Flying on other planets

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Flying On Other PLanets
Developed by Wil Neeley
Written in C++
OS Only tested on Linux
Platform Ubuntu 12.04lts
Development status Active

This Page is the documentation of trying to simulate flying on other planets in flightgear. I located the files responsible for atmosphere and gravity in the flightgear source code.

File Locations

The files are in $FG_SRC/Enviroment. The names are:

Simulating gravity

After looking at the source code in the atmosphere and gravity files I decided to start by adjusting the gravity to that of titan because that planet is most likely able to be flown upon.
I changed lines 48-52 to

// Geodetic Reference System 1980 parameter
#define A 6576.0 // equatorial radius of Titan
#define B 6576.0 // semiminor axis
#define AGA (A*1.352) // A times normal gravity at equator
#define BGB (B*1.352) // B times normal gravity at pole


// original code
#define A 6378137.0 // equatorial radius of earth
#define B 6356752.3141 // semiminor axis
#define AGA (A*9.7803267715) // A times normal gravity at equator
#define BGB (B*9.8321863685) // B times normal gravity at pole

Now to compile ....

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