Extra EA-500/IFD: Difference between revisions

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The keypad has a QWERTY layout with a few special function buttons along the outer edges and a row of number keys along the top of the keypad.
The display has two areas : a semi-permanent screen for com and nav frequencies on the left. On the right half there arethe relevant data displayed acording to the performed operation on the keypad (e.g. transponder code input, autopilot sttings, FMS data entry, etc).
All edits are "live edits" in that they are immediately applied.
==COM : Communication Frequencies==
==COM : Communication Frequencies==
Communication tunning on the keyboard. Selecting the {{key press|Com1}} or {{key press|Com2}} with the top left short-keys activates the standby frequency for input.
With the number keys {{key press|0-9}} you can enter the new freqency the leading 1__.__ must not typed in. With the {{key press|CLR}} Key the input is cleared, {{key press|CNCL}} cancels the input and {{key press|ENTER}} or the Swap Key on the left display side confirm the freqency. Also a time out will confirm the input.
After input time out the left screen will display the via audiopanel selected com radio transceiver and wait for input.
==NAV : Navigation Frequencies==
==NAV : Navigation Frequencies==
Navigation tunning on the keyboard. Selecting the {{key press|Nav1}} or {{key press|Nav2}} with the top left short-keys activates the standby frequency for input.
Input handling is the same like Communication Frequencies.
==XPDR : Transponder==
==XPDR : Transponder==
Transponder setting on the keyboard. Selecting the {{key press|XPDR}} Key will show the transpoder screen on the right. With the keyboard you can enter the new code.
Pressing {{key press|Mode}} will switch through the transponder modes [GND, ON, ALT ,OFF, SBY, TST]. The {{key press|VFR}} Key sets the transponder code to the default VFR code 7000.
{{key press|IDENT}} sets the transponder in ident mode.
==AUX : DME==
==AUX : DME==
The keypad can drive a external DME reciver, located left of the pilot yoke. By pressing {{key press|Aux}} shows a list of the two active nav freqencies. With the {{key press|knob FMS}} bottom right the freqency can be selected and will send to the DME reciver. If the active freqnecy is changed it will also send it again to the DME reciver. To supress the overriding you can select the "HOLD" freqency.
==FREQ LIST : Frequency List==
<span style="color:grey">The {{key press|FREQ LIST}} will show a list of the most logical frequencies for your geographic position and flight phase. with the {{key press|knob FMS}} you can select it into the stanby frequency of the active com radio tranciver</span>
==Special Keys==
* -D-> : DirectTo the selected waypoint in the active flightplan
* -V-> : FlyVectors an override of the active flightplan the plane will follow the HDG bug.
* NRST : <span style="color:grey">selects the FMS-Nearest Page and can toggle [Nearest Airports, Nearest Airports to destination, VORs, NDBs, Intersections, ARTCCs, FSS]</span>
* PROC : <span style="color:grey">a shortcut to the published arrival or approach procedure</span>
