group, ySet, dx=nil, origin=nil, color="#0"

Plots the curve sampled in <ySet> with a resolution of <dx>.

  • ySet as [y0,...,yn] in pixels.
  • dx optional curve resolution in pixels. 1 px by default.
  • origin optional as [x,y] in pixels, [0,0] by default.
  • color optional grid color as [r,g,b] or "#rrggbb". Black by default.
example Screenshot
Note  This assumes that you already have a top-level root group set up, and his group child named myGroup.
  var (red,blue,green,orange) = ['#ee0000', [0,0,1], [0,0.8,0], '#ea9a32' ];
  var yValues = [];
  for(var i=0;i<460;i+=4) append(yValues, 30*math.sin(i*D2R));
  canvas.plot2D.hzLine(myGroup, [10,100],175,blue);
  canvas.plot2D.vtLine(myGroup, [15,180],-175,blue);
  canvas.plot2D.graphic(myGroup, yValues,,[15,100],red);

Movement helpers


parameters: (elem, Xaxis=0) 

Flips horizontally the element.

  • elem element to be flipped.
  • Xaxis abscissa of the symmetry axis . If 0 (default) element flips in-place.


parameters: (elem, Yaxis=0) 

Flips vertically the element.

  • elem element to be flipped.
  • Yaxis ordenate of the symmetry axis . If 0 (default) element flips in-place.


parameters: (elem, center=nil) {

Rotates the element 180 deg around center.

  • elem element to be rotated.
  • center as [Cx,Cy] in pixels. Rotates in-place by default.


parameters: (elem, ref, alignment) 

Aligns the element, moving it horizontaly to ref. Flips vertically the element.

  • elem element to be moved.
  • ref reference may be an integer or another element.
  • alignment as string: may be 'left-left', 'left-center', 'left-right',

'center-left', 'center-center', 'center-right', 'right-left', 'right-center', 'right-right'. If ref is a single number, the 2nd word is ignored.