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FGo! is a simple GUI front-end for FlightGear written in Python. It takes slightly different approach than any other such application - it combines a simple GUI which allows you to select a plane, airport, runway, park position and scenario. In addition there is text window where you can write more advanced command line options that will be passed to FlightGear.

In its current state it also provides a checkbox for terragear and supports different languages. FGo! is available for download from in the first post of its forums thread.


All one have to know to set it up and run it is in FGo!s README:

FGo! 1.2
A simple GUI front-end for FlightGear.


Operating system GNU/Linux
FlightGear 1.9.0
Python 2.5.2*
Python Imaging Library (PIL) 1.1.6 (with ImageTk module)
Tcl/Tk 8.4

*FGo! is compatible only with Python 2.x series.


This program requires no installation, but Python (with Tkinter and
PIL modules) and Tcl/Tk library need to be installed prior FGo!'s first run.
All of them should be easy to get using package manager. In Debian based
distributions you may be required to install these packages:
python, python-tk, python-imaging, python-imaging-tk, tcl8.x and tk8.x.
You may simply choose python-imaging-tk package, and manager should
automatically install all other required dependencies.


FGo! does not provide its own window to print FlightGear's messages, that's why
the best method to run the application is to run it from command line. Open
a terminal, navigate to directory where the FGo! was unpacked and run it using
"python fgo.py" or "./fgo" command, or if your system offers this feature,
you can simply click on the fgo icon and choose in dialog option:
Run in terminal. In last two cases, make sure that fgo file is an executable.


To use FGo! you need first set it up. Open preferences window (in menu choose:
Settings => Preferences) and fill in empty entry fields.

FlightGear settings:

   Path to executable file - enter the path to “fgfs” file.
   FG_ROOT - path to FlightGear's main directory.

   FG_SCENERY - path to scenery. You can specify more than one path to scenery
       (separated by a colon) in order from highest to lowest layer.

   Working directory - optional parameter specifying FlightGear's working
       directory. That is the directory where logs or screen-shots
       will be saved. If left blank, the working directory is the user's
       home directory.

TerraSync settings:

   Path to executable file - enter the path to “terrasync” file.

   Port - a port address used by TerraSync.

   Scenery path - directory where TerraSync saves downloaded scenery.


   Change language - choose another language. If language not selected,
       FGo! will try to choose the system language.

   Airport data source - select data source where FGo! will be looking for
       information about runways or parking positions. There are two options:

       Default - FGo! will show runway numbers based on fgo/data/apt file,
           which is generated from FG_ROOT/Airports/apt.dat.gz database.
           Parking names will be taken from FG_ROOT/AI/Airports directory.

       Scenery - runway and parking information will be taken from
           FG_SCENERY/Airports folder - or folders - if multiple scenery
           paths are provided.

       Generally speaking: "Default" option will tell FGo! to show the same
       data that FlightGear uses by default when selecting starting location,
       while "Scenery" option will tell FGo! to look for that data
       directly in scenery folder. In that latter case, you may add
       --prop:/sim/paths/use-custom-scenery-data=true argument into textbox
       to tell FlightGear to use the same data.
       If not sure which option you should choose, the best is to stick
       with default setting.

   Rebuild Airport Database - build new airport database from current
       FG_ROOT/Airports/apt.dat.gz. Useful in case when apt.dat.gz file
       has been updated.

Filling the first three entries is necessary for proper operation of
the program - the rest is optional. When you are done with configuration,
click "Save Settings" button. After a few moments in the main window should
appear a list of available aircraft and airports.

Changes in FlightGear's settings are applied immediately after clicking on
"Save Settings" button, however changes in TerraSync and language settings
may require restarting FGo!.


In text window at the bottom you can write command line options with which
FlifhtGear will be run.

Few options are provided by default:
--multiplay=out,10,mpserver02.flightgear.org,5000 - run FlightGear with
   multiplayer support.
--callsign= - choose your nickname.
--enable-real-weather-fetch - enables real weather.
--geometry=800x600 - resolution of FlightGear's window.
--enable-fullscreen - enables fullscreen mode.
--prop:/sim/frame-rate-throttle-hz=35 - maximum frames per second.

All above options are inactive (comment out) by default. To activate option,
remove "#" character before appropriate line.


* Airport's list shows *all* airports available in FlightGear, no mater if
respective scenery is actually present on your hard drive or not.
* If airport data source was set to "Scenery", then information about
airport's runways and park positions may not be available until
corresponding scenery is installed.
* If you type in airport's search box *only* capital letters, program will
search only ICAO codes starting from that letters. For example:
if you type capital letters "ED", the result will be a list of (almost) only
German airports.
* You can start a flight from an aircraft carrier. In a middle panel click on
current airport ICAO code (right under aircraft picture) and choose
one from available ships. ICAO code will then change to selected ship's name,
and will be highlighted blue to indicate that you're now in "carrier mode".
Corresponding scenario will be selected automatically.
To be able to choose airports again you need to click on carrier name,
and from popup list select "None".
* In "Select Scenario" list you can right click on any scenario to see its
description (if available).
* Window resolution is saved when "Save&Quit" button is clicked.
* If apt.dat.gz file has changed (for example, if you installed a new version
of FlightGear), then "Rebuild Airport Database" button placed in
Preferences window need to be use in order to apply any changes in
airport database into FGo!.


Thank you for using this software,
Robert 'erobo' Leda